Network Statistics


Network statistics are collected if CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS is set. Individual component statistics for IPv4 or IPv6 can be turned off if those statistics are not needed. See various options in subsys/net/ip/Kconfig.stats file for details.

By default, the system collects network statistics per network interface. This can be controlled by CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS_PER_INTERFACE option.

The CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS_USER_API option can be set if the application wants to collect statistics for further processing. The network management interface API is used for that. See Network Management for details.

The CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS_ETHERNET option can be set to collect generic Ethernet statistics. If the CONFIG_NET_STATISTICS_ETHERNET_VENDOR option is set, then Ethernet device driver can collect Ethernet device specific statistics. These statistics can then be transferred to application for processing.

If the CONFIG_NET_SHELL option is set, then network shell can show statistics information with net stats command.

API Reference

Network Statistics Library