Zephyr API 3.6.99
No Matches
net_ip.h File Reference

IPv6 and IPv4 definitions. More...

#include <string.h>
#include <zephyr/types.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/util.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/byteorder.h>
#include <zephyr/toolchain.h>
#include <zephyr/net/net_linkaddr.h>
#include <zephyr/syscalls/net_ip.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  in6_addr
 IPv6 address struct. More...
struct  in_addr
 IPv4 address struct. More...
struct  sockaddr_in6
 Socket address struct for IPv6. More...
struct  sockaddr_in
 Socket address struct for IPv4. More...
struct  sockaddr_ll
 Socket address struct for packet socket. More...
struct  iovec
 IO vector array element. More...
struct  msghdr
 Message struct. More...
struct  cmsghdr
 Control message ancillary data. More...
struct  sockaddr
 Generic sockaddr struct. More...
struct  net_tuple
 IPv6/IPv4 network connection tuple. More...


#define PF_UNSPEC   0
 Unspecified protocol family.
#define PF_INET   1
 IP protocol family version 4.
#define PF_INET6   2
 IP protocol family version 6.
#define PF_PACKET   3
 Packet family.
#define PF_CAN   4
 Controller Area Network.
#define PF_NET_MGMT   5
 Network management info.
#define PF_LOCAL   6
 Inter-process communication

#define PF_UNIX   PF_LOCAL
 Inter-process communication

 Unspecified address family.
#define AF_INET   PF_INET
 IP protocol family version 4.
#define AF_INET6   PF_INET6
 IP protocol family version 6.
 Packet family.
#define AF_CAN   PF_CAN
 Controller Area Network.
 Network management info.
 Inter-process communication

#define AF_UNIX   PF_UNIX
 Inter-process communication

#define ntohs(x)   sys_be16_to_cpu(x)
 Convert 16-bit value from network to host byte order.
#define ntohl(x)   sys_be32_to_cpu(x)
 Convert 32-bit value from network to host byte order.
#define ntohll(x)   sys_be64_to_cpu(x)
 Convert 64-bit value from network to host byte order.
#define htons(x)   sys_cpu_to_be16(x)
 Convert 16-bit value from host to network byte order.
#define htonl(x)   sys_cpu_to_be32(x)
 Convert 32-bit value from host to network byte order.
#define htonll(x)   sys_cpu_to_be64(x)
 Convert 64-bit value from host to network byte order.
#define NET_IPV6_ADDR_SIZE   16
 Binary size of the IPv6 address.
#define NET_IPV4_ADDR_SIZE   4
 Binary size of the IPv4 address.
#define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msghdr)
 Returns a pointer to the first cmsghdr in the ancillary data buffer associated with the passed msghdr.
#define CMSG_NXTHDR(msghdr, cmsg)
 Returns the next valid cmsghdr after the passed cmsghdr.
#define CMSG_DATA(cmsg)   ((uint8_t *)(cmsg) + ALIGN_D(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)))
 Returns a pointer to the data portion of a cmsghdr.
#define CMSG_SPACE(length)   (ALIGN_D(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) + ALIGN_H(length))
 Returns the number of bytes an ancillary element with payload of the passed data length occupies.
#define CMSG_LEN(length)   (ALIGN_D(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)) + length)
 Returns the value to store in the cmsg_len member of the cmsghdr structure, taking into account any necessary alignment.
 IPv6 address initializer.
 IPv6 loopback address initializer.
#define INADDR_ANY   0
 IPv4 any address.
#define INADDR_ANY_INIT   { { { INADDR_ANY } } }
 IPv4 address initializer.
#define INADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT   { { { 127, 0, 0, 1 } } }
 IPv6 loopback address initializer.
#define INET_ADDRSTRLEN   16
 Max length of the IPv4 address as a string.
#define INET6_ADDRSTRLEN   46
 Max length of the IPv6 address as a string.
 How many priority values there are.
#define net_ipaddr_copy(dest, src)    UNALIGNED_PUT(UNALIGNED_GET(src), dest)
 Copy an IPv4 or IPv6 address.


typedef unsigned short int sa_family_t
 Socket address family type.
typedef size_t socklen_t
 Length of a socket address.


enum  net_ip_protocol {
 Protocol numbers from IANA/BSD. More...
enum  net_ip_protocol_secure {
  IPPROTO_TLS_1_0 = 256 , IPPROTO_TLS_1_1 = 257 , IPPROTO_TLS_1_2 = 258 , IPPROTO_TLS_1_3 = 259 ,
  IPPROTO_DTLS_1_0 = 272 , IPPROTO_DTLS_1_2 = 273
 Protocol numbers for TLS protocols. More...
enum  net_sock_type { SOCK_STREAM = 1 , SOCK_DGRAM , SOCK_RAW }
 Socket type. More...
enum  net_ip_mtu { NET_IPV6_MTU = 1280 , NET_IPV4_MTU = 576 }
 IP Maximum Transfer Unit. More...
enum  net_priority {
 Network packet priority settings described in IEEE 802.1Q Annex I.1. More...
 What is the current state of the network address. More...
enum  net_addr_type {
 How the network address is assigned to network interface. More...


static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_loopback (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a loopback address (::1).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a multicast address.
struct net_if_addrnet_if_ipv6_addr_lookup (const struct in6_addr *addr, struct net_if **iface)
static bool net_ipv6_is_my_addr (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if IPv6 address is found in one of the network interfaces.
struct net_if_mcast_addrnet_if_ipv6_maddr_lookup (const struct in6_addr *addr, struct net_if **iface)
static bool net_ipv6_is_my_maddr (struct in6_addr *maddr)
 Check if IPv6 multicast address is found in one of the network interfaces.
static bool net_ipv6_is_prefix (const uint8_t *addr1, const uint8_t *addr2, uint8_t length)
 Check if two IPv6 addresses are same when compared after prefix mask.
static void net_ipv6_addr_prefix_mask (const uint8_t *inaddr, uint8_t *outaddr, uint8_t prefix_len)
 Get the IPv6 network address via the unicast address and the prefix mask.
static bool net_ipv4_is_addr_loopback (struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv4 address is a loopback address (
static bool net_ipv4_is_addr_unspecified (const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv4 address is unspecified (all bits zero)
static bool net_ipv4_is_addr_mcast (const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv4 address is a multicast address.
static bool net_ipv4_is_ll_addr (const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv4 address is a link local address.
static bool net_ipv4_is_private_addr (const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv4 address is from a private address range.
static void net_ipv4_addr_copy_raw (uint8_t *dest, const uint8_t *src)
 Copy an IPv4 address raw buffer.
static void net_ipv6_addr_copy_raw (uint8_t *dest, const uint8_t *src)
 Copy an IPv6 address raw buffer.
static bool net_ipv4_addr_cmp (const struct in_addr *addr1, const struct in_addr *addr2)
 Compare two IPv4 addresses.
static bool net_ipv4_addr_cmp_raw (const uint8_t *addr1, const uint8_t *addr2)
 Compare two raw IPv4 address buffers.
static bool net_ipv6_addr_cmp (const struct in6_addr *addr1, const struct in6_addr *addr2)
 Compare two IPv6 addresses.
static bool net_ipv6_addr_cmp_raw (const uint8_t *addr1, const uint8_t *addr2)
 Compare two raw IPv6 address buffers.
static bool net_ipv6_is_ll_addr (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv6 address is a link local address.
static bool net_ipv6_is_sl_addr (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv6 address is a site local address.
static bool net_ipv6_is_ula_addr (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv6 address is a unique local address.
static bool net_ipv6_is_global_addr (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv6 address is a global address.
static bool net_ipv6_is_private_addr (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv6 address is from a private/local address range.
const struct in6_addrnet_ipv6_unspecified_address (void)
 Return pointer to any (all bits zeros) IPv6 address.
const struct in_addrnet_ipv4_unspecified_address (void)
 Return pointer to any (all bits zeros) IPv4 address.
const struct in_addrnet_ipv4_broadcast_address (void)
 Return pointer to broadcast (all bits ones) IPv4 address.
bool net_if_ipv4_addr_mask_cmp (struct net_if *iface, const struct in_addr *addr)
static bool net_ipv4_addr_mask_cmp (struct net_if *iface, const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the given address belongs to same subnet that has been configured for the interface.
bool net_if_ipv4_is_addr_bcast (struct net_if *iface, const struct in_addr *addr)
static bool net_ipv4_is_addr_bcast (struct net_if *iface, const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the given IPv4 address is a broadcast address.
struct net_if_addrnet_if_ipv4_addr_lookup (const struct in_addr *addr, struct net_if **iface)
static bool net_ipv4_is_my_addr (const struct in_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv4 address is assigned to any network interface in the system.
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_unspecified (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is unspecified (all bits zero)
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_solicited_node (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is solicited node multicast address FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FFXX:XXXX defined in RFC 3513.
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_scope (const struct in6_addr *addr, int scope)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a given scope multicast address (FFyx::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_same_mcast_scope (const struct in6_addr *addr_1, const struct in6_addr *addr_2)
 Check if the IPv6 addresses have the same multicast scope (FFyx::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_global (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a global multicast address (FFxE::/16).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_iface (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a interface scope multicast address (FFx1::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_link (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a link local scope multicast address (FFx2::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_mesh (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a mesh-local scope multicast address (FFx3::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_site (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a site scope multicast address (FFx5::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_org (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is an organization scope multicast address (FFx8::).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_group (const struct in6_addr *addr, const struct in6_addr *group)
 Check if the IPv6 address belongs to certain multicast group.
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_all_nodes_group (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address belongs to the all nodes multicast group.
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_iface_all_nodes (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a interface scope all nodes multicast address (FF01::1).
static bool net_ipv6_is_addr_mcast_link_all_nodes (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Check if the IPv6 address is a link local scope all nodes multicast address (FF02::1).
static void net_ipv6_addr_create_solicited_node (const struct in6_addr *src, struct in6_addr *dst)
 Create solicited node IPv6 multicast address FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FFXX:XXXX defined in RFC 3513.
static void net_ipv6_addr_create (struct in6_addr *addr, uint16_t addr0, uint16_t addr1, uint16_t addr2, uint16_t addr3, uint16_t addr4, uint16_t addr5, uint16_t addr6, uint16_t addr7)
 Construct an IPv6 address from eight 16-bit words.
static void net_ipv6_addr_create_ll_allnodes_mcast (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Create link local allnodes multicast IPv6 address.
static void net_ipv6_addr_create_ll_allrouters_mcast (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Create link local allrouters multicast IPv6 address.
static void net_ipv6_addr_create_v4_mapped (const struct in_addr *addr4, struct in6_addr *addr6)
 Create IPv4 mapped IPv6 address.
static bool net_ipv6_addr_is_v4_mapped (const struct in6_addr *addr)
 Is the IPv6 address an IPv4 mapped one.
static void net_ipv6_addr_create_iid (struct in6_addr *addr, struct net_linkaddr *lladdr)
 Create IPv6 address interface identifier.
static bool net_ipv6_addr_based_on_ll (const struct in6_addr *addr, const struct net_linkaddr *lladdr)
 Check if given address is based on link layer address.
static struct sockaddr_in6net_sin6 (const struct sockaddr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_in6 from sockaddr.
static struct sockaddr_innet_sin (const struct sockaddr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_in from sockaddr.
static struct sockaddr_in6_ptr * net_sin6_ptr (const struct sockaddr_ptr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_in6_ptr from sockaddr_ptr.
static struct sockaddr_in_ptr * net_sin_ptr (const struct sockaddr_ptr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_in_ptr from sockaddr_ptr.
static struct sockaddr_ll_ptr * net_sll_ptr (const struct sockaddr_ptr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_ll_ptr from sockaddr_ptr.
static struct sockaddr_can_ptr * net_can_ptr (const struct sockaddr_ptr *addr)
 Get sockaddr_can_ptr from sockaddr_ptr.
int net_addr_pton (sa_family_t family, const char *src, void *dst)
 Convert a string to IP address.
char * net_addr_ntop (sa_family_t family, const void *src, char *dst, size_t size)
 Convert IP address to string form.
bool net_ipaddr_parse (const char *str, size_t str_len, struct sockaddr *addr)
 Parse a string that contains either IPv4 or IPv6 address and optional port, and store the information in user supplied sockaddr struct.
int net_port_set_default (struct sockaddr *addr, uint16_t default_port)
 Set the default port in the sockaddr structure.
static int32_t net_tcp_seq_cmp (uint32_t seq1, uint32_t seq2)
 Compare TCP sequence numbers.
static bool net_tcp_seq_greater (uint32_t seq1, uint32_t seq2)
 Check that one TCP sequence number is greater.
int net_bytes_from_str (uint8_t *buf, int buf_len, const char *src)
 Convert a string of hex values to array of bytes.
int net_tx_priority2tc (enum net_priority prio)
 Convert Tx network packet priority to traffic class so we can place the packet into correct Tx queue.
int net_rx_priority2tc (enum net_priority prio)
 Convert Rx network packet priority to traffic class so we can place the packet into correct Rx queue.
static enum net_priority net_vlan2priority (uint8_t priority)
 Convert network packet VLAN priority to network packet priority so we can place the packet into correct queue.
static uint8_t net_priority2vlan (enum net_priority priority)
 Convert network packet priority to network packet VLAN priority.
const char * net_family2str (sa_family_t family)
 Return network address family value as a string.
static int net_ipv6_pe_add_filter (struct in6_addr *addr, bool is_denylist)
 Add IPv6 prefix as a privacy extension filter.
static int net_ipv6_pe_del_filter (struct in6_addr *addr)
 Delete IPv6 prefix from privacy extension filter list.

Detailed Description

IPv6 and IPv4 definitions.

Generic IPv6 and IPv4 address definitions.