DNS Resolve


The DNS resolver implements a basic DNS resolver according to IETF RFC1035 on Domain Implementation and Specification. Supported DNS answers are IPv4/IPv6 addresses and CNAME.

If a CNAME is received, the DNS resolver will create another DNS query. The number of additional queries is controlled by the CONFIG_DNS_RESOLVER_ADDITIONAL_QUERIES Kconfig variable.

The multicast DNS (mDNS) client resolver support can be enabled by setting CONFIG_MDNS_RESOLVER Kconfig option. See IETF RFC6762 for more details about mDNS.

The link-local multicast name resolution (LLMNR) client resolver support can be enabled by setting the CONFIG_LLMNR_RESOLVER Kconfig variable. See IETF RFC4795 for more details about LLMNR.

For more information about DNS configuration variables, see: subsys/net/lib/dns/Kconfig. The DNS resolver API can be found at include/zephyr/net/dns_resolve.h.

Sample usage

See DNS resolve sample application for details.

API Reference

DNS Resolve Library