Front-end Abstraction layer library. This file is an abstraction for the MPSL FEM API and provides API for controlling front-end modules. .
int | fem_init (NRF_TIMER_Type *timer_instance, uint8_t compare_channel_mask) |
| Initialize the front-end module.
int | fem_power_up (void) |
| Power-up the front-end module.
int | fem_power_down (void) |
| Power-down the front-end module.
int | fem_tx_power_control_set (fem_tx_power_control tx_power_control) |
| Configure Tx power control of the front-end module.
uint32_t | fem_default_ramp_up_time_get (bool rx, nrf_radio_mode_t mode) |
| Get the default radio ramp-up time for reception or transmission with a given data rate and modulation.
int | fem_tx_configure (uint32_t ramp_up_time) |
| Configure the front-end module to TX mode (PA).
int | fem_rx_configure (uint32_t ramp_up_time) |
| Configure the front-end module to RX mode (LNA).
int | fem_txrx_configuration_clear (void) |
| Clear up the configuration provided by the fem_tx_configure or fem_rx_configure.
void | fem_txrx_stop (void) |
| Stop the front-end module RX/TX mode immediately.
int | fem_antenna_select (enum fem_antenna ant) |
| Chooses one of two physical antenna outputs.
uint32_t | fem_radio_tx_ramp_up_delay_get (bool fast, nrf_radio_mode_t mode) |
| Get the radio ramp-up time in transmit mode.
uint32_t | fem_radio_rx_ramp_up_delay_get (bool fast, nrf_radio_mode_t mode) |
| Get the radio ramp-up time in receive mode.
int8_t | fem_tx_output_power_prepare (int8_t power, int8_t *radio_tx_power, uint16_t freq_mhz) |
| Set the front-end module Tx power control and returns output power to be set on the radio peripheral to get requested output power.
int8_t | fem_tx_output_power_check (int8_t power, uint16_t freq_mhz, bool tx_power_ceiling) |
| Check a real Tx output power, for the SoC with the front-end module for given parameters.
static int8_t | fem_tx_output_power_min_get (uint16_t freq_mhz) |
| Get the minimum Tx output power for the SoC with the front-end module.
static int8_t | fem_tx_output_power_max_get (uint16_t freq_mhz) |
| Get the maximum Tx output power for the SoC with the front-end module.
int8_t | fem_default_tx_output_power_get (void) |
| Get the front-end module default Tx output power.
void | fem_errata_25X (nrf_radio_mode_t mode) |
| Apply the workaround for the Errata 254, 255, 256, 257 when appropriate.
Front-end Abstraction layer library. This file is an abstraction for the MPSL FEM API and provides API for controlling front-end modules. .