Zephyr API 3.6.99
No Matches

Firmware Distribution Server instance. More...

#include <dfd_srv.h>

Data Fields

const struct bt_mesh_dfd_srv_cbcb
const struct bt_mesh_modelmod
struct bt_mesh_dfu_cli dfu
struct bt_mesh_dfu_target targets [0]
struct bt_mesh_blob_target_pull pull_ctxs [0]
const struct bt_mesh_blob_ioio
uint16_t target_cnt
uint16_t slot_idx
bool apply
enum bt_mesh_dfd_phase phase
struct bt_mesh_blob_cli_inputs inputs
struct {
   enum bt_mesh_dfd_upload_phase   phase
   struct bt_mesh_dfu_slot *   slot
   const struct flash_area *   area
   struct bt_mesh_blob_srv   blob

Detailed Description

Firmware Distribution Server instance.

Field Documentation

◆ apply

bool bt_mesh_dfd_srv::apply

◆ area

const struct flash_area* bt_mesh_dfd_srv::area

◆ blob

struct bt_mesh_blob_srv bt_mesh_dfd_srv::blob

◆ cb

const struct bt_mesh_dfd_srv_cb* bt_mesh_dfd_srv::cb

◆ dfu

struct bt_mesh_dfu_cli bt_mesh_dfd_srv::dfu

◆ inputs

struct bt_mesh_blob_cli_inputs bt_mesh_dfd_srv::inputs

◆ io

const struct bt_mesh_blob_io* bt_mesh_dfd_srv::io

◆ mod

const struct bt_mesh_model* bt_mesh_dfd_srv::mod

◆ phase [1/2]

enum bt_mesh_dfd_phase bt_mesh_dfd_srv::phase

◆ phase [2/2]

enum bt_mesh_dfd_upload_phase bt_mesh_dfd_srv::phase

◆ pull_ctxs

struct bt_mesh_blob_target_pull bt_mesh_dfd_srv::pull_ctxs[0]

◆ slot

struct bt_mesh_dfu_slot* bt_mesh_dfd_srv::slot

◆ slot_idx

uint16_t bt_mesh_dfd_srv::slot_idx

◆ target_cnt

uint16_t bt_mesh_dfd_srv::target_cnt

◆ targets

struct bt_mesh_dfu_target bt_mesh_dfd_srv::targets[0]


struct { ... } bt_mesh_dfd_srv::upload

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: