GitHub #28665 - boards b_l4s5i_iot01a: invertion of user LEDS polarity
GitHub #28659 - [Coverity CID :214346] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #28654 - [lwm2m stm32F429] No registration with server possible
GitHub #28653 - Bluetooth: Mesh: TX Power Dynamic Control
GitHub #28639 - tests: kernel: sleep: is failing for nRF51
GitHub #28638 - bq274xx sample unable to build
GitHub #28635 - nrf: qspi: devicetree opcode properties are ignored
GitHub #28628 - samples/tfm_integration/tfm_ipc: regression on nucleo_l552_ze
GitHub #28627 - tests: kernel: fatal: exception: stack_sentinel test is failing for nRF platforms
GitHub #28625 - tests: net: tcp2: llegal use of the EPSR
GitHub #28621 - tests: kernel: mem_protect: syscalls: wrong FAULTY_ADDRESS for nucleo_l073rz
GitHub #28605 - Build failure - (64-bit platforms) acrn/bcm958402m2_a72/native_posix_64/… on a number of sanitycheck tests w/TCP2
GitHub #28604 - mcumgr smp_svr sample not working over shell or serial transport
GitHub #28603 - tests: kernel: timer: timer_api: Failed on nucleo_l073rz
GitHub #28602 - TCP2:frdm_k64f/mimxrt1064_evk tests/net/tcp2 regression failure in RC2
GitHub #28577 - possible bug / regression in new TCP stack
GitHub #28571 - Erroneous call to ull_disable_mark in ull_adv::disable()
GitHub #28565 - sensor: lsm6dsl: incompatible pointer type (warning)
GitHub #28559 - Unable to extend the flash sync API part of the BLE Controller
GitHub #28552 - up_squared: samples/portability/cmsis_rtos_v1/philosophers/ failed.
GitHub #28549 - up_squared: tests/kernel/threads/thread_apis/ failed
GitHub #28548 - up_squared: tests/arch/x86/pagetables/ failed.
GitHub #28547 - up_squared: tests/subsys/debug/coredump failed.
GitHub #28540 - littlefs: MPU FAULT and failed to run
GitHub #28538 - Atmel SAM4L have two pinctrl with wrong map
GitHub #28492 - Could not build Zephyr application for swervolf_nexys board in simulation
GitHub #28480 - tests/lib/devicetree/legacy_api/libraries.devicetree.legacy
fails to build on pinnacle_100_dvk
GitHub #28471 - Central not working properly on nRF5340-DK
GitHub #28465 - Building OpenThread NCP: build system has concurrency issue
GitHub #28460 - Generated ExternalProject include directories
GitHub #28453 - qemu 5.1 hangs on a number tests on x86_64
GitHub #28443 - drivers: sensor: hts221 compilation issue linked to DT property drdy_gpios
GitHub #28434 - Shell Tab Completion Candidates results in segmentation fault
GitHub #28414 - kernel/timeout: next_timeout() is returning negative number of ticks
GitHub #28413 - [Coverity CID :214280] Unintentional integer overflow in tests/posix/common/src/nanosleep.c
GitHub #28412 - [Coverity CID :214279] ‘Constant’ variable guards dead code in tests/drivers/clock_control/nrf_lf_clock_start/src/main.c
GitHub #28411 - [Coverity CID :214281] Unchecked return value in subsys/mgmt/osdp/src/osdp.c
GitHub #28397 - gcc 10.x compile warning/error for array subscript is outside the bounds in cmsis_rtos_v2/thread.c
GitHub #28394 - nanosleep test failed on ARC series targets
GitHub #28390 - drivers: sensor: lsm6dsl compilation issue when sensor defined in board (I2C) and in test (SPI)
GitHub #28385 - drivers.clock.nrf_lf_clock_start_xtal_no_wait.wait_in_thread fails on nrf9160dk_nrf9160
GitHub #28384 - Bluetooth: L2CAP: Bad CoC SDU segment handling
GitHub #28380 - drivers: peci: xec: Cannot recover PECI bus after PECI transfer fails
GitHub #28375 - gcc 10.x compile warning/error for array subscript 0 is outside the bounds in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/gap.c
GitHub #28371 - gcc 10.x compile warning/error for array subscript 0 is outside the bounds in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/prov.c
GitHub #28361 - USB audio samples fails if ASSERT=y
GitHub #28360 - drivers: nrf_802154: SWI IRQ priority is not read correctly
GitHub #28347 - Possible use-after-free of rx_msg->tx_block in kernel/mailbox.c
GitHub #28344 - cdc_acm sample with CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS=y crashes on nrf52840 dev board
GitHub #28343 - Bluetooth peripheral sample auto disconnects “ST B_L4S5I_IOT01A Discovery kit”
GitHub #28341 - No SRAM available to link echo_server for atsamr21 with ieee802154.overlay
GitHub #28337 - Cannot flash Atmel boards using west
GitHub #28332 - What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow running Zephyr?
GitHub #28331 - Shell on CDC ACM UART stopped working after PR #24873
GitHub #28326 - Sample boards nrf mesh onoff not working
GitHub #28325 - bluetooth: null pointer dereference for non-connectable extended advertising
GitHub #28324 - GATT notifications aren’t working for CUD characteristics
GitHub #28319 - tests: kernel: context: fails because timer expiration is shorter than excepted
GitHub #28317 - Asymmetric nrfx spi_transceive tx/rx lengths outputs error
GitHub #28307 - Can’t build bootloader/mcuboot while CONF_FILE
contains multiple files.
GitHub #28305 - Device not found (SX1276 with nRF52840)
GitHub #28303 - nucleo_l4r5zi uses wrong pinmux setting
GitHub #28295 - kernel.common: lpcxpresso55s16_ns test failure
GitHub #28294 - arch.interrupt.gen_isr_table.arm_mainline: lpcxpresso55s16_ns failed
GitHub #28289 - tests: arch: arm: arm_sw_vector_relay: fails on nucleo_f091rc
GitHub #28283 - LWM2M: Invalid ACK when server is using message ID 0
GitHub #28282 - Slave host auto-initiate stalls if master does not support extended reject indications, and procedure collision occurs
GitHub #28280 - tests/kernel/tickless/tickless_concept: disco_l475_iot1 build issue
GitHub #28275 - drivers: bluetooth: hci_spi: hci driver is init before spi causing an error on device_get_binding
GitHub #28270 - Errors in the HL7800.c file
GitHub #28267 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/workq/work_queue_api/ failed
GitHub #28266 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api/ failed
GitHub #28265 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/ failed
GitHub #28264 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/timer/timer_monotonic/ failed
GitHub #28262 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/tickless/tickless_concept/ failed
GitHub #28261 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/kernel/common/ failed
GitHub #28260 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2/ failed
GitHub #28259 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/subsys/debug/coredump/ failed
GitHub #28258 - up_squared(acrn):running tests/drivers/counter/counter_cmos/ failed
GitHub #28256 - mimxrt1050_evk: running samples/subsys/fs/fat_fs/ failed
GitHub #28255 - mimxrt1050_evk:running samples/drivers/display/ failed
GitHub #28251 - Tests of the cmsis_dsp library fails on nrf52840dk_nrf52840 platform
GitHub #28248 - bt_gatt_notify() causes “unable to alllocate TX buffer”
GitHub #28240 - nordic spim: does not work with SPI-SDHC infrastructure
GitHub #28234 - ipv6: multicast group: wrong filtering
GitHub #28230 - “make zephyr_generated_headers” produces incorrect result (SHELL:”) after recent cmake refactor
GitHub #28229 - Possible NULL dereference in subsys/net/ip/net_context.c.
GitHub #28223 - LEDs in the board nRF52840dk_nRF52840 dont work with Lora
GitHub #28218 - Possible NULL dereference in subsys/logging/log_msg.c.
GitHub #28216 - socket: send fails instead of blocking when there are no more net buffers
GitHub #28211 - “High” current drawn when ussing RTT log back-end with CONFIG_LOG_IMMEDIATE and CONFIG_LOG_BACKEND_RTT_MODE_DROP
GitHub #28206 - mimxrt685_cm33: many cases has no console output seems hangs in kernel init.
GitHub #28205 - kernel.timer.tickless: frdmk64f failure
GitHub #28203 - Cannot flash TI boards using west
GitHub #28202 - Adafruit TFT touch shield cap touch flipped sides left-to-right
GitHub #28197 - samples/net/sockets/echo_client/ fails to build
GitHub #28196 - samples/boards/intel_s1000_crb/audio/ Fails to build
GitHub #28193 - include/drivers/flash: API stands mistakenly unrestricted alignment of writes.
GitHub #28185 - Problem using SX1276 with nRF52840dk
GitHub #28184 - tests: drivers: spi: spi_loopback: fails on board nucleo_wb55rg
GitHub #28181 - MQTT not working with MOSQUITTO broker:
GitHub #28174 - [Coverity CID :214213] Improper use of negative value in tests/net/socket/af_packet/src/main.c
GitHub #28173 - [Coverity CID :214210] Side effect in assertion in tests/arch/arm/arm_interrupt/src/arm_interrupt.c
GitHub #28172 - [Coverity CID :214227] Resource leak in subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/hawkbit.c
GitHub #28171 - [Coverity CID :214224] Unsigned compared against 0 in subsys/storage/flash_map/flash_map.c
GitHub #28169 - [Coverity CID :214220] Explicit null dereferenced in subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/hawkbit.c
GitHub #28167 - [Coverity CID :214209] Dereference after null check in subsys/mgmt/osdp/src/osdp.c
GitHub #28166 - [Coverity CID :214211] Unused value in drivers/entropy/entropy_stm32.c
GitHub #28165 - [Coverity CID :214215] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/smp_shell.c
GitHub #28164 - [Coverity CID :214225] Buffer not null terminated in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/ipso_generic_sensor.c
GitHub #28163 - [Coverity CID :214223] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #28162 - [Coverity CID :214221] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #28161 - [Coverity CID :214219] Uninitialized scalar variable in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #28160 - [Coverity CID :214212] Negative array index read in subsys/net/lib/dns/resolve.c
GitHub #28157 - benchmark.data_structures fails(bus error) on mimxrt1020/60/64/frdmk64f platform
GitHub #28156 - twr_kv58f220m: libraries.cmsis_dsp.transform.cf64 test fails
GitHub #28154 - reel_board:running samples/subsys/usb/console/ failed
GitHub #28153 - reel_board: running samples/subsys/shell/fs/ failed
GitHub #28152 - frdm_k64f: running samples/subsys/canbus/canopen/ failed
GitHub #28151 - gPTP should allow user setting of priority1 and priority2 fields used in BMCA
GitHub #28150 - mec15xxevb_assy6853:running samples/boards/mec15xxevb_assy6853/power_management/ failed
GitHub #28149 - mec15xxevb_assy6853:running samples/drivers/ps2/ failed
GitHub #28148 - mec15xxevb_assy6853:running samples/drivers/espi/ failed
GitHub #28146 - mec15xxevb_assy6853:running samples/drivers/kscan/ failed
GitHub #28145 - nRF52840 Dongle cannot scan LE Coded PHY devices
GitHub #28139 - tests: benchmarks: data_structure_perf: rbtree_perf: uninitialized root struct
GitHub #28138 - No more able to flash board on windows
GitHub #28134 - mcuboot: specifying -DCONF_FILE results in failure
GitHub #28133 - using nrf52dk_nrf52832 with serial disabled
GitHub #28131 - Crash while serving large files via HTTP with TCP2
GitHub #28118 - timers strange rounding errors
GitHub #28114 - subsys: OSDP forces SERIAL=y
GitHub #28112 - timer/scheduler problem (STM32F407)
GitHub #28108 - EEPROM shell MPU Fault when performing a write command with more than 9 bytes
GitHub #28104 - sanitycheck overloaded by tests/subsys/logging/log_immediate with large -j values
GitHub #28099 - subsys: power: device implicit depends on CONFIG_SYS_POWER_MANAGEMENT
GitHub #28097 - cmake: fails to filter options for target language
GitHub #28095 - Doc: Getting Started Guide: reel board blinky gif is outdated
GitHub #28092 - Make SPI speed of SDHC card configurable
GitHub #28090 - bluetooth: build error with extended advertising
GitHub #28083 - Align MWDT and LD linker scripts
GitHub #28069 - eswifi: build failure
GitHub #28068 - Crash in USB device when turning HFXO off
GitHub #28061 - nrf52840 can’t boot up after power plug in,unless it was connected to JLINKRTTVIEWER with a JTAG
GitHub #28059 - sample for sensor lps22hh is not filtered out for bare nrf52dk_nrf52832
GitHub #28057 - TCP2: client side receives EOF before all pending data is fed into it
GitHub #28053 - Eclipse broken build ability
GitHub #28052 - metairq_dispatch sample fails on nrf platforms
GitHub #28049 - nucleo_wb55rg: test/spi/spi_loopback build failure
GitHub #28045 - [mimxrt1050_evk] uart_fifo_fill only send 1 byte
GitHub #28040 - sanitycheck reports test timeouts as “exited with 2”
GitHub #28036 - samples/drivers/flash_shell/ fails to build on nucleo_wb55rg
GitHub #28033 - rand32_ctr_drbg.c fails to build
GitHub #28032 - eth_enc424j600 fails to build
GitHub #28031 - samples/subsys/mgmt/mcumgr/smp_svr/ fails to build
GitHub #28020 - call k_malloc or k_mem_slab_alloc allowed or not
GitHub #28017 - tests/bluetooth/init/bluetooth.init.test_controller_dbg_ll_sw_split fails to build on a few boards
GitHub #28016 - tests/boards/intel_s1000_crb/main/boards.s1000_crb.main fails to build
GitHub #28013 - tests/misc/test_build/buildsystem.kconfig.utf8_in_values fails on faze
GitHub #28012 - tests/net/lib/mqtt_subscriber/net.mqtt.subscriber fails to build on cc3220sf_launchxl
GitHub #28006 - Module: mbedtls broken following driver instances const-ification
GitHub #28003 - Module: segger broken following driver instances const-ification
GitHub #28000 - sam_e70_xplained:Test cases run failed at tests/net/lib/dns_packet/.
GitHub #27985 - change in device initialization behavior
GitHub #27982 - TCP2: Apparent issues with client-side connections (hangs when server (apparently) closes connection).
GitHub #27964 - usb: Standard requests are not filtered.
GitHub #27963 - tests: net: socket: af_packet: failed on nucleo_f746zg
GitHub #27958 - USB: GET_STATUS(Device) is improperly handled
GitHub #27943 - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api fails on nsim_hs_smp
GitHub #27935 - hci_uart not acknowledging data correctly / losing packets
GitHub #27934 - Tests ignore custom board config overlays
GitHub #27931 - Address resolving when eswifi is used causes MPU FAULT
GitHub #27929 - Address resolving when eswifi is used causes MPU FAULT
GitHub #27928 - Settings api hangs
GitHub #27921 - Bluetooth: Dynamic TX power is overwritten every procedure
GitHub #27915 - Samples:LoRa send;sx126x with NRF52840dk ,no data from SPI miso
GitHub #27887 - Event counter may get out of sync when multiple events collide in ticker
GitHub #27880 - build errors for some samples/ on lpcxpresso55s69_cpu1
GitHub #27876 - TCP2: Apparent issues with server-side connections (>1 connection doesn’t work properly)
GitHub #27874 - Nordic timer failures with synchronized periodic timers
GitHub #27867 - up_squared: couldn’t get test result from serial of each test.
GitHub #27855 - i2c bitbanging on nrf52840
GitHub #27849 - tests: lib: cmsis_dsp: transform: malloc out of memory
GitHub #27847 - tests/lib/sprintf fails on native_posix_64
GitHub #27843 - spi_nor.c: Wrong buffers for rx_set
GitHub #27838 - [Coverity CID :212961] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/threads/thread_apis/src/test_threads_cancel_abort.c
GitHub #27837 - [Coverity CID :212956] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_map/src/main.c
GitHub #27836 - [Coverity CID :212960] Logically dead code in samples/net/sockets/echo_client/src/echo-client.c
GitHub #27835 - [Coverity CID :212962] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in include/sys/mem_manage.h
GitHub #27834 - [Coverity CID :212959] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in include/sys/mem_manage.h
GitHub #27833 - [Coverity CID :212958] Out-of-bounds access in arch/x86/core/x86_mmu.c
GitHub #27832 - [Coverity CID :212957] Out-of-bounds access in arch/x86/core/x86_mmu.c
GitHub #27821 - frdm_k64f:running test cases /tests/subsys/power/power_mgmt/ error
GitHub #27820 - reel_board:running failed in tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_api_1pin/
GitHub #27813 - samples without sample.yaml
GitHub #27811 - intermittent failure of tests/net/socket/select on qemu_x86
GitHub #27803 - samples: update to support new devicetree flag defaults
GitHub #27792 - Default clock settings for STM32F7 violates operating conditions
GitHub #27791 - DT_DRV_COMPAT in spi_flash_w25qxxdv.c named incorrectly
GitHub #27785 - memory domain arch implementation not correct with respect to SMP on ARC
GitHub #27783 - Add support for mbedTLS Server Name Indication (SNI) at configuration
GitHub #27771 - iotdk: cpu_stats function doesn’t work as expected
GitHub #27768 - Usage fault when running with CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS=y
GitHub #27765 - Sanitycheck: non-existing test case shows up in .xml file.
GitHub #27753 - drivers: sensor: lis2dh: compilation issue struct lis2dh_config’ has no member named ‘spi_conf’
GitHub #27745 - Zephyr with host stack and hci driver only ?
GitHub #27738 - em_starterkit_7d sanitycheck test failure on testskernelmem_protectsyscalls test
GitHub #27734 - vl53l0x driver gives wrong offset calibration value
GitHub #27727 - mcumgr serial interface does not work with CDC_ACM UART
GitHub #27721 - Concurrent file descriptor allocations may return the same descriptor
GitHub #27718 - Updatehub might dereference an uninitialized pointer
GitHub #27712 - warnings when compiling smp_svr with newlibc on 2.3.0
GitHub #27706 - Cannot debug specific files
GitHub #27693 - Crash on ARM when BT LE scan response packet too big
GitHub #27648 - [Coverity CID :212430] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/msgq/msgq_api/src/test_msgq_contexts.c
GitHub #27647 - [Coverity CID :212429] Negative array index write in tests/subsys/fs/fs_api/src/test_fs_dir_file.c
GitHub #27646 - [Coverity CID :212428] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/msgq/msgq_api/src/test_msgq_contexts.c
GitHub #27645 - [Coverity CID :212424] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/msgq/msgq_api/src/test_msgq_contexts.c
GitHub #27644 - [Coverity CID :212141] Improper use of negative value in tests/lib/fdtable/src/main.c
GitHub #27643 - [Coverity CID :212427] Invalid type in argument to printf format specifier in samples/drivers/jesd216/src/main.c
GitHub #27642 - [Coverity CID :212143] Unused value in samples/drivers/flash_shell/src/main.c
GitHub #27641 - [Coverity CID :212142] Unused value in samples/drivers/flash_shell/src/main.c
GitHub #27640 - [Coverity CID :212426] Unrecoverable parse warning in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27639 - [Coverity CID :212425] Out-of-bounds access in drivers/ethernet/eth_mcux.c
GitHub #27637 - Bluetooth: controller: Possible corruption in AD data
GitHub #27636 - sensor: shell float output broken w/ CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC=y
GitHub #27634 - wifi simple_link driver build error
GitHub #27613 - CONFIG_ASSERT not working on nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpunet in hci_rpmsg sample
GitHub #27612 - RFC: API Change: usb: Device argument to USB HID ops
GitHub #27600 - JSON Api refuse to decode null value
GitHub #27599 - bluetooth shell deadlock on USB shell UART
GitHub #27597 - build system fails to propagate devicetree change to Kconfig
GitHub #27592 - threads without name show up as junk names in SystemView
GitHub #27587 - New socket close() implementation broke build of platforms using socket offloading
GitHub #27582 - BT Identity address is overwritten when using extended advertising
GitHub #27580 - west install error
GitHub #27576 - sample.drivers.sample.drivers.peci failed to run
GitHub #27574 - failed to run
GitHub #27572 - mec15xxevb_assy6853:crypto.tinycrypt.hmac_prng.hmac_prng failed to build,
GitHub #27571 - up_squared:tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2/thread_api failed
GitHub #27569 - mimxrt1050_evk:samples.usb.cdc-acm-composite failed
GitHub #27566 - nRF52832: MCUBoot cannot read signed SMP Server Sample binary
GitHub #27560 - APIs for dynamically creating thread stacks
GitHub #27558 - “west update” only certain vendor
GitHub #27548 - CMake and west doesn’t accept multiple overlay files during build
GitHub #27547 - samples/boards/reel_board/mesh_badge fails booting with error in i2c_nrfx_twim
GitHub #27544 - TrustZone: NSC_ALIGN gets redefined
GitHub #27533 - kernel crashes with small CONFIG_TIMESLICE_SIZE
GitHub #27531 - Zephyr testing via emulators
GitHub #27529 - sanitycheck: incorrect correct calculation of total_skipped when –subset is set:
GitHub #27526 - poll(2) returning -1 errno ENOMEM
GitHub #27523 - [RFC] drivers: display: Implementing driver for sharp memory display
GitHub #27522 - shell: Output can get corrupted when printing from thread before command completes
GitHub #27511 - coverage: qemu platforms: sanitycheck generates many unexpected eof
failures when enable coverage
GitHub #27505 - spi: mchp: Unintended data is transmitted when tx and rx operations are performed simultaneously
GitHub #27503 - testcases under zephyr/tests/application_development take a very long time to dump coverage data
GitHub #27495 - Include full register state in ARM Cortex M Exception Stack Frame (ESF)
GitHub #27488 - Bluetooth Mesh samples don’t build
GitHub #27482 - Bluetooth stops responding when calling k_delayed_work_submit. v2.3.0
GitHub #27473 - RT1050/60/64-evk board user LED does not work
GitHub #27465 - How recursively build boards on Zephyr?
GitHub #27464 - LOG_BACKEND_NET does not work for certain application/ip configurations
GitHub #27463 - Cannot build samples/net/sockets/echo for cc3220sf_launchxl
GitHub #27448 - fatal error: device_imx.h: No such file or directory
GitHub #27446 - Unable to flash cc1352r (no xds) with openocd in Zephyr SDK
GitHub #27444 - spi sdhc CS signal not working
GitHub #27434 - Bluetooth: L2CAP: buffer use after free
GitHub #27428 - Cannot compile network logging backend with IPv6-only
GitHub #27421 - libraries.cmsis_dsp.matrix.binary_q15: buffer allocation failure on twr_kv58f220m
GitHub #27420 - drivers.uart: config test failure on uart_mcux.c (was twr_kv58f220m platform)
GitHub #27414 - Bluetooth: Controller: First advertisement does not preempt continuous scanner
GitHub #27404 - IS_ENABLED not working with C++ (was: Is DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY broken on v2.3?)
GitHub #27403 - uart_fifo_read can only read one character
GitHub #27399 - [RFC] API change - Switch all struct device to constant
GitHub #27397 - [RFC] API change - Device structure attribute renaming
GitHub #27396 - samples/subsys/logging/logger timeout when sanitycheck enable coverage, it needs a filter
GitHub #27392 - tests/kernel/device/ fails to build on cc1352r1_launchxl
GitHub #27380 - Cannot use mcuboot with i.MXRT1060 due to a problem with the vector table address
GitHub #27379 - Macro Z_ARC_MPU_SIZE_ALIGN seems to be missing
GitHub #27377 - up_squared(acrn):samples/philosophers/ caused the acrn platform crashed.
GitHub #27375 - “west zephyr-export” dumps stack if cmake is not installed
GitHub #27373 - CivetWeb Support for STM32H7 Series
GitHub #27370 - Constant asserts from nrf5 clock calibration
GitHub #27366 - tests: net: regression on many tests
GitHub #27363 - failed
GitHub #27362 - cannot move to 1M baud rate in bt_shell
GitHub #27353 - west flash ignores –bin-file parameter and uses hex file when nrfjprog is used internally
GitHub #27348 - When using CONFIG_NVS it triggers BUS FAULT during startup on “nucleo_wb55rg” board
GitHub #27340 - <wrn> bt_driver: Discarding event 0x3e
GitHub #27339 - up_squared: Zephyr does not boot via grub anymore
GitHub #27338 - Bluetooth: host: GATT service request is not able to trigger the authentication procedure while in SC only mode
GitHub #27331 - Fails to upload over BLE using Zephyr with SMP Server Sample
GitHub #27330 - include in prj.conf
GitHub #27329 - [Coverity CID :211587] Unchecked return value in tests/drivers/clock_control/clock_control_api/src/test_clock_control.c
GitHub #27328 - [Coverity CID :211586] Resource leak in tests/posix/fs/src/test_fs_open_flags.c
GitHub #27327 - [Coverity CID :211585] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/fs/src/test_fs_open_flags.c
GitHub #27326 - [Coverity CID :211584] Logically dead code in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_core.c
GitHub #27325 - [Coverity CID :211583] Unchecked return value in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket.c
GitHub #27324 - [Coverity CID :211572] Out-of-bounds read in soc/xtensa/sample_controller/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
GitHub #27323 - [Coverity CID :211551] Out-of-bounds read in soc/xtensa/sample_controller/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
GitHub #27322 - [Coverity CID :211546] Out-of-bounds read in soc/xtensa/sample_controller/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
GitHub #27321 - [Coverity CID :211539] Out-of-bounds read in soc/xtensa/sample_controller/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
GitHub #27320 - [Coverity CID :211537] Out-of-bounds read in soc/xtensa/sample_controller/include/_soc_inthandlers.h
GitHub #27319 - [Coverity CID :211523] Bad bit shift operation in arch/arc/core/mpu/arc_mpu_v2_internal.h
GitHub #27318 - Decouple TLS socket from net_context
GitHub #27303 - RFC: downgrade i2c eeprom_slave driver to test
GitHub #27293 - Test nrf52840dk_nrf52840 tests/net/socket/net_mgmt/net.socket.mgmt build failure
GitHub #27288 - linker relocation feature fails for out of tree projects
GitHub #27282 - Drivers in app folder
GitHub #27280 - drivers: bluetooth: hci: spi: CS DT config not working because CS gpio_dt_flags are not set in the spi_cs_config struct
GitHub #27268 - usb: mcux RT1060 EVK - when using on-chip memory, USB fails
GitHub #27266 - samples: bluetooth: hci_spi: Invalid cmd_hdr and acl_hdr usage
GitHub #27249 - Is there any development plan for supporting RPL stack ?
GitHub #27239 - samples/subsys/canbus/isotp/sample.subsys.canbus.isotp fails on FRDM-K64F
GitHub #27238 - tests/net/socket/af_packet fails on FRDM-K64F
GitHub #27237 - Out_of_tree example broken
GitHub #27227 - shell crashes on qemu_x86 board upon the Tab button press
GitHub #27220 - Bluetooth: L2CAP: l2cap_change_security() not considering bt_conn::sec_level when handling BT_L2CAP_LE_ERR_AUTHENTICATION
GitHub #27219 - thousands of lines of log spam in buildkite output
GitHub #27212 - drivers: clock_control: stm32h7 cannot choose system frequency higher than 400MHz
GitHub #27211 - sanitycheck: add option to only build/run on emulated targets
GitHub #27205 - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api test fails on twr_ke18f
GitHub #27202 - tests/kernel/threads/thread_apis failure on lpcxpresso55s16_ns
GitHub #27181 - New drivers out of device tree
GitHub #27177 - Unable to build samples/bluetooth/st_ble_sensor for steval_fcu001v1 board
GitHub #27173 - [v2.1] Unable to build Zephyr 2.1 for Upsquared board running ACRN
GitHub #27172 - shell: logging: CONFIG_SHELL_LOG_BACKEND is forced if CONFIG_LOG is chosen
GitHub #27166 - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api need add ram limitaion as some platform not support
GitHub #27164 - tests/lib/mem_alloc failed on up_squared board.
GitHub #27162 - reel_board:tests/net/ieee802154/l2 failed.
GitHub #27161 - shell: shell_start() and shell_stop() can cause deadlock
GitHub #27154 - bt_conn_le_param_update doesn’t return an error when setting the timeout >30sec, stops device from sleeping on nrf52840
GitHub #27151 - sanitycheck: samples: net: echo_server: Doesn’t run all configurations from atmel_rf2xx shield
GitHub #27150 - [Coverity CID :211513] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/eventfd/src/main.c
GitHub #27149 - [Coverity CID :211508] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/mem_protect/futex/src/main.c
GitHub #27148 - [Coverity CID :211506] Operands don’t affect result in tests/drivers/clock_control/nrf_onoff_and_bt/src/main.c
GitHub #27147 - [Coverity CID :211505] Operands don’t affect result in tests/drivers/clock_control/nrf_onoff_and_bt/src/main.c
GitHub #27145 - [Coverity CID :211511] Dereference after null check in subsys/net/ip/net_if.c
GitHub #27144 - [Coverity CID :211501] Explicit null dereferenced in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #27143 - [Coverity CID :211512] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27142 - [Coverity CID :211509] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27141 - [Coverity CID :211507] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27140 - [Coverity CID :211504] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27139 - [Coverity CID :211503] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27138 - [Coverity CID :211502] Out-of-bounds read in drivers/wifi/eswifi/eswifi_socket_offload.c
GitHub #27130 - samples/drivers/spi_flash has no README
GitHub #27120 - exception happened when running CI
GitHub #27118 - Bluetooth: HCI: Missing implementation of hci_driver.h functions
GitHub #27112 - [v2.3.0] mcumgr fs download crashes
GitHub #27090 - LE Coded PHY scanning on nRF9160DK fails
GitHub #27081 - missing python3-devel
dependency (was python3-psutil)
GitHub #27080 - uarte_instance_init() in NRF UARTE driver does not disable UART prior to setting PSEL pin values
GitHub #27079 - espi: driver: mchp: eSPI driver indicates flash channel is ready to eSPI host even before the channel negotiation takes place
GitHub #27078 - drivers: espi: mchp: Cannot perform multiple transactions over eSPI OOB channel
GitHub #27074 - doc: coding_guidelines: broken links to MISRA-C example suite
GitHub #27071 - USB: CDC-ACM uart console hijacks usb_enable call preventing user applications from registering callbacks
GitHub #27057 - NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q add cortex-m4 ethernet support
GitHub #27056 - Local header found before system header of same name
GitHub #27055 - BlueZ with ESP32 boards supported or not?
GitHub #27037 - No network interface found when running wifi sample
GitHub #27010 - net: ieee802154: wrong header generation
GitHub #27003 - CMakeLists.txt newline check is too strict
GitHub #27002 - incorrect ERROR:POINTER_LOCATION
GitHub #26998 - [Coverity CID :211479] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/mutex/mutex_api/src/test_mutex_apis.c
GitHub #26997 - [Coverity CID :211474] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/mutex/mutex_api/src/test_mutex_apis.c
GitHub #26996 - [Coverity CID :211340] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/smp/src/main.c
GitHub #26995 - [Coverity CID :211478] Logically dead code in samples/net/sockets/big_http_download/src/big_http_download.c
GitHub #26994 - [Coverity CID :210616] Resource leak in lib/updatehub/updatehub.c
GitHub #26993 - [Coverity CID :210593] Out-of-bounds access in lib/updatehub/updatehub.c
GitHub #26992 - [Coverity CID :210547] Unchecked return value in lib/updatehub/updatehub.c
GitHub #26991 - [Coverity CID :210072] Resource leak in subsys/mgmt/smp_udp.c
GitHub #26990 - i2c transfers are timing out with SSD1306 display
GitHub #26989 - [Coverity CID :211477] Unchecked return value in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #26988 - [Coverity CID :211473] Unchecked return value in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #26986 - [Coverity CID :211480] Printf arg count mismatch in arch/x86/zefi/zefi.c
GitHub #26985 - [Coverity CID :211476] Extra argument to printf format specifier in arch/x86/zefi/zefi.c
GitHub #26984 - sys/device_mmio.h API design should accept generic DT node identifiers
GitHub #26983 - MPU FAULT in nRF52840-DK
GitHub #26981 - Problem with PPP + GSM MUX with SIMCOM7600E
GitHub #26970 - usb: overflow of USB transfers leads to clogging
GitHub #26966 - Example OTA-DFU for Android/IOS app
GitHub #26961 - occasional sanitycheck failures in samples/subsys/settings
GitHub #26954 - devicetree: warning: braces around scalar initializer
GitHub #26953 - settings: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to ‘char*’
GitHub #26948 - cmake failure when using ZEPHYR_MODULES without west
GitHub #26941 - Meta-IRQ documentation references
GitHub #26939 - MCUMGR - smp shell server sends responses to wrong port
GitHub #26937 - Kconfig choice Warning
GitHub #26924 - Bluetooth: Mesh: no space to store ccc cfg
GitHub #26923 - [RFC] API change - Normalize DMA, IPM and UART callbacks signatures including the caller’s device pointer.
GitHub #26919 - ipv6: promiscuous mode: packet flood over 802.15.4 adapter
GitHub #26914 - dosn’t generate correct gperf info for ARC MetaWare toolchain
GitHub #26910 - sanitycheck always treats warnings as errors
GitHub #26900 - Bluetooth: host: bt_conn_recv() assumes ACL data is >= 2 bytes
GitHub #26896 - STM32: mcu goes to sleep inadvertently when using PM.
GitHub #26868 - qemu_x86_64 icount support with SMP
GitHub #26862 - Bluetooth: GATT: CCC is not properly stored
GitHub #26848 - kernel: undefined reference with –no-gc-sections
GitHub #26833 - RFC: subsys: fs: Support file open flags to fs and POSIX API
GitHub #26832 - [mcux_counter_rtc][frdm_k82f] counter_basic_api hangs
GitHub #26828 - Build Error - Network communication between Zephyr app on QEMU and Host OS
GitHub #26826 - i2c_nrfx_twi_transfer hangs when SDA/SCL are set to pins 0,1
GitHub #26818 - drivers: uart_console.c: usb_enable() broken
GitHub #26814 - net_ipv6_send_rs behaviour doesn’t comply with RFC4291
GitHub #26812 - NXP: tests/drivers/dma/loop_transfer fails on FRDM-K64F
GitHub #26807 - Bluetooth HCI USB sample is not working
GitHub #26805 - test: drivers: i2c: i2c_slave_api:
GitHub #26804 - Bluetooth mesh repeated provision/gatt bearer connection crash
GitHub #26803 - Cortex-M7 Thumb-2 Instructions Alignment
GitHub #26801 - UART API has ifdefs around API functions
GitHub #26796 - Interrupts on Cortex-M do not work with CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n
GitHub #26793 - kernel: work: triggers immediately with longer timeouts
GitHub #26788 - cmake build system works wrong with cmake version 3.15.5
GitHub #26782 - boards: mchp: mec15xxevb_assy6853: Cannot set gpios as alternate function when enabling multiple instances of a driver
GitHub #26769 - “west flash -r openocd –serial <serial_num>” ignores serial_num and flashes wrong board
GitHub #26766 - Build failure on nucleo_wb55rg for tests/kernel/profiling/profiling_api/kernel.common.profiling
GitHub #26764 - Build failure on intel_s1000_crb for samples/drivers/flash_shell/
GitHub #26759 - Build error - Nothing found at GNUARMEMB_TOOLCHAIN_PATH
GitHub #26758 - Missing documentation of report targets (ram/rom report, puncover)
GitHub #26746 - Change sanitycheck to used pickled EDT
GitHub #26731 - Single channel selection - Bluetooth - Zephyr
GitHub #26729 - FCB flash_area_write fails on nRF52840DK when using mx25r64 storage
GitHub #26725 - USB suspend-resume process is not properly handled
GitHub #26723 - NULL handler in work queue entry can be called resulting in silent reboot
GitHub #26720 - lib: sockets: getaddrinfo don’t work without newlib C on ARM
GitHub #26717 - Big HTTP Download - Upgrade
GitHub #26708 - RFC: API Change: watchdog: wdt_feed error codes
GitHub #26701 - Invalid handling of large cycle count in rtc timer
GitHub #26700 - waveshare_open103z board can’t build tests/mem_protect
GitHub #26695 - net: TCP2: connect() returns 0 without waiting for handshake completion
GitHub #26689 - Couldn’t get test result from serial on up_squared board.
GitHub #26685 - sanitycheck “–only-failed” is broken
GitHub #26683 - Transition from non-secure to kernel causes “Stacking error”
GitHub #26679 - sanitycheck passes tests if the emulator exits unexpectedly
GitHub #26676 - MDB runner is not capturing real board’s output
GitHub #26665 - Implement reset for ARC development boards
GitHub #26664 - frdm_kw41z: tests/drivers/pwm/pwm_api fails in test_pwm_cycle()
GitHub #26663 - sanitycheck reports failing tests with em_starterkit_em7d_v22 board
GitHub #26651 - Updatehub: frdm_k64f resets in a loop
GitHub #26647 - build generates unaligned function reference in v2.3
GitHub #26643 - Nucleo board Slow Code execution at power up - need to always reset
GitHub #26628 - Couldn’t find Definition for CTE transmit and enable command for Connectionless AoA/AoD implementation in Zephyr
GitHub #26627 - tests/benchmarks/sys_kernel failed on up_squared.
GitHub #26626 - tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v1 failed on reel_board.
GitHub #26625 - tests/net/utils failed on multiple arm platforms.
GitHub #26624 - Noridc52840 hci_usb bug on linux when “ discoverable on “ by bluetoothctl
GitHub #26621 - System can’t recover after assertion failed in kernel/mem_domain.c
GitHub #26619 - tests/unit/rbtree fails
GitHub #26617 - devicetree: sam0 gclk
GitHub #26607 - STM32F0 nucleo PWM output not working
GitHub #26602 - GH Action: Automate removal of tag “Waiting for response”
GitHub #26600 - net.util test is broken on MPU-enabled ARM platforms
GitHub #26596 - west: rimage support in west sign
poorly documented
GitHub #26595 - tests/kernel/obj_tracing thread counting issue with 1.14 branch.
GitHub #26587 - DT_CALL_WITH_ARG macro missing
GitHub #26586 - K_TIMER_DEFINE macro causing build error
GitHub #26582 - What happened to DT_HAS_NODE macro?
GitHub #26575 - devicetree: need save/restore support for devicetree data
GitHub #26568 - tests: net: socket: af_packet: is ethernet cable now mandatory to run this test ?
GitHub #26555 - uart: uart_nrfx_uarte: async init does not cleanup previous sync rx
GitHub #26551 - sam0 devicetree failing to compile
GitHub #26536 - The CONFIG_BT_L2CAP_RX_MTU setting is not reflected correctly in the build
GitHub #26529 - How to support Nordic ble5.0 on Android 7.0?
GitHub #26527 - mimxrt1050_evk:Couldn’t flash image by using west flash command.
GitHub #26524 - Problem with hci_uart and L2CAP CoC connections
GitHub #26519 - samples: net: sockets: dumb_http_server: instabllity on nucleo_f767zi
GitHub #26518 - NRF temperature sensor driver race condition
GitHub #26509 - net_l2_ppp.ppp_link_terminated: SARA U201 modem
GitHub #26508 - CI: simulated BT tests not run if BT tests are changed
GitHub #26506 - how does hci_usb (hci_usb fw : ncsv1.3.0zephyrsamplesbluetoothhci_usb) set mac and send/receive files ?
GitHub #26505 - An example of using the microphone in Thingy 52
GitHub #26499 - usermode: random: backport random syscall
GitHub #26476 - ARM Cortex-A: architecture timer continuously firing in tick-less mode
GitHub #26467 - Bluetooth: Race-condition on persistent connectable advertiser
GitHub #26466 - Bluetooth: host: Do auto-postponement of advertising also when application requests advertising
GitHub #26455 - bme280 connect to rt1020_evk
GitHub #26450 - Bad disconnect reason when client connects with wrong address type
GitHub #26438 - Bluetooth: Reconnection to paired/bonded peripheral fails
GitHub #26435 - Suspicious source code with subsys/random/random32_entropy_device: seg fault risk
GitHub #26434 - nrf9160 uart_tx can return -ENOTSUP, which is not documented behavior
GitHub #26428 - LPSPI support for i.MX RT106x
GitHub #26427 - Linker problems with zephyr-sdk-0.11.2: undefined reference to ‘gettimeofday’
GitHub #26424 - master west.yml references pull in hal_stm32
GitHub #26419 - Cannot request update when writing to external flash
GitHub #26415 - CONFIG_FS_LOG_LEVEL_OFF option doesn’t work with LittleFS
GitHub #26413 - disco_l475_iot1: flash storage corruption caused by partition overlap
GitHub #26410 - RFC: soc: Initial Nuvoton NPCX port
GitHub #26407 - fs: nvs: Incorrect handling of corrupt ate’s in nvs_gc
GitHub #26406 - On x86, the main stack overflows when CONFIG_NET_IPV6 and CONFIG_DEBUG are enabled
GitHub #26403 - Compile Error when trying to build samples/synchronization
GitHub #26397 - storage: flash_map: Only works on limited compatibles
GitHub #26391 - stm32f746g: sample subsys/usb/hid-cdc does not work
GitHub #26377 - Problems getting I2C to work on NXP i.MX RT1020 EVK
GitHub #26372 - qspi driver does not work if multithreading is disabled
GitHub #26369 - C++ compilation warning for Z_TIMEOUT_TICKS
GitHub #26363 - samples: subsys: canbus: canopen: objdict: CO_OD.h is not normally made.
GitHub #26362 - arc gdb failed to load core dump file
GitHub #26361 - [Coverity CID :211051] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/lib/ringbuffer/src/main.c
GitHub #26360 - [Coverity CID :211048] Side effect in assertion in tests/drivers/uart/uart_async_api/src/test_uart_async.c
GitHub #26359 - [Coverity CID :211047] Dereference null return value in tests/net/ipv6/src/main.c
GitHub #26358 - [Coverity CID :211044] Unchecked return value in tests/subsys/settings/fcb_init/src/settings_test_fcb_init.c
GitHub #26357 - [Coverity CID :211046] Unchecked return value in boards/posix/native_posix/timer_model.c
GitHub #26356 - [Coverity CID :211043] Logical vs. bitwise operator in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_rw_oma_tlv.c
GitHub #26355 - [Coverity CID :211045] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in kernel/timeout.c
GitHub #26354 - [Coverity CID :211040] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in kernel/timeout.c
GitHub #26353 - [Coverity CID :211039] Out-of-bounds access in drivers/gpio/gpio_nrfx.c
GitHub #26352 - [Coverity CID :211049] Macro compares unsigned to 0 in arch/x86/core/x86_mmu.c
GitHub #26343 - Gatt Bearer Issue
GitHub #26337 - BT scan: filter duplicates yields duplicates
GitHub #26333 - Bluetooth: Split LL: Cannot store Bluetooth keys
GitHub #26313 - nucleo_h745zi_q_m7 pwm device tree bug
GitHub #26303 - Bluetooth: Windows 10 cannot reconnect on direct advertising from Zephyr
GitHub #26302 - Test gen_isr_tables from ./tests/kernel/gen_isr_table/ fails on nrf9160dk_nrf9160
GitHub #26296 - Store logs in persistent storage (ext. flash, SD card)
GitHub #26295 - Enable persistent storage (ext flash/SD card) as logger backend
GitHub #26294 - Test suite output is hard to read
GitHub #26291 - canopen: error when CAN_MCP2515_MAX_FILTER > 8
GitHub #26290 - gfhgf
GitHub #26284 - device.h doxygen
GitHub #26281 - Question: Does NRF52840-DK support both OpenThread and BLE at the same time
GitHub #26280 - test_kernel_systicks from tests/portability/cmsis_rtos_v1 fails on nrf platforms
GitHub #26279 - littlefs: Unable to erase external flash.
GitHub #26278 - [v2.2] bt_att: Unhandled ATT code 0x1d
GitHub #26271 - k_sleep/k_msleep ends too early on UP_squared board
GitHub #26267 - drivers: SPI: CS output type not honored
GitHub #26266 - Cast and shift operator priority issue may lead to wrong memory size result in fat_fs example
GitHub #26265 - Zephyr os bluetooth peripheral example indication. When i flash code to my board custom configuration for indication will shown and after i click button for indication it device will disconnect from phone. My board is nrf52832.
GitHub #26264 - tests/benchmarks/latency_measure failed on up_squared board.
GitHub #26263 - reel_board:tests/posix/common failed.
GitHub #26259 - Add AT86RF233 REB Xplained Pro Extension shield
GitHub #26256 - NRF51822 BLE Micro module: hangs on k_msleep() (RTC counter not working)
GitHub #26255 - k_uptime_ticks() returns pointer instead of value
GitHub #26252 - bluetooth: controller: Cannot receive long packets
GitHub #26248 - A timer with 24-hour timeout fires immediately
GitHub #26242 - qemu_x86 and qemu_cortex_m3 time handling broken with CONFIG_QEMU_ICOUNT
GitHub #26235 - multi vlan support networking
GitHub #26234 - Question: how can a NRF52840-DK’s clock be set to 64MHz
GitHub #26232 - Segger Embedded Studio doesn’t find the right python
GitHub #26220 - OpenThread L2 does not implement enable
API function
GitHub #26209 - sanitycheck tries to run random samples, without being asked for
GitHub #26200 - BT_LE_ADV_OPT_EXT_ADV causes bt_le_adv_start to return -22
GitHub #26197 - tracking provenance of utility code
GitHub #26185 - Sample posix:eventfd fails on all platforms
GitHub #26177 - Bluetooth: Mesh: Friend node unexpected un-reference buffer
GitHub #26174 - Add STM32H7 Series Ethernet Driver Support
GitHub #26172 - Zephyr Master/Slave not conforming with Core Spec. 5.2 connection policies
GitHub #26169 - Enable -O0 for only one *.c file
GitHub #26168 - arch-level memory-mapping interface
GitHub #26167 - Extend the sensor API with function for getting the value of a sensor attribute
GitHub #26165 - Clock not initialized in LPC Flexcomm UART driver
GitHub #26150 - storage/stream: flash_img_bytes_written() might returns more than number of payload bytes written.
GitHub #26149 - building native_posix against musl-libc
GitHub #26139 - west: nrfjprog and jlink runner leave SW-DP registers in enabled state
GitHub #26136 - CMake Error in Windows Environment
GitHub #26131 - nrf52840_mdk: add support for nrf stock bootloader
GitHub #26119 - Compilation error when enabling MPU on STM32 L0 boards
GitHub #26112 - bug: cmake loops when passing overlay file with left slashes in file path
GitHub #26107 - driver MMIO virtual address space mapping
GitHub #26106 - mcumgr: smp_bt: wrong notify MTU calculation with CONFIG_BT_GATT_NOTIFY_MULTIPLE
GitHub #26105 - Test kernel.memory_protection.stack_random fails on nrf52dk_nrf52832
GitHub #26104 - Asynchronous input via UART
GitHub #26096 - cmake finds a DTC from Zephyr-SDK version, it tries to execute it, and it fails
GitHub #26095 - Requirements.txt pip version conflict
GitHub #26080 - gPTP time sync fails if having more than one port
GitHub #26076 - bug: cortex-m0: vector table base address is set to zero when soc has control over where to put vector table.
GitHub #26071 - Bluetooth: host: ATT sent callback lost
GitHub #26070 - Bluetooth: ATT request not processed
GitHub #26065 - sanitycheck reports failing tests with timeout as passing
GitHub #26064 - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api failed on mec15xxevb_assy6853 board.
GitHub #26059 - Potentially incorrect interrupt handling in nRF SoC .dtsi for GPIO
GitHub #26049 - False multiple define of irq with IRQ_CONNECT
GitHub #26039 - tests: kernel: timer: timer_api: regression on STM32 boards
GitHub #26038 - build zephyr with llvm fail
GitHub #26037 - RFC: API Change: Bluetooth Mesh
GitHub #26034 - menuconfig target aborts when Kconfig warnings are present
GitHub #26033 - NET_SOCKETS_OFFLOAD conflicts with POSIX_API
GitHub #26030 - RV32M1_RI5CY: tests/kernel/threads/thread_apis and thread_init fails
GitHub #26021 - Problems compiling for Measuring Time
GitHub #26017 - Build error in shell with gcc 10.1 (tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api)
GitHub #25991 - [net][][imx-rt series] test fails (k_uptime_get_32() - tstamp <= FUZZ is false)
GitHub #25990 - tests/net/socket/select failed on sam_e70_xplained board.
GitHub #25989 - STM32_LPTIM_TIMER wrongly depends on DEVICE_POWER_MANAGEMENT
GitHub #25988 - [Coverity CID :210687] Argument cannot be negative in tests/net/socket/socketpair/src/test_socketpair_happy_path.c
GitHub #25987 - [Coverity CID :210685] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/legacy_api/src/main.c
GitHub #25986 - [Coverity CID :210684] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/kernel/mbox/mbox_api/src/test_mbox_api.c
GitHub #25985 - [Coverity CID :210683] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/legacy_api/src/main.c
GitHub #25984 - [Coverity CID :210686] Unchecked return value in lib/os/mempool.c
GitHub #25983 - [Coverity CID :210682] Unchecked return value in lib/os/mempool.c
GitHub #25982 - [Coverity CID :210020] Explicit null dereferenced in drivers/usb/device/usb_dc_mcux_ehci.c
GitHub #25981 - Support storing mcuboot images on serial flash accessed through Nordic QSPI
GitHub #25979 - Need root LICENSE files in hal_stm32 module
GitHub #25965 - hci_uart not responding at higher baudrates on NRF52810
GitHub #25964 - Bluetooth: <err> bt_att: ATT Timeout
GitHub #25958 - Concept Overview for improving support for serial flash devices via SPI and QSPI
GitHub #25956 - Including header files from modules into app
GitHub #25952 - STM32 LPTIM driver doesn’t restart counter after sleeping K_TICKS_FOREVER
GitHub #25945 - devicetree: support generating symbols for -gpios properties w/o compatible
GitHub #25942 - Bluetooth: Scanning + Non-connectable advertising broken on nRF5340
GitHub #25926 - k_cycle_get_32() returns 0 in native_posix
GitHub #25920 - Compilation error when CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y specified
GitHub #25919 - dhcpv4 or rx ethernet packets not working on nucleo_f429zi
GitHub #25892 - arc emsdp board work wrong with emsdp_em7d_esp config
GitHub #25869 - 2.3: Missing release notes
GitHub #25865 - Device Tree Memory Layout
GitHub #25859 - mesh example not working with switched off dcdc?
GitHub #25853 - modem_ublox_sara_r4: Cannot connect to UDP remote
GitHub #25833 - [lpcxpresso55s69_cpu1] no applications and build guide, hello world can not build
GitHub #25827 - Devicetree: add accessors with defaults
GitHub #25794 - [Coverity CID :210554] Uninitialized scalar variable in tests/net/iface/src/main.c
GitHub #25792 - [Coverity CID :210552] Resource leak in tests/net/pm/src/main.c
GitHub #25790 - [Coverity CID :210594] Dereference after null check in subsys/testsuite/ztest/src/ztest_mock.c
GitHub #25786 - [Coverity CID :210558] Dereference before null check in drivers/sensor/sensor_shell.c
GitHub #25784 - [Coverity CID :210546] Dereference after null check in tests/net/promiscuous/src/main.c
GitHub #25783 - [Coverity CID :210051] Dereference after null check in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #25782 - [Coverity CID :210035] Dereference before null check in drivers/sensor/bq274xx/bq274xx.c
GitHub #25781 - [Coverity CID :210031] Dereference before null check in drivers/modem/gsm_ppp.c
GitHub #25778 - [Coverity CID :210604] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/mem_protect/protection/src/main.c
GitHub #25777 - [Coverity CID :210589] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/mem_protect/protection/src/main.c
GitHub #25776 - [Coverity CID :210573] Out-of-bounds access in tests/kernel/mem_protect/userspace/src/main.c
GitHub #25750 - [Coverity CID :210066] Unintentional integer overflow in include/sys/time_units.h
GitHub #25749 - [Coverity CID :210033] Unintentional integer overflow in drivers/sensor/mpr/mpr.c
GitHub #25748 - [Coverity CID :210606] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
GitHub #25747 - [Coverity CID :210596] Assign instead of compare in subsys/logging/log_output_syst.c
GitHub #25746 - [Coverity CID :210584] Assign instead of compare in subsys/logging/log_output_syst.c
GitHub #25745 - [Coverity CID :210052] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/fpu_sharing/generic/src/pi.c
GitHub #25744 - [Coverity CID :210045] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/fpu_sharing/generic/src/pi.c
GitHub #25743 - [Coverity CID :209944] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
GitHub #25742 - [Coverity CID :209943] Pointless string comparison in tests/lib/devicetree/src/main.c
GitHub #25741 - [Coverity CID :210618] Unchecked return value in drivers/wifi/esp/esp.c
GitHub #25740 - [Coverity CID :210617] Argument cannot be negative in tests/net/pm/src/main.c
GitHub #25739 - [Coverity CID :210610] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/eventfd/src/main.c
GitHub #25738 - [Coverity CID :210602] Unchecked return value in tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api/src/test_uart_fifo.c
GitHub #25735 - [Coverity CID :210582] Unchecked return value in tests/net/socket/getaddrinfo/src/main.c
GitHub #25734 - [Coverity CID :210580] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/eventfd/src/main.c
GitHub #25733 - [Coverity CID :210575] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/eventfd/src/main.c
GitHub #25732 - [Coverity CID :210570] Argument cannot be negative in tests/posix/eventfd/src/main.c
GitHub #25729 - [Coverity CID :210056] Unchecked return value in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #25728 - [Coverity CID :210050] Unchecked return value in tests/subsys/settings/littlefs/src/settings_setup_littlefs.c
GitHub #25726 - [Coverity CID :210598] Missing break in switch in subsys/net/l2/ieee802154/ieee802154_frame.c
GitHub #25725 - [Coverity CID :210578] Structurally dead code in kernel/mem_domain.c
GitHub #25724 - [Coverity CID :210566] Missing break in switch in subsys/net/l2/ieee802154/ieee802154_frame.c
GitHub #25723 - [Coverity CID :210559] Unsigned compared against 0 in subsys/net/ip/tcp2.c
GitHub #25722 - [Coverity CID :210058] Logically dead code in samples/net/sockets/big_http_download/src/big_http_download.c
GitHub #25721 - [Coverity CID :209945] Logically dead code in tests/net/tcp2/src/main.c
GitHub #25720 - [Coverity CID :210073] Arguments in wrong order in drivers/modem/wncm14a2a.c
GitHub #25713 - Miss shift i2c slave address in i2c_sifive
GitHub #25710 - FS: Buffer Overflow when enabling Long File Names in FAT_FS and calling fs_stat
GitHub #25704 - lib: updatehub: Corrupted updated when receiving CoAP duplicate packages
GitHub #25693 - ESP WiFi MPU Fault causes zephyr fatal error
GitHub #25682 - [v2.2] Shell freezes with cout printf, prink on float
GitHub #25678 - enhance k_mutex to be ISR safe
GitHub #25672 - Bluetooth: Mesh: scan_start fails with synchronous bt_enable
GitHub #25664 - nRF Boards: unify static partition size for Bootloader
GitHub #25658 - Issue to run sample on nucleo_g474re
GitHub #25652 - smp_svr fails for nrf5340
GitHub #25645 - USB RNDIS driver can’t work with Windows 10 (10.0.18363)
GitHub #25601 - UART input does not work on mps2_an{385,521}
GitHub #25599 - scanf() not functional with newlib out of the box
GitHub #25566 - LSPI of NXP i.MX RT Other interrupts treated as transfer completion
GitHub #25554 - lib: posix: nanosleep
GitHub #25501 - shields: mikroe_eth_click config should be made conditional
GitHub #25499 - Out of tree board: No sources given to target
GitHub #25474 - ipv6 client-server between ble’s failed
GitHub #25458 - Multiple issues with timing benchmark
GitHub #25453 - tests/posix/common fails on nucleo_wb55rg
GitHub #25444 - No IPv6 routes from BLE IPSP node (NRF52840DK)
GitHub #25398 - UpSquared Grub build docs don’t work on Ubuntu 20.04
GitHub #25358 - net: config: application starts with 3s delay when CONFIG_NET_CONFIG_SETTINGS=y
GitHub #25328 - mesh_demo is failing
GitHub #25327 - Move to C99 integer types and deprecate zephyr specific types
GitHub #25317 - RFC: Unstable API Change: uart_async: Call UART_RX_RDY event after rx_disable()
GitHub #25312 - samples:mimxrt1010_evk:samples/net/openthread/ncp: build error
GitHub #25311 - samples:frdmkw64f:bluetooth/peripheral_hr| peripheral_ht: could not get ADC device
GitHub #25308 - I2C simulation in native_posix
GitHub #25299 - SYSTICK: Inconsistency between dts status and Kconfig
GitHub #25295 - sanitycheck: race when running sanitycheck on native_posix producing false negatives.
GitHub #25294 - Nordic mcuboot + smp_svr + QSPI smp_shell incompatibility
GitHub #25293 - Add USB Device Support to STM32411E-DISCO
GitHub #25283 - sam0: watchdog: Times out twice as fast as expected
GitHub #25268 - sanitycheck doesn’t report native_posix failures properly
GitHub #25258 - drivers: i2c_nios2: device config_info content mutated
GitHub #25257 - drivers: audio: dma_nios2_msgdma: device config_info content mutated
GitHub #25256 - drivers: audio: tlv320dac310x: device config_info content mutated
GitHub #25255 - drivers: i2c: gecko: device config_info content mutated
GitHub #25231 - net.offload test fails on atsame54_xpro
GitHub #25229 - net.neighbour test fails on atsame54_xpro
GitHub #25228 - net.util test fails on atsame54_xpro
GitHub #25227 - net.icmpv6 test fails on atsame54_xpro
GitHub #25226 - net.vlan test fails on atsame54_xpro
GitHub #25215 - enable modules to append to $DTS_ROOT
GitHub #25189 - Wrong flash size set in the XIP boot header for NXP imxrt SoCs
GitHub #25171 - Can only run the flash_simulator test once on native_posix
GitHub #25165 - LE Coded Phy code rate switch [s2/s8]
GitHub #25156 - Unable to use –use-elf option in ‘west flash’ to correctly flash the .elf file
GitHub #25148 - tests: gpio: Add check to validate initial values of gpio output
GitHub #25140 - Unable to obtain dhcp lease
GitHub #25104 - whitelist in {sample,testcase}.yaml precludes a test from being run with sanitycheck
GitHub #25101 - driver: gpio: mchp: GPIO initialization value doesn’t get reflected when using new flags
GitHub #25098 - MCUX I2C bus errors leave state machine in busy state
GitHub #25076 - Remove potential I2C deadlock on NRFX implementation
GitHub #25063 - USB Console + USB CDC_ACM co-existing
GitHub #25051 - tests/drivers/gpio/gpio_api_1pin failed on reel_board.
GitHub #25022 - hsdk:There is no case’s information in serial log for ARC(R) HS Development Kit after one case was been flashed into the board.
GitHub #25021 - Problems getting open62541 to run on Zephyr
GitHub #24960 - The example “blinky” didn’t work on MIMXRT1050-EVK
GitHub #24939 - LSPI of NXP i.MX RT timing delay issue
GitHub #24918 - Segger RTT using j-link doesn’t work on NXP i.MX RT
GitHub #24916 - echo_client sample return: Cannot connect to TCP remote (IPv6): 60 (frdm_k64f <–> native_posix)
GitHub #24910 - kernel: stack sentinel crashes
GitHub #24859 - os: Add memory partition overlap assert check is not made for x86 boards
GitHub #24844 - Setting esp-idf path to match Espressif’s documentation
GitHub #24770 - Low throughput with the zperf sample using stm32f746g_disco
GitHub #24767 - Ethernet support for STM32H747
GitHub #24750 - need API to get list of succeed initialization device or add initialization status flag in struct device
GitHub #24747 - tests/lib/heap fails on ARC nsim_sem nsim_em
GitHub #24745 - Mitigate changes in peripheral enable state after Kconfig replaced by DT status
GitHub #24730 - C standard library <time.h> functions and structures not available when using POSIX API
GitHub #24703 - hal_nuvoton: Add new module for Nuvoton numicro M480 HAL layer
GitHub #24700 - mimxrt1050_evk:tests/drivers/kscan/kscan_api failed.
GitHub #24632 - Devices vs. drivers
GitHub #24627 - tests/subsys/usb/device fails on SAM E54
GitHub #24625 - lib: drivers: clock: rtc: rtc api to maintain calendar time through reboot
GitHub #24619 - CONFIG_USERSPACE=y CONFIG_XIP=n causes .bin space to be wasted
GitHub #24546 - Implement MDB runner for ARC
GitHub #24499 - devicetree: node name for SPI buses should be ‘spi’ warning
GitHub #24429 - LPC55S69 flash faults when reading unwritten areas
GitHub #24372 - Json: array of objects is not properly handled
GitHub #24318 - Postpone driver initialization
GitHub #24301 - Support for multi core STM32 H75/H77 boards
GitHub #24300 - tests/net/trickle failed on frdm_k64f and sam_e70_xplained with v1.14 branch.
GitHub #24293 - subsys: shell: bug: shell_fprintf() before shell_enable() causes shell deadlock
GitHub #24233 - adxl362_trigger.c adxl362_init_interrupt function :const struct adxl362_config *cfg not found gpio_cs_port
GitHub #24224 - Possible uninitialized variable in zephyrsubsyslogginglog_msg.c
GitHub #24221 - Do not run cron workflow on forks
GitHub #24217 - Shell: provide mechanism to call any command while in select command
GitHub #24191 - obj_tracing: Local IPC variables are not removed from obj tracing list after function return
GitHub #24147 - nrf5340 pdk: BOARDS_ENABLE_CPUNET does not allow proper NET MCU configuration
GitHub #24134 - [NXP i.MX RT Flash]: evkmimxrt1020 does not boot with a new flash chip
GitHub #24133 - Question: Context save/restore after deep sleep using device driver
GitHub #24111 - drivers: flash: littlefs: add sync to flash API & update LittleFS to use it
GitHub #24092 - Unable to change recv() buffer size in frdm_k64f board.
GitHub #24076 - [v1.14] UARTE high current consumption on NRF
GitHub #24030 - [Coverity CID :209379] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/mem_protect/sys_sem/src/main.c
GitHub #24029 - [Coverity CID :209380] Unchecked return value in tests/kernel/poll/src/test_poll.c
GitHub #24028 - [Coverity CID :209381] Unrecoverable parse warning in include/bluetooth/bluetooth.h
GitHub #23961 - CCC does not get cleared when CONFIG_BT_KEYS_OVERWRITE_OLDEST is enabled
GitHub #23949 - Question: Is there any example for BR/EDR profile/protocols (like A2DP, AVDTP, RFCOMM)?
GitHub #23887 - drivers: modem: question: Should modem stack include headers to put into zephyr/include?
GitHub #23886 - drivers: modem_socket: Question: socket ID appears to be the same for all sockets
GitHub #23873 - GNA subsystem does not provide any system calls
GitHub #23825 - fails to find bindings when DTS_ROOT is a relative path
GitHub #23808 - ARM bus fault with code coverage
GitHub #23802 - up_squared(acrn):tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/ failed.
GitHub #23801 - up_squared(acrn):tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api failed.
GitHub #23800 - tests/drivers/counter/counter_cmos failed on up_squared platform
GitHub #23775 - k_poll() documentation is wrong or unclear
GitHub #23713 - CMake integration with libmetal errors-out with the bleeding edge CMake release
GitHub #23702 - STACK_POINTER_RANDOM is not working on ARM for the main thread
GitHub #23672 - dts: sam0: question: Is it possible to clean up samd.dtsi devicetree warning?
GitHub #23629 - support inverted PWM on STM32
GitHub #23599 - zephyr/samples/application_development/code_relocation execution stop at z_arm_bus_fault
GitHub #23578 - [Coverity CID :208922] Uninitialized pointer read in tests/posix/common/src/pthread.c
GitHub #23574 - [Coverity CID :208926] Side effect in assertion in tests/kernel/interrupt/src/nested_irq.c
GitHub #23546 - Kconfig: default value not assigned when inheriting Kconfig values in range
GitHub #23514 - Allocate executable memory for ESP32
GitHub #23474 - tests/subsys/usb/device failed on reel_board.
GitHub #23443 - esp32 needs i2c_transfer call to turn on the display
GitHub #23423 - Mitigation in case system [created] threads hang/non-responsive
GitHub #23419 - posix: clock: No thread safety clock_[get/set]time
GitHub #23366 - ARM: Core Stack Improvements/Bug fixes for 2.3 release
GitHub #23364 - Bluetooth: bt_recv deadlock on supervision timeout with pending GATT Write Commands
GitHub #23349 - Question: How to add external soc, board, DTS, drivers and libs?
GitHub #23322 - flash, spi-nor: Configuration of jedec spi nor flash device driver
GitHub #23319 - hci interface stopped working after few hours/days
GitHub #23248 - Add secure version of strcpy
GitHub #23246 - net: tx_bufs are not freed when NET_TCP_BACKLOG_SIZE is too high
GitHub #23243 - test/kernel/gen_isr_table fails in v2.2.0-rc3 on lpcxpresso54114_m4 board
GitHub #23215 - fujitsu FRAM read error on stm32_olimexino
GitHub #23211 - need a proper arch_system_halt() for x86_64
GitHub #23178 - usb: endpoint buffer leak upon SET_CONFIGURATION, SET_INTERFACE
GitHub #23177 - Bluetooth: Mesh: Access structure member with a possible NULL pointer
GitHub #23149 - [v1.14] sam_e70_xplained:tests/drivers/watchdog/wdt_basic_api failed with v1.14 branch.
GitHub #23139 - USB Mass storage - Unexpected USB restart from host
GitHub #23138 - Codegen for an C structure that stores pinmux definitions
GitHub #23134 - BT: Host: Notification dropped instead of truncated if bigger than ATT_MTU-3
GitHub #23111 - drivers:usb:device:sam0: Descriptor tables are filled with zeros in attach()
GitHub #23052 - nrf52840_pca10056: Spurious RTS pulse and incorrect line level with hardware flow control disabled
GitHub #23040 - samples: net/wifi: net ping shell causes USAGE FAULT once wifi is connected
GitHub #23039 - SystemView does not work with C++ enabled
GitHub #22996 - scripts/footprint/size_report doesn’t work on qemu_x86_64
GitHub #22980 - bluetooth: logging: Build assertion prevents immediate logging when using legacy LL
GitHub #22975 - tests/kernel/gen_isr_table: filtered in CI only for Cortex-M Mainline
GitHub #22974 - Add cancel function to onoff service
GitHub #22955 - tests/kernel/interrupt fails intermittently on qemu_cortex_m0
GitHub #22906 - Slow read/write speed of microSD card via SPI and FatFS
GitHub #22892 - Kconfig warning when serial disable on PCA10059
GitHub #22873 - Bluetooth: RSSI Read command can be configured out even when mandatory
GitHub #22872 - Hello world application for mps2_an521 board when build as a secure/non-secure with Trusted Firmware is crashing on qemu
GitHub #22865 - drivers: enc28j60: sample: dumb_http_server: TX failed errors
GitHub #22758 - RFC: Require system clock stability on startup
GitHub #22751 - STM32F407 I2C driver hangs
GitHub #22722 - posix: redefinition of symbols while porting zeromq to zephyr
GitHub #22704 - Implement watchdog driver for lpcxpresso55s69
GitHub #22637 - 2.3 Release Checklist
GitHub #22594 - NXP S32K144 MCU support
GitHub #22562 - West: Allow configuring west sign
similar to west runners
GitHub #22466 - Add hx711 sensor
GitHub #22391 - Resuming from suspend should check device usage count in device idle PM
GitHub #22344 - convert espi sample to devicetree
GitHub #22340 - Security problem with settings and littlefs
GitHub #22322 - Clang linking error
GitHub #22301 - k_msgq_put() semantics definition
GitHub #22151 - hal_nordic: nrfx: doxygen: Reference to missing nrfx/templates
GitHub #22145 - RISCV arch_irq_connect_dynamic() broken with PLIC interrupts
GitHub #22144 - arch: arm64: interrupt test is failing
GitHub #22140 - Exiting deep sleep without button help; nrf52832
GitHub #22091 - Blink-Led example doesn’t build on Nucleo_L476RG, STM32F4_DISCOVERY, Nucleo_F302R8, Nucleo_F401RE
GitHub #22077 - W25Q32fv supported in spi_flash examples ?
GitHub #22063 - fs/NVS: NVS is not compatible with flash memories which have 0x00 as erased
GitHub #22060 - Build fails with gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major
GitHub #21994 - Bluetooth: controller: split: Fix procedure complete event generation
GitHub #21848 - sanitycheck duplicate tests Testing/Ztest
GitHub #21843 - CONFIG_INIT_STACKS issue on x86_64
GitHub #21819 - Shell fails when dynamic command has empty subcommand
GitHub #21801 - Logger sample’s performance estimates are incorrect
GitHub #21798 - Bluetooth: host: Allow GATT client to restore subscription info without resubscribing
GitHub #21772 - Adding I2C devices to device tree with the same address on different busses generates excessive warnings.
GitHub #21762 - [v1.14] stm32: k_sleep() actual sleep times are different than its input
GitHub #21754 - Arduino Due shell does not accept input (UART0)
GitHub #21725 - device power management by device
GitHub #21711 - sam0 i2c slave
GitHub #21708 - Multiple partitions for LittleFS
GitHub #21707 - Timing violation for all sensor drivers
GitHub #21670 - Keep device structures in ROM
GitHub #21635 - sht3xd error -5 on olimexino_stm32
GitHub #21616 - LWM2M: unable to get plain text from incoming message
GitHub #21611 - IS25LP032D-JNLE Flash support
GitHub #21554 - ldscript:datas section is not properly aligned in ROM
GitHub #21549 - i2c_sam0 interrupt latency is excessive
GitHub #21511 - re-visit k_thread_abort wrt SMP
GitHub #21498 - Zephyr Peripheral not responding to Terminate command from central
GitHub #21455 - driver: subsys: sdhc: USAGE FAULT trace and no cs control
GitHub #21452 - drivers: ethernet: unify the initiaization
GitHub #21445 - drivers/i2c: add I2C slave support for nrfx
GitHub #21436 - refactor and augment CPU cache management APIs
GitHub #21399 - NUCLEO-H745ZI-Q Support
GitHub #21378 - The program cannot be downloaded to nrf52840, only to pca10056
GitHub #21240 - Error west flash
GitHub #21234 - drivers: usb_dc_sam0: usb detach and reattach does not work
GitHub #21233 - i2c_sam0 driver does not execute a STOP condition
GitHub #21232 - i2c_sam0 LOWTOUT is not functional
GitHub #21229 - cc1plus: warning: ‘-Werror=’ argument ‘-Werror=implicit-int’ is not valid for C++
GitHub #21187 - Can not ping or run http server via ethernet when gPTP is enabled
GitHub #21114 - Invalid interaction between the RTC and the I2C drivers for the sam0
GitHub #21111 - Reschedule points are currently undocumented
GitHub #21092 - i2c-sam0 sleeps waiting for interrupt
GitHub #21053 - net: 6lo: Use context 0 as default when CID-bit is not set
GitHub #21016 - Unexpected ethernet network traffic after power up
GitHub #20987 - Console showing frequent usb warnings: <wrn> usb_device: Failed to write endpoint buffer 0x82
GitHub #20978 - Add bond_deleted callback
GitHub #20870 - [Coverity CID :205816] Control flow issues in subsys/settings/src/settings_file.c
GitHub #20844 - [Coverity CID :205781] Integer handling issues in lib/os/printk.c
GitHub #20806 - nrf: clock control: clock control on/off routines are refcounted
GitHub #20780 - Feature Request: Half-duplex UART shell backend
GitHub #20750 - shell: shell_execute_cmd introduce new line
GitHub #20734 - Are cooperative threads cooperative in SMP?
GitHub #20729 - Coverage reporting hangs for C++ tests on X86 qemu
GitHub #20712 - nRF clock_control_on() is nonblocking
GitHub #20693 - tests: watchdog: test_wdt_callback_1() implementation vs API specification
GitHub #20687 - Clarification: How to enable on-board nor-flash following the board porting guide?
GitHub #20671 - ARC: remove scheduler code from arch layer
GitHub #20663 - kernel objects are being included always, regardless of usage
GitHub #20595 - tests/arch/arm/arm_thread_swap failed on frdm_k64f board.
GitHub #20589 - RV32M1 SPI loopback needs DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS
GitHub #20541 - [Coverity CID :205639]Security best practices violations in /tests/subsys/settings/functional/src/settings_basic_test.c
GitHub #20520 - [Coverity CID :205652]Memory - corruptions in /tests/crypto/tinycrypt/src/ecc_dsa.c
GitHub #20519 - [Coverity CID :205616]Memory - corruptions in /tests/crypto/tinycrypt/src/ecc_dsa.c
GitHub #20517 - [Coverity CID :205640]Control flow issues in /subsys/testsuite/ztest/src/ztest.c
GitHub #20516 - [Coverity CID :205609]Control flow issues in /subsys/testsuite/ztest/src/ztest.c
GitHub #20500 - [Coverity CID :205629]Control flow issues in /drivers/timer/cc13x2_cc26x2_rtc_timer.c
GitHub #20418 - CONFIG_HEAP_MEM_POOL_SIZE should not be limited
GitHub #20297 - Bluetooth: can’t close bt_driver log output
GitHub #20012 - Support peripheral deallocation at runtime
GitHub #19824 - Build sample net app for ACRN (nuc i7dnhe)
GitHub #19739 - stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device
GitHub #19701 - mem_pool_threadsafe sporadic failures impacting CI
GitHub #19684 - doc: [message_queues.rst] unclear about data_item structure type
GitHub #19670 - samples/drivers/spi_fujitsu_fram crashs due to uninitialized variables
GitHub #19661 - missing files in xtensa/xt-sim doc
GitHub #19550 - drivers/pcie: pcie_get_mbar()
should return a void *
not u32_t
GitHub #19483 - Add support for Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP)
GitHub #19414 - UART and prf not working
GitHub #19376 - Build on a ARM host
GitHub #19348 - net: TCP/IPv6 set of fragmented packets causes Zephyr QEMU to double free
GitHub #19063 - can we increase qemu_riscv32/64 RAM sizes
GitHub #18960 - [Coverity CID :203908]Error handling issues in /lib/libc/newlib/libc-hooks.c
GitHub #18843 - Usage Fault with CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS even on samples/hello_world
GitHub #18815 - UART API documentation
GitHub #18629 - Some tests fail to reach test_main() on cc1352r1_launchxl
GitHub #18570 - Dynamic interrupt does not work with multi-level interrupts
GitHub #18345 - Is there a way to get the bytes that shell receives?
GitHub #18157 - adding an offset to the zephyr code via dts overlay breaks linking + the image size changes
GitHub #18045 - BT Host: Advertising Extensions - Periodic Advertisement
GitHub #17814 - Zephyr support for NXP i.MX8M SoC
GitHub #17688 - Unable to Read data from SCC811
GitHub #17624 - SRAM size configurations aren’t always consistent
GitHub #17372 - sanitycheck does not parse extra_args with spaces correctly
GitHub #16968 - silabs/gecko/emlib/src/em_gpio.c:111:35: warning: ?: using integer constants in boolean context [-Werror=int-in-bool-context]
GitHub #16886 - Bluetooth Mesh: Receive segmented message multiple times
GitHub #16809 - TCP2 integration
GitHub #16790 - adxl362 sample isn’t build by sanitycheck
GitHub #16661 - Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) for ARC HS cores
GitHub #16638 - Filesystem API is missing fs_open() flags
GitHub #16439 - flash: unify read alignment requirements
GitHub #16387 - STM32wb55 bluetooth samples fail
GitHub #16363 - Error building x_nucleo_iks01a1 sample on nucleo_wb55rg after activating I2C Bus
GitHub #16210 - ARM: initialization sequence might be not using all of interrupt stack
GitHub #16031 - Toolchain abstraction
GitHub #15968 - rom_report very imprecise
GitHub #15845 - _RESET_VECTOR different from 0x00 gives invalid .elf size on nios2
GitHub #15286 - HF clock’s m16src_grd and BLE stack
GitHub #15246 - doc: confusion about dtc version
GitHub #14591 - Infineon Tricore architecture support
GitHub #14587 - IPv6 support in cc3220sf_launchxl
GitHub #14520 - invalid locking in shell
GitHub #14302 - USB MSC fails USB3CV tests
GitHub #14269 - Enforce usage of K_THREAD_STACK_SIZEOF macro in k_thread_create()
GitHub #14173 - Configure QEMU to run independent of the host clock
GitHub #13819 - mimxrt10xx: Wrong I2C transfer status
GitHub #13813 - Test suite mslab_threadsafe fails randomly
GitHub #13737 - Where can I find tutorial to make my own device driver for a device under I2C bus?
GitHub #13651 - ARC does not set thread->stack_info correctly
GitHub #13637 - Introduce supervisor-only stack declaration macros
GitHub #13276 - Do we need to update fatfs
GitHub #12987 - Fix workaround of using ‘mmio-sram’ compat for system memory (DRAM) in DTS
GitHub #12935 - Zephyr usurps “STRINGIFY” define
GitHub #12705 - Implement select() call for socket offloading and SimpleLink driver
GitHub #12025 - OS Pwr Manager doesn’t put nrf52 into LPS_1
GitHub #11976 - APIs that support a callback should provide both the device pointer and a generic pointer
GitHub #11974 - rework eeprom driver to clearly indicate it is a test stub
GitHub #11908 - Power Manager does not handle K_FOREVER properly
GitHub #11890 - Reimplement getaddrinfo() to call SlNetUtil_getaddrinfo() in new SimpleLink SDK v 2.30+
GitHub #10628 - tests/kernel/common and tests/posix/fs crash on ESP32
GitHub #10436 - Mess with ssize_t, off_t definitions
GitHub #9893 - MISRA C Review switch statement usage
GitHub #9808 - remove single thread support
GitHub #9596 - tests/subsys/logging/log_core fails on ESP32 with no console output
GitHub #8469 - Zephyr types incompatibilities (e.g. u32_t vs uint32_t)
GitHub #8364 - mcumgr: unable to properly read big files
GitHub #8360 - CI should enforce that does not trigger warnings
GitHub #8262 - [Bluetooth] MPU FAULT on sdu_recv
GitHub #7951 - doc: naming convention for requirements ids
GitHub #7385 - i2c_esp32 can write past checked buffer length
GitHub #6783 - Clean up content
GitHub #6184 - drivers: ISR-friendly driver APIs
GitHub #5934 - esp32: Output frequency is different from that configured on I2C and PWM drivers
GitHub #5443 - Deprecate # CONFIG`_ is not set
GitHub #4404 - Align k_poll with waiters
GitHub #3423 - Optimize MCUX shim drivers to reduce memory footprint
GitHub #3180 - implement direct interrupts on ARC
GitHub #3165 - xtensa: switch to clang-based frontend
GitHub #3066 - Improve Multi Core support
GitHub #2955 - Use interrupt-driven TX in hci_uart sample