Zephyr API 3.6.99
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lwm2m.h File Reference

LwM2M high-level API. More...

#include <time.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/mutex.h>
#include <zephyr/net/coap.h>
#include <zephyr/net/lwm2m_path.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  lwm2m_obj_path
 LwM2M object path structure. More...
struct  lwm2m_ctx
 LwM2M context structure to maintain information for a single LwM2M connection. More...
struct  lwm2m_time_series_elem
 LwM2M Time series data structure. More...
struct  lwm2m_objlnk
 LWM2M Objlnk resource type structure. More...
struct  lwm2m_res_item
 LwM2M resource item structure. More...


 Maximum value for Objlnk resource fields.
 Resource read-only value bit.
 Resource read-only flag.
#define LWM2M_HAS_RES_FLAG(res, f)   ((res->data_flags & f) == f)
 Read resource flags helper macro.
 Run bootstrap procedure in current session.
#define LWM2M_MAX_PATH_STR_SIZE   sizeof("/65535/65535/65535/65535")
 LwM2M path maximum length.
LwM2M Objects managed by OMA for LwM2M tech specification.

Objects in this range have IDs from 0 to 1023.

 Security object.
 Server object.
 Access Control object.
 Device object.
 Connectivity Monitoring object.
 Firmware object.
 Location object.
 Connectivity Statistics object.
 Software Management object.
 Portfolio object.
 Binary App Data Container object.
 Event Log object.
 OSCORE object.
 Gateway object.
LwM2M Objects produced by 3rd party Standards Development


Refer to the OMA LightweightM2M (LwM2M) Object and Resource Registry: http://www.openmobilealliance.org/wp/OMNA/LwM2M/LwM2MRegistry.html

 IPSO Generic Sensor object.
 IPSO Temperature Sensor object.
 IPSO Humidity Sensor object.
 IPSO Light Control object.
 IPSO Accelerometer object.
 IPSO Voltage Sensor object.
 IPSO Current Sensor object.
 IPSO Pressure Sensor object.
#define IPSO_OBJECT_BUZZER_ID   3338
 IPSO Buzzer object.
#define IPSO_OBJECT_TIMER_ID   3340
 IPSO Timer object.
 IPSO On/Off Switch object.
 IPSO Push Button object.
 uCIFI Battery object
 IPSO Filling Level Sensor object.
Power source types used for the "Available Power Sources" resource of

the LwM2M Device object (3/0/6).

 DC power.
 Internal battery.
 External battery.
 Fuel cell.
 Power over Ethernet.
 AC (mains) power.
 Max value for Available Power Source type.
Error codes used for the "Error Code" resource of the LwM2M Device


An LwM2M client can register one of the following error codes via the lwm2m_device_add_err() function.

 No error.
 Low battery power.
 External power supply off.
 GPS module failure.
 Low received signal strength.
 Out of memory.
 SMS failure.
 IP Connectivity failure.
 Peripheral malfunction.
Battery status codes used for the "Battery Status" resource (3/0/20)

of the LwM2M Device object.

As the battery status changes, an LwM2M client can set one of the following codes via: lwm2m_set_u8("3/0/20", [battery status])

 The battery is operating normally and not on power.
 The battery is currently charging.
 The battery is fully charged and the charger is still connected.
 The battery has some problem.
 The battery is low on charge.
 The battery is not installed.
 The battery information is not available.
LWM2M Firmware Update object states

An LwM2M client or the LwM2M Firmware Update object use the following codes to represent the LwM2M Firmware Update state (5/0/3).

#define STATE_IDLE   0
#define STATE_UPDATING   3
LWM2M Firmware Update object result codes

After processing a firmware update, the client sets the result via one of the following codes via lwm2m_set_u8("5/0/5", [result code])

#define RESULT_DEFAULT   0
 Initial value.
#define RESULT_SUCCESS   1
 Firmware updated successfully.
 Not enough flash memory for the new firmware package.
#define RESULT_OUT_OF_MEM   3
 Out of RAM during downloading process.
 Connection lost during downloading process.
 Integrity check failure for new downloaded package.
#define RESULT_UNSUP_FW   6
 Unsupported package type.
 Invalid URI.
 Firmware update failed.
 Unsupported protocol.


typedef void(* lwm2m_socket_fault_cb_t) (int error)
 Callback function called when a socket error is encountered.
typedef void(* lwm2m_observe_cb_t) (enum lwm2m_observe_event event, struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *user_data)
 Observe callback indicating observer adds and deletes, and notification ACKs and timeouts.
typedef void(* lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t) (struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx, enum lwm2m_rd_client_event event)
 Asynchronous RD client event callback.
typedef void *(* lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t) (uint16_t obj_inst_id, uint16_t res_id, uint16_t res_inst_id, size_t *data_len)
 Asynchronous callback to get a resource buffer and length.
typedef int(* lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t) (uint16_t obj_inst_id, uint16_t res_id, uint16_t res_inst_id, uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_len, bool last_block, size_t total_size, size_t offset)
 Asynchronous callback when data has been set to a resource buffer.
typedef int(* lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t) (uint16_t obj_inst_id)
 Asynchronous event notification callback.
typedef int(* lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t) (uint16_t obj_inst_id, uint8_t *args, uint16_t args_len)
 Asynchronous execute notification callback.
typedef void(* lwm2m_send_cb_t) (enum lwm2m_send_status status)
 Callback returning send status.


 Observe callback events. More...
enum  lwm2m_rd_client_event {
 LwM2M RD client events. More...
 Different traffic states of the LwM2M socket. More...
 LwM2M send status. More...
enum  lwm2m_security_mode_e {
 Security modes as defined in LwM2M Security object. More...


int lwm2m_device_add_err (uint8_t error_code)
 Register a new error code with LwM2M Device object.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_write_cb (lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback for firmware block transfer.
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_write_cb (void)
 Get the data callback for firmware block transfer writes.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_write_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback for firmware block transfer.
lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_write_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id)
 Get the data callback for firmware block transfer writes.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_cancel_cb (lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb)
 Set callback for firmware update cancel.
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_cancel_cb (void)
 Get a callback for firmware update cancel.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_cancel_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback for firmware update cancel.
lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_cancel_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id)
 Get the callback for firmware update cancel.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_update_cb (lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback to handle firmware update execute events.
lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_update_cb (void)
 Get the event callback for firmware update execute events.
void lwm2m_firmware_set_update_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback to handle firmware update execute events.
lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t lwm2m_firmware_get_update_cb_inst (uint16_t obj_inst_id)
 Get the event callback for firmware update execute events.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_activate_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to handle software activation requests.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_deactivate_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to handle software deactivation requests.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_install_package_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to handle software install requests.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_delete_package_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to handle software uninstall requests.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_read_package_version_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to read software package.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_set_write_package_cb (uint16_t obj_inst_id, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb)
 Set data callback for software management block transfer.
int lwm2m_swmgmt_install_completed (uint16_t obj_inst_id, int error_code)
 Function to be called when a Software Management object instance completed the Install operation.
void lwm2m_event_log_set_read_log_data_cb (lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb)
 Set callback to read log data.
int lwm2m_update_observer_min_period (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t period_s)
 Change an observer's pmin value.
int lwm2m_update_observer_max_period (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t period_s)
 Change an observer's pmax value.
int lwm2m_create_object_inst (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Create an LwM2M object instance.
int lwm2m_delete_object_inst (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Delete an LwM2M object instance.
void lwm2m_registry_lock (void)
 Locks the registry for this thread.
void lwm2m_registry_unlock (void)
 Unlocks the registry previously locked by lwm2m_registry_lock().
int lwm2m_set_opaque (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const char *data_ptr, uint16_t data_len)
 Set resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
int lwm2m_set_string (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const char *data_ptr)
 Set resource (instance) value (string)
int lwm2m_set_u8 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint8_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (u8)
int lwm2m_set_u16 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (u16)
int lwm2m_set_u32 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (u32)
int lwm2m_set_s8 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int8_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (s8)
int lwm2m_set_s16 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int16_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (s16)
int lwm2m_set_s32 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int32_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (s32)
int lwm2m_set_s64 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int64_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (s64)
int lwm2m_set_bool (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, bool value)
 Set resource (instance) value (bool)
int lwm2m_set_f64 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const double value)
 Set resource (instance) value (double)
int lwm2m_set_objlnk (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, const struct lwm2m_objlnk *value)
 Set resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
int lwm2m_set_time (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, time_t value)
 Set resource (instance) value (Time)
int lwm2m_set_bulk (const struct lwm2m_res_item res_list[], size_t res_list_size)
 Set multiple resource (instance) values.
int lwm2m_get_opaque (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *buf, uint16_t buflen)
 Get resource (instance) value (opaque buffer)
int lwm2m_get_string (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *str, uint16_t buflen)
 Get resource (instance) value (string)
int lwm2m_get_u8 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint8_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (u8)
int lwm2m_get_u16 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (u16)
int lwm2m_get_u32 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint32_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (u32)
int lwm2m_get_s8 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int8_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (s8)
int lwm2m_get_s16 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int16_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (s16)
int lwm2m_get_s32 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int32_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (s32)
int lwm2m_get_s64 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, int64_t *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (s64)
int lwm2m_get_bool (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, bool *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (bool)
int lwm2m_get_f64 (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, double *value)
 Get resource (instance) value (double)
int lwm2m_get_objlnk (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, struct lwm2m_objlnk *buf)
 Get resource (instance) value (Objlnk)
int lwm2m_get_time (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, time_t *buf)
 Get resource (instance) value (Time)
int lwm2m_register_read_callback (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb)
 Set resource (instance) read callback.
int lwm2m_register_pre_write_callback (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_get_data_cb_t cb)
 Set resource (instance) pre-write callback.
int lwm2m_register_validate_callback (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb)
 Set resource (instance) validation callback.
int lwm2m_register_post_write_callback (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_set_data_cb_t cb)
 Set resource (instance) post-write callback.
int lwm2m_register_exec_callback (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, lwm2m_engine_execute_cb_t cb)
 Set resource execute event callback.
int lwm2m_register_create_callback (uint16_t obj_id, lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb)
 Set object instance create event callback.
int lwm2m_register_delete_callback (uint16_t obj_id, lwm2m_engine_user_cb_t cb)
 Set object instance delete event callback.
int lwm2m_set_res_buf (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void *buffer_ptr, uint16_t buffer_len, uint16_t data_len, uint8_t data_flags)
 Set data buffer for a resource.
int lwm2m_set_res_data_len (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, uint16_t data_len)
 Update data size for a resource.
int lwm2m_get_res_buf (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, void **buffer_ptr, uint16_t *buffer_len, uint16_t *data_len, uint8_t *data_flags)
 Get data buffer for a resource.
int lwm2m_create_res_inst (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Create a resource instance.
int lwm2m_delete_res_inst (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Delete a resource instance.
int lwm2m_update_device_service_period (uint32_t period_ms)
 Update the period of the device service.
bool lwm2m_path_is_observed (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Check whether a path is observed.
int lwm2m_engine_stop (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx)
 Stop the LwM2M engine.
int lwm2m_engine_start (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx)
 Start the LwM2M engine.
void lwm2m_acknowledge (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx)
 Acknowledge the currently processed request with an empty ACK.
int lwm2m_rd_client_start (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, const char *ep_name, uint32_t flags, lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t event_cb, lwm2m_observe_cb_t observe_cb)
 Start the LwM2M RD (Registration / Discovery) Client.
int lwm2m_rd_client_stop (struct lwm2m_ctx *client_ctx, lwm2m_ctx_event_cb_t event_cb, bool deregister)
 Stop the LwM2M RD (De-register) Client.
int lwm2m_engine_pause (void)
 Suspend the LwM2M engine Thread.
int lwm2m_engine_resume (void)
 Resume the LwM2M engine thread.
void lwm2m_rd_client_update (void)
 Trigger a Registration Update of the LwM2M RD Client.
char * lwm2m_path_log_buf (char *buf, struct lwm2m_obj_path *path)
 Helper function to print path objects' contents to log.
int lwm2m_send_cb (struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx, const struct lwm2m_obj_path path_list[], uint8_t path_list_size, lwm2m_send_cb_t reply_cb)
struct lwm2m_ctxlwm2m_rd_client_ctx (void)
int lwm2m_enable_cache (const struct lwm2m_obj_path *path, struct lwm2m_time_series_elem *data_cache, size_t cache_len)
int lwm2m_security_mode (struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx)
 Read security mode from selected security object instance.
int lwm2m_set_default_sockopt (struct lwm2m_ctx *ctx)
 Set default socket options for DTLS connections.

Detailed Description

LwM2M high-level API.

LwM2M path helper macros.

LwM2M high-level interface is defined in this header.

The implementation assumes UDP module is enabled.
For more information refer to Technical Specification OMA-TS-LightweightM2M_Core-V1_1_1-20190617-A