Release notes

Each release of the nRF Connect SDK comes with its own release notes.

Known issues for each release are listed on the known issues page on the main branch. This page is included only in the latest documentation, because it might contain issues that are discovered after a release is tagged.


A “99” at the end of the version number of this documentation indicates continuous updates on the main branch since the previous major.minor release. When looking at this latest documentation, be aware of the following aspects:

  • Changes between releases are tracked on the Changelog for nRF Connect SDK v2.7.99 page, but the main branch might contain additional changes that are not listed on that page.

  • The release note pages that are available in the latest documentation might differ slightly from the release notes that were included in the respective nRF Connect SDK release at its release date. Therefore, to see the official version of the release notes for a specific nRF Connect SDK release, switch to the documentation for the corresponding nRF Connect SDK version using the selector in the upper left corner.
