Zephyr API 3.6.99
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virtual_interface_context Struct Reference

Virtual L2 context that is needed to binding to the real network interface. More...

#include <virtual.h>

Data Fields

struct net_ififace
 Other network interface this virtual network interface is attached to.
enum net_l2_flags virtual_l2_flags
 This tells what L2 features does virtual support.
bool is_init
 Is this context already initialized.
struct net_linkaddr_storage lladdr
 Link address for this network interface.
 User friendly name of this L2 layer.

Detailed Description

Virtual L2 context that is needed to binding to the real network interface.

Field Documentation

◆ iface

struct net_if* virtual_interface_context::iface

Other network interface this virtual network interface is attached to.

These values can be chained so virtual network interfaces can run on top of other virtual interfaces.

◆ is_init

bool virtual_interface_context::is_init

Is this context already initialized.

◆ lladdr

struct net_linkaddr_storage virtual_interface_context::lladdr

Link address for this network interface.

◆ name

char virtual_interface_context::name[VIRTUAL_MAX_NAME_LEN]

User friendly name of this L2 layer.

◆ virtual_l2_flags

enum net_l2_flags virtual_interface_context::virtual_l2_flags

This tells what L2 features does virtual support.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: