LwM2M location assistance

The LwM2M location assistance library provides a proprietary mechanism to fetch location assistance data from nRF Cloud by proxying it through the LwM2M Server.


Location Assistance object is a proprietary LwM2M object used to deliver information required by various location services through LwM2M. This feature is currently under development and considered experimental. As of now, only AVSystem’s Coiote LwM2M Server can be used for utilizing the location assistance data from nRF Cloud. To know more about the AVSystem integration with nRF Connect SDK, see AVSystem integration.

The library adds support for four objects related to location assistance:

  • GNSS Assistance object (ID 33625) for requesting and handling A-GNSS and P-GPS assistance data.

  • Ground Fix Location object (ID 33626) for requesting and storing estimated cell and Wi-Fi based location.

  • Visible Wi-Fi Access Point object (ID 33627) for storing nearby Wi-Fi Access Point information.

  • ECID-Signal Measurement Information object (ID 10256) for storing the cell neighborhood information.

The Ground Fix Location object works in co-operation with the Visible Wi-Fi Access Point object and the ECID-Signal Measurement Information object. When using ground fix, the library always sends as much information about the location to be estimated as it can.


The old Location Assistance object (ID 50001) has been removed.

Supported features

There are four different supported methods of obtaining the location assistance:

  • Location based on cell information - The device sends information about the current cell and possibly about the neighboring cells to the LwM2M Server. The LwM2M Server then sends the location request to nRF Cloud, which responds with the location data.

  • Location based on Wi-Fi access points - The device sends information about the nearby Wi-Fi access points to the LwM2M Server. The LwM2M Server then sends the location request to nRF Cloud, which responds with the location data.

  • Query of A-GNSS assistance data - The A-GNSS assistance data is queried from nRF Cloud and provided back to the device through the LwM2M Server. The A-GNSS assistance data is then provided to the GNSS module for obtaining the position fix faster.

  • Query of P-GPS predictions - The P-GPS predictions are queried from nRF Cloud and provided back to the device through the LwM2M Server. The predictions are stored in the device flash and injected to the GNSS module when needed.

API usage

This section describes API usage in different scenarios.

Cell-based location

Cell-based location uses only current cell or current and neighboring cells. To get information about the current cell, use the Connectivity Monitor object (ID 4). When you enable the Kconfig option CONFIG_LWM2M_CLIENT_UTILS_CONN_MON_OBJ_SUPPORT, the connectivity monitor is populated with data about the current cell.

To get information about the neighboring cells, use a collection of ECID-Signal Measurement Information objects (ID 10256). To populate the objects, call the lwm2m_ncell_handler_register() function to register the listener for the neighborhood measurements and lwm2m_ncell_schedule_measurement() to schedule a measurement.

The Ground Fix Location object needs to address the report_back resource before sending a location request. Back reporting tells the server whether it needs to send the acquired location back to the device. If the location is sent back to the device, the location is stored in the Ground Fix Location object and copied in the LwM2M Location object.

To send the location request for the cell-based location, call the location_assistance_ground_fix_request_send() function.

Wi-Fi based location

Wi-Fi based location uses the nearby Wi-Fi access points for estimating location. The library uses a collection of Visible Wi-Fi Access Point objects (ID 33627) for storing the information about nearby Wi-Fi access points. To populate the objects, first enable the Kconfig option for the access point scanner CONFIG_LWM2M_CLIENT_UTILS_WIFI_AP_SCANNER and call the lwm2m_wifi_request_scan() function to request the access point scan.

The Ground Fix Location object is used in the same manner as it is used in the cell-based location when sending the location request.


Cell-based location and Wi-Fi based location can be combined. When combined, the ground fix assistance request contains data from both, the nearby cells and nearby Wi-Fi access points.

A-GNSS assistance

When using A-GNSS assistance, the device requests A-GNSS assistance data from the server. You can query the GNSS module for the data needed. A device can request for all data at once or split the request to reduce the memory usage. The request also contains information about the current cell the device is connected to and the information is similarly available on Connectivity Monitor object as in the cell-based location.

When requesting for A-GNSS assistance data, the device must first set the mask for the data it is requesting by calling the location_assistance_agnss_set_mask() function. When the mask has been set, the location_assistance_agnss_request_send() function sends the request with all necessary data to the server and responds with the A-GNSS assistance data. The assistance data is written to the GNSS module automatically by the library.

Filtered A-GNSS

With filtered A-GNSS, the satellites below the given angle above the ground are filtered out. You can set the angle to a degree [0 - 90] using the location_assist_agnss_set_elevation_mask() function. Setting the degree to -1 disables filtering, which is the default setting.

P-GPS assistance

When using P-GPS assistance, the device requests predictions for the satellites for a near future. P-GPS does not use information about current cell at all. It stores the information about satellites and injects the data to the GNSS module when needed. When using P-GPS, external flash is necessary as each prediction needs 2 kB of memory.

When requesting for P-GPS assistance data, the device can set the P-GPS resources. If default values are used in the resources, predictions are requested for one week (42 predictions, 7 days, 4 hours between predictions). When the resources have been set, the location_assistance_pgps_request_send() function sends the request to the server.

Result codes and automatic resend

The location assistance objects have a resource called result_code. This resource contains information about the request handling in the server side. It can have three different values:

  • 0 - The request was handled successfully.

  • -1 - A permanent error in the server needs fixing. The library will reject further requests and the device must be rebooted after the issue has been resolved in the server.

  • 1 - Due to a temporary error in the server, the device needs to retry sending the request after a while.

  • 2 - When no response has been received from the server in LOCATION_ASSISTANT_RESULT_TIMEOUT seconds.

The library has a resend handler for the temporary error code. You can initialize it with the location_assistance_retry_init() function. It uses an exponential backoff for scheduling the resends.

The library has a callback handler for the result code. You can set your own callback with the location_assistance_set_result_code_cb() function. It is called whenever the request has been handled.

Using A-GNSS and P-GPS simultaneously

A-GNSS and P-GPS can be used simultaneously. However, only one active request at a time for the object is allowed. The functions location_assistance_agnss_set_mask(), location_assistance_agnss_request_send() and location_assistance_pgps_request_send() return -EAGAIN if there is an active request. In such case, the device must resend the request after the previous request has been handled.


To enable location assistance, configure either or both of the following Kconfig options:

Following are the other important library options:

API documentation

Header file: include/net/lwm2m_client_utils_location.h
Source file: subsys/net/lib/lwm2m_client_utils/location/location_assistance.c
LwM2M client utilities location