Zephyr API 3.6.99
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Immediate Alert Service callback structure. More...

#include <ias.h>

Data Fields

void(* no_alert )(void)
 Callback function to stop alert.
void(* mild_alert )(void)
 Callback function for alert level value.
void(* high_alert )(void)
 Callback function for alert level value.

Detailed Description

Immediate Alert Service callback structure.

Field Documentation

◆ high_alert

void(* bt_ias_cb::high_alert) (void)

Callback function for alert level value.

This callback is called when peer commands to alert in the strongest possible way.

◆ mild_alert

void(* bt_ias_cb::mild_alert) (void)

Callback function for alert level value.

This callback is called when peer commands to alert.

◆ no_alert

void(* bt_ias_cb::no_alert) (void)

Callback function to stop alert.

This callback is called when peer commands to disable alert.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: