GitHub #39443 - Be more inclusive
GitHub #39419 - STM32WL55 not found st/wl/stm32wl55jcix-pinctrl.dtsi
GitHub #39413 - warnings when using newlibc and threads
GitHub #39409 - runners: canopen: program download fails with slow flash access and/or congested CAN nets
GitHub #39389 - http_get, big_http_download samples fails to build
GitHub #39388 - GSM Modem sample fails to build
GitHub #39378 - Garbage IQ Data Reports are generated if some check in hci_df_prepare_connectionless_iq_report fails
GitHub #39294 - noticing stm32 clock domain naming changes
GitHub #39291 - Bluetooth: Periodic advertising
GitHub #39284 - mdns + dns_sd: fix regression that breaks ptr queries
GitHub #39281 - Undefined references to k_thread_abort related tracing routines
GitHub #39270 - example-application CI build fails
GitHub #39263 - Bluetooth: controller: DF: wrong handling of max_cte_count
GitHub #39260 - [backport v2.7-branch] backport of #38292 failed
GitHub #39240 - ARC Kconfig allows so select IRQ configuration which isn’t supported in SW
GitHub #39206 - lwm2m: send_attempts field does not seem to be used?
GitHub #39205 - drivers: wifi: esp_at: cannot connect to open (unsecure) WiFi networks
GitHub #39195 - USB: netusb: example echo_server not working as expected
GitHub #39190 - tests/subsys/logging/log_core_additional/logging.add.log2 fails
GitHub #39188 - tests/bluetooth/mesh/bluetooth.mesh.ext_adv fails
GitHub #39185 - tests/subsys/logging/log_core_additional/logging.add.user fails on several platforms
GitHub #39180 - samples/subsys/mgmt/osdp/peripheral_device & samples/subsys/mgmt/osdp/control_panel fail to build
GitHub #39170 - Can not run correctly on NXP MIMXRT1061 CVL5A.
GitHub #39135 - samples/compression/lz4 build failed (lz4.h: No such file or directory)
GitHub #39132 - subsys/net/ip/tcp2: Missing feature to decrease Receive Window size sent in the ACK messge
GitHub #39123 - ztest: Broken on NRF52840 Platform
GitHub #39115 - sensor: fdc2x1x: warnings and compilation errors when PM_DEVICE is used
GitHub #39086 - CMake warning during build - depracated roule CMP0079
GitHub #39085 - Ordering of device_map() breaks PCIe config space mapping on ARM64
GitHub #39075 - IPv6 address not set on loopback interface
GitHub #39051 - Zephyr was unable to find the toolchain. Is the environment misconfigured?
GitHub #39036 - Multicast packet forwarding not working for the coap_server sample and Openthread
GitHub #39022 - [backport v2.7-branch] backport of #38834 failed
GitHub #39011 - Bluetooth: Mesh: Model extensions walk stops before last model
GitHub #39009 - Nordic PWM causing lock up due to infinte loop
GitHub #39008 - tests: logging.add.user: build failure on STM32H7 targets
GitHub #38999 - [backport v2.7-branch] backport of #38407 failed
GitHub #38996 - There is no way to leave a ipv6 multicast group
GitHub #38994 - ARP: Replies are sent to multicast MAC address rather than senders MAC address.
GitHub #38970 - LWM2M Client Sample with DTLS enabled fail to connect
GitHub #38966 - Please add STM32F412VX
GitHub #38961 - tests: kernel: sched: schedule_api: instable on disco_l475_iot1
GitHub #38959 - ITE RISCV I2C driver returning positive values for error instead of negative values
GitHub #38943 - west: update hal_espressif failure
GitHub #38938 - Bluetooth tester application should be able return L2CAP ECFC credits on demand
GitHub #38930 - Low Power mode not functional on nucleo_l073rz
GitHub #38924 - twister: cmake: Misleading error in Twister when sdk-zephyr 0.13.1 not used
GitHub #38904 - [backport v2.7-branch] backport of #38860 failed
GitHub #38902 - i2c_nrfx_twim: Error 0x0BAE0002 if sensor is set in trigger mode and reset with nrf device
GitHub #38899 - There is no valid date setting function in the RTC driver of the LL Library of STM32
GitHub #38893 - g0b1re + spi_flash_at45 + flash_shell: First write always fails with CONFIG_PM_DEVICE
GitHub #38886 - devicetree/memory.h probably should not exist as-is
GitHub #38877 - Running the zephyr elf natively on an arm a53 machine (ThunderX2) with KVM emulation
GitHub #38870 - stm32f1: Button callback not fired
GitHub #38853 - Bluetooth: host: bt_unpair failed because function [bt_conn_set_state] wont work as expected
GitHub #38849 - drivers: i2c: nrf: i2c error with burst write
GitHub #38829 - net_buf issue leads to unwanted elem free
GitHub #38826 - tests/lib/cmsis_dsp: malloc failed on 128K SRAM targets
GitHub #38818 - driver display display_st7789v.c build error
GitHub #38815 - kernel/mem_domain: Remove dead case in check_add_partition()
GitHub #38807 - stm32: Missing header in power.c files
GitHub #38804 - testskernelthreadsthread_stack test fail with ARC
GitHub #38799 - BLE central_ht only receives 7 notifications
GitHub #38796 - Failure building the zephyrtestssubsyscpplibcxx project
GitHub #38791 - Example code_relocation not compiling.
GitHub #38790 - SD FatFS Sample Build Failure
GitHub #38784 - stm32: pm: Debug mode not functional on G0
GitHub #38782 - CONFIG_BT_CTLR_DATA_LENGTH_MAX=250 causes pairing compatibility issues with many devices
GitHub #38769 - mqtt: the size of a mqtt payload is limited
GitHub #38765 - samples: create an OLED example
GitHub #38764 - CBPRINTF_FP_SUPPORT does not work after NEWLIB_LIBC enabled
GitHub #38761 - Does zephyr_library_property defines -DTRUE in command-line?
GitHub #38756 - Twister: missing testcases with error in report
GitHub #38745 - Bluetooth when configured for extended advertising does not limit advertisement packet size if a non-extended avertisement is used
GitHub #38737 - drivers: syscon: missing implementation
GitHub #38735 - nucleo_wb55rg: Flash space left to M0 binary is not sufficient anymore
GitHub #38731 - test-ci: ptp_clock_test : test failure on frdm_k64f platform
GitHub #38727 - [RFC] Add hal_gigadevice to support GigaDevice SoC Vendor
GitHub #38716 - modem: HL7800: does not work with IPv6
GitHub #38702 - Coap server not properly removing observers
GitHub #38701 - Observable resource of coap server seems to not support a restart of an observer
GitHub #38700 - Observable resource of coap server seems to not support 2 observers simultaneously
GitHub #38698 - stm32f4_disco: Socket CAN sample not working
GitHub #38697 - The coap_server sample is missing the actual send in the retransmit routine
GitHub #38694 - Disabling NET_CONFIG_AUTO_INIT does not require calling net_config_init() manually in application as mentioned in Zephyr Network Configuration Library documentation
GitHub #38692 - samples/tfm_integration: Compilation fails (“unexpected keyword argument ‘rom_fixed’”)
GitHub #38691 - MPU fault with mcumgr bluetooth FOTA started whilst existing FOTA is in progress
GitHub #38690 - Wrong initialisation priority on different display drivers (eg. ST7735r) cause exception when using lvgl.
GitHub #38688 - bt_gatt_unsubscribe does not remove subscription from internal list/returning BT_GATT_ITER_STOP causes bt_gatt_subscribe to return -ENOMEM / -12
GitHub #38675 - DTS binding create devicetree_unfixed.h build error at v2.7.0
GitHub #38673 - DNS-SD library does not support _services._dns-sd._udp.local
meta-query for service enumeration
GitHub #38668 - ESP32‘s I2S
GitHub #38667 - ST LSM6DSO polling mode does not work on nRF52dk_nrf52832
GitHub #38655 - Failing Tests for Regulator API
GitHub #38653 - drivers: modem: gsm_ppp: Add support for Quectel modems
GitHub #38646 - SIMD Rounding bug while running Assembly addps instruction on Zephyr
GitHub #38641 - Arm v8-M ‘_ns’ renaming was applied inconsistently
GitHub #38635 - USDHC driver broken on RT10XX after 387e6a676f86c00d1f9ef018e4b2480e0bcad3c8 commit
GitHub #38622 - subsys/usb: CONFIG_USB_DEVICE_STACK resulted in 10kb increase in firmware size
GitHub #38621 - Drivers: spi: stm32: Transceive lock forever
GitHub #38620 - STM32 uart driver prevent system to go to deep sleep
GitHub #38617 - HL7800 PSM not working as intended
GitHub #38613 - BLE connection parameters updated with inconsistent values
GitHub #38612 - Fault with assertions enabled prevents detailed output because of ISR() assertion check in shell function
GitHub #38602 - modem gsm
GitHub #38601 - nucleo_f103rb: samples/posix/eventfd/ failed since “retargetable locking” addition
GitHub #38593 - using RTT console to print along with newlib C library in Zephyr
GitHub #38591 - nucleo_f091rc: Linking issue since “align __data_ram/rom_start/end linker” (65a2de84a9d5c535167951bf1cf610c4f7967ea5)
GitHub #38586 - olimexino_stm32: “no DEVICE_HANDLE_ENDS inserted” builld issue (samples/subsys/usb/audio/headphones_microphone)
GitHub #38581 - tests-ci : kernel: scheduler: multiq test failed
GitHub #38582 - tests-ci : kernel: scheduler: test failed
GitHub #38578 - STM32L0X ADC hangs
GitHub #38572 - Builds with macOS SDK are failing
GitHub #38571 - bug: drivers: ethernet: build as static library breaks frdm_k64f gptp sample application
GitHub #38563 - ISO broadcast cannot send with callback if CONFIG_BT_CONN=n
GitHub #38560 - log v2 with 64-bit integers and threads causes invalid 64-bit value output
GitHub #38559 - Shell log backend may hang on qemu_x86_64
GitHub #38558 - CMake warning: CMP0079
GitHub #38554 - tests-ci : kernel: scheduler: test failed
GitHub #38552 - stm32: g0b1: garbage output in log and suspected hard fault when configuring modem
GitHub #38536 - samples: tests: display: Sample for display.ft800 causes end in timeout
GitHub #38535 - drivers: modem: bg9x: Kconfig values compiled into autoconf.h
even if it isn’t being used
GitHub #38534 - lwm2m: add api to inspect observation state of resource/object
GitHub #38532 - samples: audio: tests: Twister fails on samples/drivers/audio/dmic
GitHub #38527 - lwm2m: re-register instead of removing observer on COAP reset answer to notification
GitHub #38520 - Bluetooth:Host:Scan: “bt_le_per_adv_list_add” function doesn’t work
GitHub #38519 - stm32: g0b1re: Log/Shell subsys with serial uart buggy after #38432
GitHub #38516 - subsys: net: ip: packet_socket: always returning of NET_CONTINUE caused access to unreferred pkt and causing a crash/segmentation fault
GitHub #38514 - mqtt azure sample failing with net_tcp “is waiting on connect semaphore”
GitHub #38512 - stm32f7: CAN: STM32F645VE CAN signal seems upside down.
GitHub #38500 - tests/kernel/device/ fails to build on TI platforms
GitHub #38498 - net: ipv6: nbr_lock not initialized with CONFIG_NET_IPV6_ND=n
GitHub #38480 - Improve samples documentation
GitHub #38479 - “west flash” command exiting with error
GitHub #38477 - json: JSON Library Orphaned, Request to Become a Maintainer
GitHub #38474 - command exited with status 63: nrfjprog –ids
GitHub #38463 - check_compliance gives very many Kconfig warnings
GitHub #38452 - Some STM32 series require CONFIG_PM_DEVICE if CONFIG_PM=y
GitHub #38442 - test-ci: can: twr_ke18f: all can driver test fails with BUS Fault
GitHub #38438 - test-ci: test_flash_map:twr_ke18f: test failure
GitHub #38437 - stm32: g0b1re: Serial UART timing issue after MCU entered deep sleep
GitHub #38433 - gpio_pin_set not working on STM32 with CONFIG_PM_DEVICE_RUNTIME
GitHub #38428 - http_client response callback always reports final_data == HTTP_DATA_FINAL
GitHub #38427 - mimxrt1050_evk and mimxrt1020_evk boards fail to boot some sample applications
GitHub #38421 - HardFault regression detected on Cortex-M0+ following Cortex-R introduction
GitHub #38418 - twister: Remove toolchain-depandat filter for native_posix
GitHub #38417 - Add support for WeAct-F401CC board
GitHub #38414 - Build of http client fails if CONFIG_POSIX_API=y
GitHub #38405 - samples/philosophers/sample.kernel.philosopher.stacks fails on xtensa
GitHub #38403 - Cleanup No SOURCES given to Zephyr library
GitHub #38402 - module: MCUboot module missing fixes available upstream
GitHub #38401 - Builds fail due to a proxy error by launchpadlibrarian
GitHub #38400 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: arm_ramfunc and arm_sw_vector_relay tests timeout after the build
GitHub #38398 - DT_N_INST error for TMP116 sample
GitHub #38396 - RISC-V privilege SoC initialisation code skips the __reset vector
GitHub #38382 - stm32 uart finishes Tx before going to PM
GitHub #38365 - drivers: gsm_ppp: gsm_ppp_stop fails to lock tx_sem after some time
GitHub #38362 - soc: ti cc13x2-cc26x2: PM standby + radio interaction regression
GitHub #38354 - stm32: stm32f10x JTAG realated gpio repmap didn’t works
GitHub #38351 - Custom radio protocol
GitHub #38349 - XCC compilation fails on Intel cAVS platforms
GitHub #38348 - Bluetooth: Switch to inclusive terminology from the 5.3 specification
GitHub #38340 - Bluetooth:DirectionFinding: Disabling the MPU causes some compilation errors
GitHub #38332 - stm32g0: power hooks should be define as weak
GitHub #38323 - Can not generate code coverage report by running samples/subsys/tracing
GitHub #38316 - Synchronize multiple DF TX devices in the DF Connectionless RX Example “Periodic Advertising list”
GitHub #38309 - ARC context switch to interrupted thread busted with CONFIG_ARC_FIRQ=y and CONFIG_NUM_IRQ_PRIO_LEVELS=1
GitHub #38303 - The current BabbleSim tests build system based on bash scripts hides warnings
GitHub #38290 - net_buf_add_mem() hard-faults when adding buffer from external SDRAM
GitHub #38279 - Bluetooth: Controller: assert LL_ASSERT(!radio_is_ready()) in lll_conn.c
GitHub #38277 - soc: stm32h7: Fails to boot with LDO power supply, if soc has SMPS support.
GitHub #38276 - LwM2M: RD Client: Wrong state if registration fails
GitHub #38273 - Support UART4 on STM32F303Xe
GitHub #38272 - “west flash” stopped working
GitHub #38271 - Expose emulator_get_binding function
GitHub #38264 - Modbus over RS485 on samd21g18a re-gpios turning on 1 byte too early
GitHub #38259 - subsys/shell: [JJ
escape codes in logs after disabling colors
GitHub #38258 - newlib: first malloc call may fail on Xtensa depending on image size
GitHub #38246 - samples: drivers: flash_shell: fails on arduino_due due to compilation issue
GitHub #38245 - board: bl654_usb project: samples/basic/blinky does not blink LED
GitHub #38240 - Connected ISO does not disconnect gracefully
GitHub #38237 - [backport v2.6-branch] backport of #37479 failed
GitHub #38235 - Please add stm32h723Xe.dtsi to dts/arm/st/h7/
GitHub #38234 - Newlib retargetable lock init fails on qemu_xtensa
GitHub #38233 - Build newlib function read() and write() failed when enable userspace
GitHub #38219 - kernel: Z_MEM_SLAB_INITIALIZER MACRO not compatible with C++
GitHub #38216 - nxp_adsp_imx8 fails to build a number of tests
GitHub #38214 - xtensa builds fail in CI due to running out of ram to link
GitHub #38207 - Use of unaligned noinit data hangs qemu_arc_hs
GitHub #38202 - mbedtls and littlefs on a STM32L4
GitHub #38197 - Invalid NULL check for iso
in bt_iso_connected
GitHub #38196 - net nbr command might crash
GitHub #38191 - Unable to connect multiple MQTT clients
GitHub #38186 - i.MX RT10xx boards fail to initialize when Ethernet is enabled
GitHub #38181 - tests/drivers/uart/uart_basic_api/drivers.uart.cdc_acm fails to build
GitHub #38177 - LORA Module crashes SHT3XD sensor.
GitHub #38173 - STM32WB: Low power modes entry blocked by C2 when CONFIG_BLE=n
GitHub #38172 - modem_context_sprint_ip_addr returns pointer to stack array
GitHub #38170 - Shell argument in second position containing a question mark is ignored
GitHub #38168 - aarch32: flags value collision between base IRQ layer and GIC interrupt controller driver
GitHub #38162 - Upgrade to 2.6 GPIO device_get_binding(“GPIO_0”) now returns null
GitHub #38154 - Error building example i2c_fujitsu_fram
GitHub #38153 - Zephyr Native POSIX select() implementation too frequent wakeup on pure timeout based use
GitHub #38145 - [backport v2.6-branch] backport of #37787 failed
GitHub #38144 - [backport v2.6-branch] backport of #37787 failed
GitHub #38141 - Wrong output from printk() with CONFIG_CBPRINTF_NANO=y
GitHub #38138 - [Coverity CID: 239554] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_msg2.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #38137 - [Coverity CID: 239555] Unchecked return value in subsys/mgmt/hawkbit/hawkbit.c
GitHub #38136 - [Coverity CID: 239557] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/kernel.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #38135 - [Coverity CID: 239560] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_core.c
GitHub #38134 - [Coverity CID: 239563] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/host/id.c
GitHub #38133 - [Coverity CID: 239564] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll.c
GitHub #38132 - [Coverity CID: 239565] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/adxl372/adxl372_trigger.c
GitHub #38131 - [Coverity CID: 239568] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_core.c
GitHub #38130 - [Coverity CID: 239569] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/id.c
GitHub #38129 - [Coverity CID: 239572] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/kernel.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #38127 - [Coverity CID: 239579] Logically dead code in drivers/flash/nrf_qspi_nor.c
GitHub #38126 - [Coverity CID: 239581] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/modbus/modbus_core.c
GitHub #38125 - [Coverity CID: 239582] Unchecked return value in drivers/display/ssd1306.c
GitHub #38124 - [Coverity CID: 239583] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll.c
GitHub #38123 - [Coverity CID: 239584] Improper use of negative value in subsys/logging/log_msg2.c
GitHub #38122 - [Coverity CID: 239585] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll.c
GitHub #38121 - [Coverity CID: 239586] Side effect in assertion in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/nordic/lll/lll.c
GitHub #38120 - [Coverity CID: 239588] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/host/id.c
GitHub #38119 - [Coverity CID: 239592] Dereference before null check in subsys/ipc/rpmsg_multi_instance/rpmsg_multi_instance.c
GitHub #38118 - [Coverity CID: 239597] Explicit null dereferenced in tests/net/context/src/main.c
GitHub #38117 - [Coverity CID: 239598] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/adxl362/adxl362_trigger.c
GitHub #38116 - [Coverity CID: 239601] Untrusted loop bound in subsys/bluetooth/host/sdp.c
GitHub #38115 - [Coverity CID: 239605] Logically dead code in drivers/flash/nrf_qspi_nor.c
GitHub #38114 - [Coverity CID: 239607] Missing break in switch in subsys/usb/class/dfu/usb_dfu.c
GitHub #38113 - [Coverity CID: 239609] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/random/rand32_ctr_drbg.c
GitHub #38112 - [Coverity CID: 239612] Out-of-bounds read in /zephyr/include/generated/syscalls/log_ctrl.h (Generated Code)
GitHub #38111 - [Coverity CID: 239615] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #38110 - [Coverity CID: 239619] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #38109 - [Coverity CID: 239623] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/net/lib/sockets/sockets_tls.c
GitHub #38108 - nxp: usb driver build failure due to d92d1f162af3ba24963f1026fc0a304f1a44d1f3
GitHub #38104 - kheap buffer own section attribute causing memory overflow in ESP32
GitHub #38101 - bt_le_adv_update_data() assertion fail
GitHub #38093 - preempt_cnt not reset in each test case in tests/lib/ringbuffer/libraries.data_structures
GitHub #38090 - LPS22HH: int32_t overflow in pressure calculations
GitHub #38082 - Hawkbit (http request) and MQTT can’t seem to work together
GitHub #38078 - RT6XX I2S test fails after d92d1f162af3ba24963f1026fc0a304f1a44d1f3
GitHub #38069 - stm32h747i_disco M4 not working following merge of 9fa5437447712eece9c88e728ac05ac10fb01c4a
GitHub #38065 - Bluetooth: Direction Finding: Compiler warning when included in other header files
GitHub #38059 - automount configuration in nrf52840dk_nrf52840.overlay causes error: mount point already exists!! in subsys/fs/littlefs sample
GitHub #38054 - Bluetooth: host: Local Host terminated but send host number of completed Packed
GitHub #38047 - twister: The –board-root parameter doesn’t appear to work
GitHub #38046 - twister: The –device-serial only works at 115200 baud
GitHub #38044 - tests: newlib: Scenarios from tests/lib/newlib/thread_safety fail on nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns
GitHub #38031 - STM32WB - Problem with data reception on LPUART when PM and LPTIM are enabled
GitHub #38026 - boards: bl654_usb: does not support samples/bluetooth/hci_uart
GitHub #38022 - thread: k_float_enable() API can’t build on x86_64 platforms, fix that API and macro documentation
GitHub #38019 - nsim_sem_mpu_stack_guard board can’t run
GitHub #38017 - [Coverity CID: 237063] Untrusted value as argument in tests/net/lib/coap/src/main.c
GitHub #38016 - [Coverity CID: 238375] Uninitialized pointer read in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/shell.c
GitHub #38015 - [Coverity CID: 237072] Uninitialized pointer read in subsys/bluetooth/controller/ll_sw/ull_adv_aux.c
GitHub #38014 - [Coverity CID: 237071] Unexpected control flow in subsys/bluetooth/host/keys.c
GitHub #38013 - [Coverity CID: 237070] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/shell/gatt.c
GitHub #38012 - [Coverity CID: 236654] Unchecked return value in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #38011 - [Coverity CID: 236653] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/bmi160/bmi160_trigger.c
GitHub #38010 - [Coverity CID: 236652] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/fxas21002/fxas21002_trigger.c
GitHub #38009 - [Coverity CID: 236651] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/bmg160/bmg160_trigger.c
GitHub #38008 - [Coverity CID: 236650] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/fxos8700/fxos8700_trigger.c
GitHub #38007 - [Coverity CID: 236649] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/adt7420/adt7420_trigger.c
GitHub #38006 - [Coverity CID: 236648] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/sx9500/sx9500_trigger.c
GitHub #38005 - [Coverity CID: 236647] Unchecked return value in drivers/sensor/bmp388/bmp388_trigger.c
GitHub #38004 - [Coverity CID: 238360] Result is not floating-point in drivers/sensor/sgp40/sgp40.c
GitHub #38003 - [Coverity CID: 238343] Result is not floating-point in drivers/sensor/sgp40/sgp40.c
GitHub #38002 - [Coverity CID: 237060] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/host/gatt.c
GitHub #38001 - [Coverity CID: 238371] Negative array index read in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/
GitHub #38000 - [Coverity CID: 238347] Negative array index read in tests/lib/cbprintf_package/src/
GitHub #37999 - [Coverity CID: 238383] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37998 - [Coverity CID: 238381] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37997 - [Coverity CID: 238380] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37996 - [Coverity CID: 238379] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37995 - [Coverity CID: 238378] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37994 - [Coverity CID: 238377] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37993 - [Coverity CID: 238376] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37992 - [Coverity CID: 238374] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37991 - [Coverity CID: 238373] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37990 - [Coverity CID: 238372] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37989 - [Coverity CID: 238370] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37988 - [Coverity CID: 238369] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37987 - [Coverity CID: 238368] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37986 - [Coverity CID: 238367] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37985 - [Coverity CID: 238366] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37984 - [Coverity CID: 238364] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37983 - [Coverity CID: 238363] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37982 - [Coverity CID: 238362] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37981 - [Coverity CID: 238361] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37980 - [Coverity CID: 238359] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37979 - [Coverity CID: 238358] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37978 - [Coverity CID: 238357] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37977 - [Coverity CID: 238356] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37976 - [Coverity CID: 238355] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37975 - [Coverity CID: 238354] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37974 - [Coverity CID: 238353] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37973 - [Coverity CID: 238352] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37972 - [Coverity CID: 238351] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37971 - [Coverity CID: 238350] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37970 - [Coverity CID: 238349] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37969 - [Coverity CID: 238348] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37968 - [Coverity CID: 238346] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37967 - [Coverity CID: 238345] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37966 - [Coverity CID: 238344] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37965 - [Coverity CID: 238342] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37964 - [Coverity CID: 238341] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37963 - [Coverity CID: 238340] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37962 - [Coverity CID: 238339] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37961 - [Coverity CID: 238337] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37960 - [Coverity CID: 238336] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37959 - [Coverity CID: 238335] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37958 - [Coverity CID: 238334] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37957 - [Coverity CID: 238333] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37956 - [Coverity CID: 238332] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37955 - [Coverity CID: 238331] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37954 - [Coverity CID: 238330] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37953 - [Coverity CID: 238328] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37952 - [Coverity CID: 238327] Logically dead code in tests/bluetooth/tester/src/mesh.c
GitHub #37951 - [Coverity CID: 238365] Logical vs. bitwise operator in drivers/i2s/i2s_nrfx.c
GitHub #37950 - [Coverity CID: 237067] Division or modulo by zero in tests/benchmarks/latency_measure/src/heap_malloc_free.c
GitHub #37949 - [Coverity CID: 238382] Dereference before null check in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/cfg_cli.c
GitHub #37948 - [Coverity CID: 238338] Dereference before null check in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/cfg_cli.c
GitHub #37947 - [Coverity CID: 237069] Dereference before null check in subsys/bluetooth/host/att.c
GitHub #37946 - [Coverity CID: 237066] Calling risky function in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #37945 - [Coverity CID: 237064] Calling risky function in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #37944 - [Coverity CID: 237062] Calling risky function in tests/lib/c_lib/src/main.c
GitHub #37940 - Unconsistent UART ASYNC API
GitHub #37927 - tests-ci: net-lib: test/net/lib : build missing drivers__net and application has no console output
GitHub #37916 - [Coverity CID :219656] Uninitialized scalar variable in file /tests/kernel/threads/thread_stack/src/main.c
GitHub #37915 - led_pwm driver not generating correct linker symbol
GitHub #37896 - samples: bluetooth: mesh: build failed for native posix
GitHub #37876 - Execution of twister in makefile environment
GitHub #37865 - nRF Battery measurement issue
GitHub #37861 - tests/lib/ringbuffer failed on ARC boards
GitHub #37856 - tests: arm: uninitialized FPSCR
GitHub #37852 - RISC-V machine timer time-keeping question
GitHub #37850 - Provide macros for switching off Zephyr kernel version
GitHub #37842 - TCP2 statemachine gets stuck in TCP_FIN_WAIT_2 state
GitHub #37839 - SX1272 LoRa driver is broken and fails to build
GitHub #37838 - cmake 3.20 not supported (yet) by recent Ubuntu
GitHub #37830 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run queue testcases failed on ADSP
GitHub #37827 - stm32h747i_disco M4 not working, if use large size(>1KB) global array
GitHub #37821 - pm: pm_device_request
incorrectly returns errors
GitHub #37797 - Merge vendor-prefixes.txt from all modules with build.settings.dts_root in zephyr/module.yml
GitHub #37790 - Bluetooth: host: Confusion about periodic advertising interval
GitHub #37786 - Example for tca9546a multiplexor driver
GitHub #37784 - MPU6050 accel and gyro values swapped
GitHub #37781 - nucleo_l496zg lpuart1 driver not working
GitHub #37779 - adc sam0 interrupt mapping, RESRDY maps to second interrupt in samd5x.dtsi
GitHub #37772 - samples: subsys: usb: mass: Use &flash0 storage_partition for USB mass storage
GitHub #37768 - tests/lib/ringbuffer/libraries.data_structures fails to build on number of platforms due to CONFIG_SYS_CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SEC=100000
GitHub #37765 - cmake: multiple No SOURCES given to Zephyr library:
GitHub #37746 - qemu_x86_64 fails samples/hello_world/sample.basic.helloworld.uefi in CI
GitHub #37735 - Unsigned types are incorrectly serialized when TLV format is used in LWM2M response
GitHub #37734 - xtensa xcc build spi_nor.c fail
GitHub #37720 - net: dtls: received close_notify alerts are not properly handled by DTLS client sockets
GitHub #37718 - Incompatible (u)intptr_t type and PRIxPTR definitions
GitHub #37709 - x86 PCIe ECAM does not work as expected
GitHub #37701 - stm32: conflicts with uart serial DMA
GitHub #37696 - Modbus TCP: wrong transaction id in response
GitHub #37694 - Update CMSIS-DSP version to 1.9.0 (CMSIS 5.8.0)
GitHub #37693 - Update CMSIS-Core version to 5.5.0 (CMSIS 5.8.0)
GitHub #37691 - samples/subsys/canbus/isotp/sample.subsys.canbus.isotp fails to build on mimxrt1170_evk_cm7
GitHub #37687 - Support MVE on ARMv8.1-M
GitHub #37684 - Add State Machine Framework to Zephyr
GitHub #37676 - tests/kernel/device/ (and tests/subsys/pm/power_mgmt/ fails to build on mec172xevb_assy6906 & mec1501modular_assy6885
GitHub #37675 - tests/kernel/device/ fails on bt510/bt6x0
GitHub #37672 - Board qemu_x86 is no longer working with shell
GitHub #37665 - File system: wrong type for ssize_t in fs.h for CONFIG_ARCH_POSIX
GitHub #37660 - Changing zephyr,console requires a clean build
GitHub #37658 - samples: boards/stm32/backup_sram : needs backup sram enabled in DT to properly display memory region
GitHub #37652 - bluetooth: tests/bluetooth/bsim_bt/bsim_test_advx reported success but still reported failed.
GitHub #37637 - Infinite configuring loop for samplesdriversled_ws2812 sample
GitHub #37619 - RT6xx TRNG reports error on first request after reset
GitHub #37611 - Bluetooth: host: Implement L2CAP ecred reconfiguration request as initiator
GitHub #37610 - subsys/mgmt/hawkbit: Unable to parse json if the payload is split into 2 packets
GitHub #37600 - Invalidate TLB after ptables swap
GitHub #37597 - samples: bluetooth: scan_adv
GitHub #37586 - is broken
GitHub #37581 - Bluetooth: controller: radio: Change CTE configuration method
GitHub #37579 - PWM: Issue compiling project when CONFIG_PWM and CONFIG_PWM_SAM is used with SAME70
GitHub #37571 - Bluetooth: Extended advertising assertion
GitHub #37556 - Schedule or timeline of LE audio in zephyr
GitHub #37547 - Bluetooth: Direction Finding: Channel index of received CTE packet is incorrect
GitHub #37544 - Change partition name using .overlay
GitHub #37543 - Using STM32Cube HAL function results in linker error
GitHub #37536 - _pm_devices() skips the very first device in the list and suspend() is not called.
GitHub #37530 - arc smp build failed with mwdt toolchain.
GitHub #37527 - Replace mqtt-azure example with azure-sdk-for-c
GitHub #37526 - ehl_crb: edac tests are failing
GitHub #37520 - Is zephyr can run syscall or extrenal program
GitHub #37519 - friend.c:unseg_app_sdu_decrypt causes assert: net_buf_simple_tailfroom(buf) >= len when payload + opcode is 10 or 11 bytes long
GitHub #37515 - drivers: flash_sam: Random failures when writing large amount of data to flash
GitHub #37502 - OPENTHREAD_CUSTOM_PARAMETERS does not seem to work
GitHub #37495 - mcuboot: Booting an image flashed on top of a Hawkbit updated ones results in hard fault
GitHub #37491 - wrong documentation format on DMA peripheral API reference
GitHub #37482 - ‘cmd.exe’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
GitHub #37475 - twister: wrong test statuses in json report
GitHub #37472 - Corrupted timeout on poll for offloaded sockets
GitHub #37467 - Bluetooth: host: Incorrect advertiser timeout handling when using Limited Discoverable flag
GitHub #37465 - samples/bluetooth/iso_receive fails on nrf5340dk target
GitHub #37462 - Bluetooth: Advertising becomes scannable even if BT_LE_ADV_OPT_FORCE_NAME_IN_AD is set
GitHub #37461 - Schedule of LE audio in zephyr
GitHub #37460 - tests/kernel/sched/schedule_api/kernel.scheduler and tests/kernel/fifo/fifo_timeout/kernel.fifo.timeout failed on nsim_hs_smp board
GitHub #37456 - script: Unaccounted size in ram/rom reports
GitHub #37454 - Sensor driver: sht4x, sgp40, invalid include path
GitHub #37446 - Sensor driver: ST LPS22HH undeclared functions and variables
GitHub #37444 - MSI-X: wrong register referenced in map_msix_table()
GitHub #37441 - Native POSIX Flash Storage Does not Support Multiple Instances
GitHub #37436 - Delayed startup due to printing over not ready console
GitHub #37412 - IQ samples are not correct during the “reference period” of CTE signal
GitHub #37409 - Allow dual controller on usb
GitHub #37406 - ISO disconnect complete event doesn’t reach the application
GitHub #37400 - esp32 build
GitHub #37396 - DHCP issue with events not triggering on network with microsoft windows DHCP server
GitHub #37395 - stm32h747i_disco board M4 core not working
GitHub #37391 - Bluetooth: 4 Bits of IQ Samples Are Removed (Direction Finding Based on CTE)
GitHub #37386 - bt_vcs_register() enhancement for setting default volume and step
GitHub #37379 - drivers: adc for stm32h7 depends on the version for oversampling
GitHub #37376 - samples/subsys/usb/dfu/sample.usb.dfu fails on teensy41/teensy40
GitHub #37375 - tests/drivers/adc/adc_api/drivers.adc fails to build on nucleo_h753zi
GitHub #37371 - logging.log2_api_deferred_64b_timestamp tests fails running on several qemu platforms
GitHub #37367 - Bluetooth: Host: Support setting long advertising data
GitHub #37365 - STM32 :DTCM: incorrect buffer size utilization
GitHub #37346 - STM32WL LoRa increased the current in “suspend_to_idle” state
GitHub #37338 - west flash to teensy 41 fail, use blinky with west build
GitHub #37332 - Increased power consumption for STM32WB55 with enabled PM and Bluetooth
GitHub #37327 - subsys/mgmt/hawkbit: hawkbit run can interrupt a running instance
GitHub #37319 - West 0.11.0 fails in Zephyr doc build under other manifest repo & renamed Zephyr fork
GitHub #37309 - ARC: add MPU v6 (and others) support
GitHub #37307 - Use XOSHIRO random number generator on NXP i.MX RT platform
GitHub #37306 - revert commit with bogus commit message
GitHub #37305 - Bluetooth Direction Finding Support of “AoA RX 1us”
GitHub #37304 - k_timer_status_sync can lock forever on qemu_x86_64
GitHub #37303 - tests: drivers: i2s: drivers.i2s.speed scenario fails on nrf platforms
GitHub #37294 - RTT logs not found with default west debug invocation on jlink runner
GitHub #37293 - Native POSIX MAC addresses are not random and are duplicate between multiple instances
GitHub #37272 - subsys/mgmt/hawkbit: Falsely determine that an update is installed successfully
GitHub #37270 - stm32l4 System Power Management issue
GitHub #37264 - tests-ci : can: isotp: implemmentation test report FATAL ERROR when do not connect can loopback test pins
GitHub #37265 - tests-ci : kernel: scheduler: multiq test failed
GitHub #37266 - tests-ci : kernel: memory_protection: userspace test Timeout
GitHub #37267 - tests-ci : kernel: threads: apis test Timeout
GitHub #37263 - lib: timeutil: conversion becomes less accurate as time progresses
GitHub #37260 - STM32WL does not support HSE as RCC source and HSEDiv
GitHub #37258 - symmetric multiprocessing failed in user mode
GitHub #37254 - Run Coverity / Generate GitHub Issues
GitHub #37253 - west flash is failed with openocd for on macOS
GitHub #37236 - ESP32 will not start when CONFIG_ASSERT=y is enabled
GitHub #37231 - BME280 faulty measurement after power cycle
GitHub #37228 - Bluetooth SMP does not complete pairing
GitHub #37226 - PM: soc: Leftover in conversion of PM hooks to __weak
GitHub #37225 - subsys/mgmt/hawkbit & sample: Bugs/improvements
GitHub #37222 - k_queue data corruption, override user data after reserved heading word
GitHub #37221 - nRF5340: SPIM4 invalid clock frequency selection
GitHub #37213 - ESP32: can’t write to SD card over SPI (CRC error)
GitHub #37207 - drivers: serial: convert uart_altera_jtag_hal to use devicetree
GitHub #37206 - counter: stm32: Missing implementation of set_top_value
GitHub #37205 - openocd: Configure thread awareness by default
GitHub #37202 - esp32c3 build error
GitHub #37189 - Bug “Key ‘name’, ‘cmake-ext’ and ‘kconfig-ext’ were not defined” when build a zephyr application
GitHub #37188 - Get an error of “Illegal load of EXC_RETURN into PC” when print log in IO interrupt callback
GitHub #37182 - cmsis_v1 osSignalWait doesn’t clear the signals properly when any signal mask is set
GitHub #37180 - Led driver PCA9633 does nok take chip out from sleep
GitHub #37175 - nucleo-f756zg: rtos aware debugging not working
GitHub #37174 - Zephyr’s .git directory is 409 MiB, can it be squashed?
GitHub #37173 - drivers: clock_control: stm32: AHB prescaler usable for almost all stm32 series
GitHub #37170 - LwM2M lwm2m_rd_client_stop() not working when called during bootstrapping/registration
GitHub #37160 - [Moved] Bootloader should provide the version of zephyr, mcuboot and a user defined version to the application
GitHub #37159 - osThreadTerminate does not decrease the instances counter
GitHub #37153 - USB serial number is not unique for STM32 devices
GitHub #37145 - sys: ring_buffer: ring_buf_peek() and ring_buf_size_get()
GitHub #37140 - Twister: Cmake error wrongly counted in the report
GitHub #37135 - Extend the HWINFO API to provide variable length unique ID
GitHub #37134 - Add support for the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4
GitHub #37132 - Assert on enabling Socket CAN
GitHub #37120 - Documentation on modules
GitHub #37119 - tests: kernel tests hardfault on nucleo_l073rz
GitHub #37115 - tests/bluetooth/shell fails to builds on a lot of platforms
GitHub #37109 - Zephyr POSIX layer uses swapping with an interrupt lock held
GitHub #37105 - mcumgr: BUS FAULT when starting dfu with mcumgr CLI
GitHub #37104 - tests-ci : kernel: scheduler: multiq test failed
GitHub #37075 - PlatformIO: i cannot use the Wifi Shield ESP8266 to build the sample wifi project with the Nucleo F429ZI
GitHub #37070 - NXP mcux ADC16 reading 65535
GitHub #37057 - PWM-blinky for Silabs MCU
GitHub #37038 - stm32f4 - DMA tx interrupt doesn’t trigger
GitHub #37032 - document: API reference missing: In clock of zephyr document
GitHub #37029 - drivers: sensor: sensor_value_to_double requieres non const sensor_value pointer
GitHub #37028 - ipv6 multicast addresses vanish after iface down/up sequence
GitHub #37024 - Compile error if we only use VCS without VOCS and AICS
GitHub #37023 - zephyr_prebuilt.elf and zephyr.elf has inconsistent symbol address in RISC-V platform
GitHub #37007 - Problem with out of tree driver
GitHub #37006 - tests: kernel: mem_protect: stack_random: enable qemu_riscv32
GitHub #36998 - TF-M: does not allow PSA Connect to proceed with IRQs locked
GitHub #36990 - Memory misalignment ARM Cortex-M33
GitHub #36971 - ESP32: wifi station sample does not get IP address by DHCP4
GitHub #36967 - Bluetooth: public API to query controller public address
GitHub #36959 - Direction Finding - CTE transmitted in connectionless mode has wrong length
GitHub #36953 - <err> lorawan: MlmeConfirm failed : Tx timeout
GitHub #36948 - Cluttering of logs on USB Console in Zephyr when CDC Shell is enabled
GitHub #36947 - Tensorflow: Dedicated tflite-micro repository
GitHub #36929 - Failure to build OpenThread LwM2M client on nrf52840dk
GitHub #36928 - Disconnecting ISO mid-send giver error in hci_num_completed_packets
GitHub #36927 - LWM2M: Writing to Write-Only resource causes notification
GitHub #36926 - samples/boards/nrf/system_off wouldn’t compile on Particle Xenon board
GitHub #36924 - embARC Machine Learning Inference Library from Synopsys
GitHub #36917 - Runtime device PM is broken on STM32
GitHub #36909 - Shell log` commands crash the system if CONFIG_SHELL_LOG_BACKEND is not defined
GitHub #36896 - tests: net: select: still failing occasionally due to FUZZ
GitHub #36891 - Significant TCP perfomance regression
GitHub #36889 - string.h / strcasestr() + strtok()
GitHub #36885 - Update ISO API to better support TWS
GitHub #36882 - MCUMGR: fs upload fail for first time file upload
GitHub #36873 - USB AUDIO Byte alignment issues
GitHub #36869 - Direction Finding Connectionless porting to nrf52811
GitHub #36866 - CONFIG_NO_OPTIMIZATIONS=y MPU fault on Zephyr 2.6
GitHub #36865 - k_work_q seems to check uninitialized flag on start
GitHub #36859 - Possible Advertising PDU Corruption if bt_enable called in SYS_INIT function
GitHub #36858 - Static object constructors execute twice on the NATIVE_POSIX target
GitHub #36857 - i2c_samd0.c burst write not compatible with ssd1306.c
GitHub #36851 - FS logging backend assumes littlefs
GitHub #36823 - Build excludes paths to standard C++ headers when using GNUARMEMB toolchain variant
GitHub #36819 - qemu_leon3 samples/subsys/portability/cmsis_rtos_v2 samples failing
GitHub #36814 - Wrong format type for uint32_t
GitHub #36811 - Clarify Z_
APIs naming conventions and intended scope
GitHub #36802 - MCUboot doesn’t work with encrypted images on external flash
GitHub #36796 - Build failure: samples/net/civetweb/http_server using target stm32h735g_disco
GitHub #36794 - Build failure: tests/drivers/adc using stm32l562e_dk
GitHub #36790 - sys: ring_buffer: correct space calculation when tail is less than head
GitHub #36789 - [ESP32] samples blinky / gpio / custom board
GitHub #36783 - drivers: modem: hl7800 gpio init failed with interrupt flags
GitHub #36782 - drivers: serial: nrfx: Enforced pull-ups on RXD and CTS conflict on many custom boards
GitHub #36781 - source_periph incorrectly set in dma_stm32
GitHub #36778 - firmware update using mcumgr displays information for only slot 0 and not slot 1.
GitHub #36770 - doc:Missing description for deadline scheduling
GitHub #36769 - Zephyr assumes Interrupt Line config space register is RW, while ACRN hardwired it to 0.
GitHub #36767 - tests-ci :arch.arm.irq_advanced_features.arm_irq_target_state : test failed
GitHub #36768 - tests-ci :coredump.logging_backend : test failed
GitHub #36765 - [PCI] ACRN sets Interrupt Line config space register to 0 and ReadOnly.
GitHub #36764 - Bluetooth Require paired after disconnected work with iphone
GitHub #36755 - NTP client faults module when it fails
GitHub #36748 - Zephyr IP Stack Leaks when using PROMISCUOUS socket along with POSIX sockets based implementation.
GitHub #36747 - Adding Board Support for STEVAL-STWINKT1B
GitHub #36745 - Zephyr IP Stack Limited to 1514 bytes on the wire - no ICMPs beyond this limit
GitHub #36739 - coap_packet_get_payload() returns the wrong size
GitHub #36737 - Cortex M23: “swap_helper.S:223: Error: invalid offset, value too big (0x0000009C)”
GitHub #36736 - kernel: SMP global lock (and therefore irq_lock) works incorrectly on SMP platforms
GitHub #36718 - st_ble_sensor sample references wrong attribute
GitHub #36716 - zephyr - ADC - ATSAMD21G18A
GitHub #36713 - nrf5 ieee802154 driver does not compile and breaks CI
GitHub #36711 - Enable “template repository” for zephyrproject-rtos/example-application
GitHub #36696 - Json on native_posix_64 board
GitHub #36695 - net: ieee802154: cc13xx_26xx: Sub-GHz RF power saving
GitHub #36692 - Release Notes for 2.6.0 not useful (BLE API changes)
GitHub #36679 - Bluetooth - notifications not sending (bonded, CONFIG_BT_MAX_CONN=4, after disconnection then reconnection)
GitHub #36678 - Zephyr Throws Exception for Shell “log status” command when Telnet is shell backend and log is UART backend
GitHub #36668 - LittleFS example overwrite falsh memory
GitHub #36667 - logger: Filesystem backend doesn’t work except for first time boot
GitHub #36665 - l2cap cids mixed up in request
GitHub #36661 - xtensa xcc does not support “-Warray-bounds”
GitHub #36659 - samples/net/sockets small bugs
GitHub #36655 - twister: sometimes the twister fails because the error configparser.NoSectionError: No section: 'manifest'
GitHub #36652 - deadlock in pthread implementation on SMP platforms
GitHub #36646 - fails to build on mimxrt1170_evk_cm4/mimxrt1170_evk_cm7
GitHub #36644 - Toolchain C++ headers can be included when libstdc++ is not selected
GitHub #36631 - Turn on GPIO from DTS
GitHub #36625 - compilation fails while building samples/net/openthread/coprocessor for Arduino nano 33 ble
GitHub #36613 - LoRaWAN - Provide method to register a callback for received data
GitHub #36609 - could not mount fatfs on efm32pg_stk3402a
GitHub #36608 - Unable to compile USB console example with uart_mux
GitHub #36606 - Regression in udp socket performance from zephyr v2.3.0 to v2.6.0
GitHub #36600 - Bluetooth: Peripheral: Bond issue when using secure connection
GitHub #36598 - Lora driver TX done wait/synchronous call
GitHub #36593 - Failing IPv6 Ready compliance (RFC 2460)
GitHub #36590 - NVS sector size above 65535 not supported
GitHub #36578 - net: ip: Assertion fails when tcp_send_data() with zero length packet
GitHub #36575 - Modbus RTU Client on ESP32
GitHub #36572 - kernel: Negative mutex lock_count value
GitHub #36570 - Use a custom role for Kconfig configuration options
GitHub #36569 - ‘.. only:’ is not working as expected in documentation
GitHub #36568 - net: lib: sockets: Assertion fails when zsock_close()
GitHub #36565 - ehl_crb: Only boot banner is printed but not the test related details for multiple tests due to PR #36191 is not backported to v2.6.0 release
GitHub #36553 - LoRaWAN Sample: join accept but “Join failed”
GitHub #36552 - Bluetooth v2.6.0 connectable advertising leak/loss
GitHub #36540 - LoRaWAN otaa.app_key belongs to mib_req.Param.AppKey
GitHub #36524 - HSE clock doesn’t initialize and blinky doesn’t run on custom board when moving from zephyr v2.3.0 to v2.6.0
GitHub #36520 - tests/kernel/timer/timer_api/kernel.timer.tickless fails to build on npcx9m6f_evb
GitHub #36500 - espressif: cannot install toolchain on Darwin-arm64
GitHub #36496 - bluetooth: only the first Extended Advertising Report with data status “incomplete, more data to come” is issued
GitHub #36495 - dtc generates missing #address-cells in interrupt provider warning
GitHub #36486 - LOG2 - self referential macro
GitHub #36467 - runner mdb-hw not work with arc hsdk board
GitHub #36466 - tests/kernel/mem_protect/mem_protect failed with arcmwdt toolchain
GitHub #36465 - samples/compression/lz4 failed with arcmwdt toolchian
GitHub #36462 - [bluetooth stack][limited_discoverable_advertising timeout] Some problems about the lim_adv_timeout
GitHub #36448 - samples: subsys: fs: fat_fs: adafruit_2_8_tft_touch_v2: buildkite compilation failed when no i2c defined
GitHub #36447 - net: socket: socketpair: Poll call resetting all events
GitHub #36435 - RFC: API Change: Mesh: Add return value for opcode callback
GitHub #36427 - test: kernel.common.nano32: zephyr-v2.6.0-286-g46029914a7ac: mimxrt1060_evk: test fails
GitHub #36419 - test-ci: net.ethernet_mgmt: zephyr-v2.6.0-286-g46029914a7ac: frdm_k64f: test fails
GitHub #36418 - test-ci: net.socket.tls: zephyr-v2.6.0-286-g46029914a7ac: frdm_k64f: test fail
GitHub #36417 - tests-ci :coredump.logging_backend : zephyr-v2.6.0-286-g46029914a7ac: lpcxpresso55s28: test failed
GitHub #36416 - tests-ci :arch.arm.irq_advanced_features.arm_irq_target_state : zephyr-v2.6.0-286-g46029914a7ac: lpcxpresso55s28: test failed
GitHub #36414 - ESP32 with samples/net/wifi gives: net_if: There is no network interface to work with!
GitHub #36412 - Blinky on ESP32: Unsupported board: led0 devicetree alias is not defined”
GitHub #36410 - board: cc1352r_sensortag: add dts entry for hdc2080
GitHub #36408 - ARM_MPU on boards stm32_min_dev_*
without MPU enabled
GitHub #36398 - [Video API] Erroneous function pointer validation
GitHub #36390 - net: ip: Negative TCP unacked_len value
GitHub #36388 - ARM: Architecture Level user guide
GitHub #36382 - segfault when hardware isn’t emulated
GitHub #36381 - Bluetooth ASSERTION FAIL [evdone] Zephyr v2.6.0
GitHub #36380 - missing auto-dependency on CONFIG_EMUL
GitHub #36357 - tests: samples: watchdog: sample.subsys.task_wdt fails on nrf platforms
GitHub #36356 - Network fails to transmit STM32H747DISC0 board zephyr v2.6.0
GitHub #36351 - nRF: we do not always guarantee that SystemInit is inlined
GitHub #36347 - Zephyr Wifi IoT device - whats a good board to start with?
GitHub #36344 - Zephyr 2.6.0 st_ble_sensor sample is broken when compiled for nucleo_wb55rg
GitHub #36339 - samples/subsys/logging/dictionary doesn’t build under MS Windows environment
GitHub #36329 - Support for CC3120 WiFi module
GitHub #36324 - add project groups to upsteam west manifest
GitHub #36323 - Don’t set TFM_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_DEBUG by default on LPC55S69-NS if DEBUG_OPTIMIZATIONS
GitHub #36319 - Help: Asking for Help Tips page gets 404 error
GitHub #36318 - [Coverity CID: 236600] Unused value in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36317 - [Coverity CID: 236599] Unused value in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36316 - [Coverity CID: 236597] Unused value in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36315 - [Coverity CID: 236604] Untrusted value as argument in subsys/net/lib/lwm2m/lwm2m_engine.c
GitHub #36314 - [Coverity CID: 236610] Uninitialized pointer read in subsys/bluetooth/mesh/proxy.c
GitHub #36313 - [Coverity CID: 236602] Unchecked return value in drivers/modem/gsm_ppp.c
GitHub #36312 - [Coverity CID: 236608] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/mics_client.c
GitHub #36311 - [Coverity CID: 236598] Out-of-bounds access in subsys/bluetooth/audio/mics_client.c
GitHub #36310 - [Coverity CID: 236607] Missing break in switch in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36309 - [Coverity CID: 236606] Missing break in switch in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36308 - [Coverity CID: 236601] Missing break in switch in drivers/ieee802154/ieee802154_nrf5.c
GitHub #36307 - [Coverity CID: 236605] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/mics.c
GitHub #36306 - [Coverity CID: 236596] Logically dead code in subsys/bluetooth/audio/mics.c
GitHub #36305 - [Coverity CID: 236595] Logically dead code in samples/drivers/eeprom/src/main.c
GitHub #36304 - [Coverity CID: 236609] Explicit null dereferenced in subsys/bluetooth/audio/mics_client.c
GitHub #36303 - [Coverity CID: 236603] Dereference after null check in subsys/bluetooth/audio/vcs_client.c
GitHub #36301 - soc: cypress: Port Zephyr to Cypress CYW43907
GitHub #36298 - TF-M integration: add a brief user guide
GitHub #36291 - ADC and math library functions use for stm32l496
GitHub #36289 - eswifi gets a deadlock on b_l4s5i_iot01a target
GitHub #36282 - Overwrite mode for RTT logging
GitHub #36278 - ARM: Cortex-M: SysTick priority is not initialized if the SysTick is not used
GitHub #36276 - NULL pointer access in check_used_port()
GitHub #36270 - TF-M: introduce uniformity in Non-Secure target names
GitHub #36267 - net: ieee802154: software address filtering
GitHub #36263 - up_squared: kernel.memory_protection.mem_map.x86_64 failed.
GitHub #36256 - SPI4 & 3 MISO not working on nRF5340
GitHub #36255 - tests/subsys/logging/log_core failed on hsdk board
GitHub #36254 - Zephyr shell subsystem not work with ARC hardware boards.
GitHub #36250 - tests/subsys/cpp/cxx - doesn’t compile on native_posix when CONFIG_EXCEPTIONS=y
GitHub #36247 - samples: usb: testusb: Problems with using with cdc-acm
GitHub #36242 - Zephyr Upstream + sdk-nrf BLE NUS SHELL LOG/CBPRINTF build problem.
GitHub #36238 - net_if.c: possible mutex deadlock
GitHub #36237 - fs_open returns 0 on existing file with FS_O_CREATE | FS_O_WRITE
GitHub #36197 - BOSSA flashing on Arduino Nano 33 BLE (NRF52840)
GitHub #36185 - CMP0116 related warnings
GitHub #36172 - net: ieee802154: LL src/dst address is lost from received net_pkt (when using 6LO)
GitHub #36163 - nvs no longer supports the use of id=0xffff
GitHub #36131 - Occasionally unable to scan for extended advertisements when connected
GitHub #36117 - toolchain: The added abstraction for llvm, breaks builds with off-tree llvm based toolchains
GitHub #36107 - ehl_crb: Multiple tests are failing and board is not booting up.
GitHub #36101 - tfm related build rebuild even if nothing changes
GitHub #36100 - pb_gatt buf_send does not call callback
GitHub #36095 - drivers: pwm: sam: compilation failure for sam_v71b_xult
GitHub #36094 - BLE wrong connections intervals on multible connections
GitHub #36093 - Fix dt_compat_enabled_with_label behavior (or usage)
GitHub #36089 - intel_adsp_cavs25: support more than 2 DSP cores
GitHub #36088 - intel_adsp_cavs25: secondary boot fails in arch_start_cpu()
GitHub #36084 - Arduino Nano 33 BLE: USB gets disconnected after flashing
GitHub #36078 - coredump.logging_backend: lpcxpresso55s28: test failure assertion fail
GitHub #36077 - net: lib: coap: Impossible to get socket info from incoming packet
GitHub #36075 - drivers: can: stm32fd: can2 does not work
GitHub #36074 - LoRaWAN: sx126x: infinite loop on CRC error
GitHub #36061 - Undefined reference to z_priq_rb_lessthan(rbnode*, rbnode*)
when using k_timer_start in cpp file.
GitHub #36057 - Zephyr Shell Console and Logging Targeting Isolated Different Device Interfaces
GitHub #36048 - Cannot establish ISO CIS connection properly after ACL disconnected several times
GitHub #36038 - iotdk: the testcase samples/modules/nanopb can’t build
GitHub #36037 - bt_init returning success when Bluetooth initialization does not get finalized.
GitHub #36035 - struct devices should be allocated in ROM, not RAM
GitHub #36033 - Mere warnings slow down incremental documentation build from seconds to minutes
GitHub #36030 - West warnings (and others?) are ignored when building documentation
GitHub #36028 - More Description in Example Documentation
GitHub #36026 - wolfssl / wolfcrypt
GitHub #36022 - Wrong channel index in connectionless IQ samples report
GitHub #36014 - stm32g050: Missing closing parenthesis for soc prototype
GitHub #36013 - arm: qemu: run cmsis-dsp tests on the qemu target with FPU
GitHub #35999 - Unexpected Bluetooth disconnection and removal of bond
GitHub #35992 - stm32f303k8 device tree missing DACs
GitHub #35986 - POSIX: multiple definition of posix_types
GitHub #35983 - [backport v1.14-branch] backport of #35935 failed
GitHub #35978 - ESP32 SPI send data hangup
GitHub #35972 - C++ exceptions do not work when building with GNU Arm Embedded
GitHub #35971 - ehl_crb: test_nop is failing under tests/kernel/common/
GitHub #35970 - up_squared: samples/boards/up_squared/gpio_counter/ is failing
GitHub #35964 - shell_uart hangs when putting UART into PM_LOW_POWER_STATE / PM_DEVICE_STATE_LOW_POWER
GitHub #35962 - drivers using deprecated Kconfigs
GitHub #35955 - Bluetooth: Controller: Regression in connection setup
GitHub #35949 - can: mcan: sjw-data devicetree configuration is not written correctly
GitHub #35945 - SPI4 on nRF5340 not working when using k_sleep() in main
GitHub #35941 - subsys: tracing: sysview: No SEGGER_SYSVIEW.h in path
GitHub #35939 - enc424j600 driver unusable/broken on stm32l552
GitHub #35931 - Bluetooth: controller: Assertion in ull_master.c
GitHub #35930 - nRF Dongle as BLE Central Unstable Connectivity at Long-ish Range
GitHub #35926 - Shell tab-completion with more than two levels of nested dynamic commands fails
GitHub #35916 - drivers: TI cc13xx_cc26xx: build error when PM is enabled (serial, entropy, spi, i2c modules)
GitHub #35908 - Stopping DHCP with network interface goes down leaves networking state in a broken state
GitHub #35897 - Bluetooth: PTS Tester on native posix
GitHub #35890 - Build system ignores explicit ZephyrBuildConfiguration_ROOT variable
GitHub #35880 - PSA tests run indefinitely when CONFIG_TFM_IPC=y
GitHub #35870 - Build failure with gcc 11.x on native_posix
GitHub #35857 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run msgq testcases failed on ADSP
GitHub #35856 - intel_adsp_cavs15: run semaphore testcases failed on ADSP
GitHub #35850 - the sample kernel/metairq_dispatch fails on nucleo_g474re
GitHub #35835 - ADC support for STM32l496_disco board
GitHub #35809 - sample: USB audio samples are not working on STM32
GitHub #35793 - kernel.scheduler.multiq: Failed since #35276 (“cooperative scheduling only” special cases removal)
GitHub #35789 - sockets_tls: receiving data on offloaded socket before handshake causes pollin | pollerr and failed recvfrom (SARA-R4)
GitHub #35721 - Atmel sam0 Async and/or DMA may not work
GitHub #35720 - tests:kernel timer fails on test_sleep_abs with TICKLESS_KERNEL and PM on nucleo_wb55rg
GitHub #35718 - Excessive error messages from filesystem interface
GitHub #35711 - net: sockets: dtls: handshake not reset as it ought to be
GitHub #35707 - AssertionError: zephyr/tests/kernel/common test case is failing with gcc-11 (Yocto)
GitHub #35703 - posix_apis: fails at test_posix_realtime for mimxrt1024_evk
GitHub #35681 - Unable to get output for samples/subsys/logging/logger and samples/philosophers
GitHub #35668 - The channel selection of auxiliary advertisments in extended advertisments
GitHub #35663 - STM32H7: Support memory protection unit(MPU) to enable shared memory
GitHub #35658 - arch.interrupt.arm.irq_vector_table.arm_irq_vector_table: MPU FAULT Halting system for mximxrt685_evk_cm33
GitHub #35656 - arch.interrupt.arm.arm_interrupt: hangs on mimxrt685_evk_cm33
GitHub #35581 - stm32 SPI problems with DMA and INTR set-up
GitHub #35550 - nRF91: DPS310 I2C driver not working
GitHub #35532 - SSL Handshake error with modified http(s) client example
GitHub #35529 - STM32: STM32H7 ADC calibration must be performed on startup
GitHub #35429 - subsys: settings: Encryption
GitHub #35377 - add creg_gpio driver for ARC HSDK board
GitHub #35354 - Adding support for measurement of Ultraviolet(UV) Light.
GitHub #35293 - Sporadic boot failure
GitHub #35250 - Twister is not reading the serial line output completely
GitHub #35244 - twister: build failure for native_posix with GNU binutils 2.35
GitHub #35238 - ieee802.15.4 support for stm32wb55
GitHub #35229 - twister log mixing between tests
GitHub #35190 - echo_server sample non-functional rails all CPUs on native_posix_64 board build
GitHub #35055 - STM32L432KC Nucleo Reference board SWD problem after programming with Zephyr
GitHub #34917 - arch.interrupt.arm| arch.interrupt.extra_exception_info: lpcxpresso55s28 series: test failure
GitHub #34913 - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘elftools’
GitHub #34879 - mec15xxevb_assy6853: 2 GPIO test failures
GitHub #34855 - FANSTEL BT840X
GitHub #34832 - Coding Guideline - MISRA rule 14.4 not applied properly
GitHub #34829 - Bluetooth: ISO: Don’t attempt to remove the ISO data path of a disconnected ISO channel
GitHub #34767 - C++ support on ESP boards
GitHub #34760 - Hawkbit not downloading large files
GitHub #34659 - Bluetooth: HCI cmd response timeout
GitHub #34571 - Twister mark successfully passed tests as failed
GitHub #34557 - upgrade fatfs to 0.14b
GitHub #34554 - Settings FS: Duplicate finding is extremely slow when dealing with larger number of settings entries
GitHub #34544 - lib: gui: lvgl: buffer overflow bug on misconfiguration
GitHub #34543 - STM32F1 failed to compile with CONFIG_UART_ASYNC_API
GitHub #34392 - [backport v2.5-branch] backport of #34237 failed
GitHub #34391 - [backport v1.14-branch] backport of #34237 failed
GitHub #34390 - i2s: bitrate is wrongly configured on STM32
GitHub #34372 - CPU Lockups when using own Log Backend
GitHub #34354 - Please investigate adding DMA support to STM32 I2C!
GitHub #34324 - RTT is not working on STM32
GitHub #34315 - BMI270 configuration file sending to I2C seems to be not handling the last part of the configuration properly.
GitHub #34305 - Shell [modem send] command causes shell to hang after about 10 seconds, Sara R4 - Particle Boron
GitHub #34282 - HAL Module Request: hal_telink
GitHub #34273 - mqtt_publisher: Unable to connect properly on EC21 modem with bg9x driver
GitHub #34269 - LOG_MODE_MINIMAL BUILD error
GitHub #34268 - Bluetooth: Mesh: Sample is stuck in init process on disco_l475_iot
GitHub #34259 - Problem running code with memory domain
GitHub #34239 - Call settings_save_one in the system work queue, which will cause real-time performance degradation.
GitHub #34236 - External source code integration request: Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
GitHub #34231 - uzlib (decompression library)
GitHub #34226 - Compile error when building civetweb http_server sample for posix_native
GitHub #34222 - Commit related to null pointer exception detection causing UART issues
GitHub #34218 - Civetweb server crashing when trying to access invalid resource
GitHub #34204 - nvs_write: Bad documented return value.
GitHub #34192 - Sensor BME680: Add support for SPI operation
GitHub #34134 - USB do not works if bootloader badly use the device before
GitHub #34131 - TFTP client ignores incoming data packets
GitHub #34121 - Unable to generate pdf according to the documentation steps on windows
GitHub #34105 - Convert tests/kernel/workq to new kwork API
GitHub #34049 - Nordic nrf9160 switching between drivers and peripherals
GitHub #34015 - cfb sample “Device not found” for esp32 when SSD1306 is enabled
GitHub #33994 - kscan_ft5336 doesn’t provide proper up/down information when polling, and hogs resources in interrupt mode
GitHub #33960 - Zephyr for Briey SoC
GitHub #33937 - [backport v1.14-branch] backport of #26712 failed
GitHub #33932 - [backport v1.14-branch] backport of #26083 failed
GitHub #33910 - sam_v71_xult -> I2C_1 hang during scanning i2c devices
GitHub #33901 - tests: interrupt: irq_enable() and irq_disable() do not work with direct and regular interrupt on x86
GitHub #33895 - Device tree: STM32L412 and STM32L422 are missing nodes
GitHub #33883 - [backport v2.5-branch] backport of #33340 failed
GitHub #33876 - Lora sender sample build error for esp32
GitHub #33873 - arm_arch_timer: Too many clock announcements with CONFIG_TICKLESS_KERNEL=n on SMP
GitHub #33862 - [backport v2.5-branch] backport of #33771 failed
GitHub #33753 - LVGL output doesn’t match the LVGL TFT simulator for gauge widget
GitHub #33652 - Monitoring the BLE connection
GitHub #33573 - JSON_OBJ_DESCR_ARRAY_ARRAY is dangerously broken
GitHub #33554 - Request to add OM13056 board (LPC1500 family or specifically SoC LPC1519) support to Zephyr
GitHub #33544 - ehl_crb: portability.posix.common.posix_realtime failed.
GitHub #33485 - Issue with DMA transfers outside of the Zephyr DMA driver on STM32F767
GitHub #33483 - TIMESLICE and PM interaction and expected behavior
GitHub #33449 - Remove deprecated items in 2.7
GitHub #33440 - lsm6dso sensor driver not working on nRF5340
GitHub #33435 - armclang / armlinker
GitHub #33337 - twister: Find and fix all “dead” samples/tests
GitHub #33275 - ehl_crb: samples/subsys/shell/shell_module does not work
GitHub #33265 - Power Management Overhaul
GitHub #33192 - LoRaWAN - Application fails to start if module is not powered
GitHub #33113 - Improve code coverage for new feature or code change in kernel
GitHub #33104 - Updating Zephyr to fix Work Queue Problems
GitHub #33099 - ppp: termination packet not sent
GitHub #33052 - [Coverity CID :219624] Untrusted loop bound in subsys/bluetooth/host/sdp.c
GitHub #33041 - [Coverity CID :219645] Untrusted loop bound in subsys/bluetooth/host/sdp.c
GitHub #33016 - spi_nor: CONFIG_SPI_NOR_SFDP_RUNTIME leaves flash in Standby after spi_nor_configure()
GitHub #33015 - spi_nor driver: SPI_NOR_IDLE_IN_DPD breaks SPI_NOR_SFDP_RUNTIME
GitHub #32997 - Improve documentation search experience
GitHub #32990 - FS/littlefs: it is possible to write to already deleted file
GitHub #32984 - West: openocd runner: Don’t let debug mode on by default
GitHub #32875 - Benchmarking Zephyr vs. RIOT-OS
GitHub #32836 - Remaining integration failures on intel_adsp_cavs15
GitHub #32822 - Code doesn’t compile after changing the PWM pin on example “blinky_pwm” on NRF52
GitHub #32803 - Extend mcux uart drivers to support async API
GitHub #32789 - USB DFU support w/o MPU support
GitHub #32733 - RS-485 support
GitHub #32669 - [Bluetooth] sample code for Periodic Advertising Sync Transfer
GitHub #32603 - acrn_ehl_crb: test case of arch.interrupt.prevent_interruption failed
GitHub #32564 - net_buf reference count not protected
GitHub #32545 - It seems that CONFIG_IMG_MGMT_VERBOSE_ERR does not work
GitHub #32531 - cannot parse MAINTAINERS.yml
GitHub #32293 - Zephyr 2.6 Release Checklist
GitHub #32289 - USDHC: Fails after reset
GitHub #32282 - x86 ACPI images are much too large
GitHub #32261 - problem with CONFIG_STACK_SENTINEL
GitHub #32133 - Current atomics are subtly broken on AArch64 due to memory ordering
GitHub #32111 - Zephyr build fail with LLVM on Windows
GitHub #32035 - Bluetooth: application notification when MTU updated
GitHub #31993 - Add west extension to parse yml file
GitHub #31985 - riscv: Long execution time when TICKLESS_KERNEL=y
GitHub #31943 - drivers: flash: stm32: harmonization of flash erase implementation across STM32 series
GitHub #31739 - Convert CoAP unit tests to use ztest API
GitHub #31593 - civetweb hangs when there are no free filedescriptors
GitHub #31499 - lwm2m : Add visibility into observer notification success/fail
GitHub #31475 - TCP keepalive
GitHub #31473 - Failed phy request not retried and may prevent DLE procedure during auto-initiation
GitHub #31447 - MQTT idling gets disconnected when using TCP2
GitHub #31290 - dts: arm: st: standardize pwm default property st,prescaler to 0
GitHub #31253 - lis3dh driver support is confusing
GitHub #31162 - Mapping between existing and new system power management states
GitHub #31107 - libc: minimal: add qsort routine
GitHub #31043 - Infinite loop in modem cmd_handler_process
GitHub #30921 - west flash failed with an open ocd error
GitHub #30861 - drivers: uart: increase timeout precision in uart_rx_enable
GitHub #30635 - cpu_stats: Change from printk to LOG_*
GitHub #30429 - Thread Border Router with NRC/RCP sample and nrf52840dk not starting
GitHub #30367 - TCP2 does not send our MSS to peer
GitHub #30245 - Bluetooth: controller: event scheduling pipeline preemption by short schedule
GitHub #30244 - Bluetooth: controller: Extended scan window time reservation prevents auxiliary channel reception
GitHub #30243 - Bluetooth: controller: IRK resolution in extended scanning breaks auxiliary PDU reception
GitHub #30236 - Main thread sometimes looping forever before user application is reached when using UDP and IPv6 on Nucleo F767ZI
GitHub #30209 - TCP2 : How to add MSS option on sending [SYN, ACK] to client?
GitHub #30066 - CI test build with RAM overflow
GitHub #30026 - Can not make multiple BLE IPSP connection to the same host
GitHub #29545 - samples: tfm_integration: tfm_ipc: No module named ‘cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519’
GitHub #29535 - riscv: stack objects are mis-aligned
GitHub #29520 - make k_current_get() work without a system call
GitHub #29397 - Build all tests of module mcuboot
GitHub #28872 - Support ESP32 as Bluetooth controller
GitHub #28819 - memory order and consistency promises for Zephyr atomic API?
GitHub #28729 - ARM: Core Stack Improvements/Bug fixes for 2.6 release
GitHub #28716 - 2.5 Release Checklist
GitHub #28312 - Add option to enable ART Accelerator on STM32 FLASH controller
GitHub #27992 - stm32f7: usb: Bursting HID Get and Set report requests leads to unresponding Control endpoint.
GitHub #27525 - Including STM32Cube’s USB PD support to Zephyr
GitHub #27415 - Decide if we keep a single thread support (CONFIG_MULTITHREADING=n) in Zephyr
GitHub #27176 - [v1.14] Restore socket descriptor permission management
GitHub #27015 - Add custom transport support for MQTT
GitHub #26981 - Problem with PPP + GSM MUX with SIMCOM7600E
GitHub #26585 - IPv4 multicast datagrams can’t be received for mimxrt1064_evk board (missing ethernet API)
GitHub #26256 - NRF51822 BLE Micro module: hangs on k_msleep() (RTC counter not working)
GitHub #26136 - CMake Error in Windows Environment
GitHub #26051 - shell: uart: Allow a change in the shell initalisation to let routing it through USB UART
GitHub #25832 - [test][kernel][lpcxpresso55s69_ns] kernel cases meet ESF could not be retrieved successfully
GitHub #25182 - Raspberry Pi 4B Support
GitHub #25015 - Bluetooth Isochronous Channels Support
GitHub #24854 - docs: Using third-party libraries not well documented in Memory partitions docs
GitHub #24733 - Misconfigured environment
GitHub #24200 - USB GET_INTERFACE response always 0, even when an alternate setting is used
GitHub #24051 - double to sensor_val
GitHub #23745 - Align PS/2 handlers with the handlers found in other drivers
GitHub #23723 - Poor sinf/cosf performance compared to the Segger math libraries
GitHub #23349 - Question: How to add external soc, board, DTS, drivers and libs?
GitHub #22731 - Improve docker CI documentation
GitHub #22705 - Implement counter driver for lpcxpresso55s69
GitHub #22702 - Implement I2S driver for lpcxpresso55s69
GitHub #22455 - How to assign USB endpoint address manually in stm32f4_disco for CDC ACM class driver
GitHub #22210 - Bluetooth - bt_gatt_get_value_attr_by_uuid
GitHub #22131 - ARM Cortex_R: CONFIG_USERSPACE: external interrupts are disabled during system calls
GitHub #21869 - IPv6 neighbors get added too eagerly
GitHub #21648 - improve documentation on meta-IRQ threads
GitHub #21519 - RFC: libc: thread-safe newlib
GitHub #21339 - Expired IPv6 router causes an infinite loop
GitHub #21293 - adding timeout the I2C read/write functions for the stm32 port
GitHub #21205 - get_device_list only available if power management invoked
GitHub #21167 - libraries.libc.newlib test fails
GitHub #20576 - DTS overlay files must include full path name
GitHub #20409 - USB: Create webusb shell
GitHub #20236 - usb: api: Cleanup of current inclusion path for USB
GitHub #20171 - support external spi nor flash on mimxrt1060-evk
GitHub #19882 - Add support for multiple channel sampling to STM32 ADC driver
GitHub #19328 - Logger could block in thread at certain log message pool usage
GitHub #18960 - [Coverity CID :203908]Error handling issues in /lib/libc/newlib/libc-hooks.c
GitHub #18896 - Concurrent Multi-Protocol Support NRF52840
GitHub #18850 - Bluetooth: controller: Advertiser following directed advertiser will have corrupt data
GitHub #18386 - [Coverity CID :203443]Memory - corruptions in /subsys/bluetooth/host/rfcomm.c
GitHub #18351 - logging: 32 bit float values don’t work.
GitHub #18316 - Support for unregistering bt_conn callbacks
GitHub #18042 - Only corporate members can join the slack channel
GitHub #17748 - stm32: clock-control: Remove usage of SystemCoreClock
GitHub #17692 - Proper way for joining a multicast group (NRF52840/OpenThread)
GitHub #17375 - Add VREF, TEMPSENSOR, VBAT internal channels to the stm32 adc driver
GitHub #17021 - revise concurrency control in kernel/userspace.c
GitHub #16761 - nrf52840 usb driver with openthread
GitHub #16671 - ideas for future of the settings
GitHub #15841 - Support AT86RF233
GitHub #15793 - Unable to load binaries into iotdk
GitHub #15676 - Support instrumentation for time spent in various power states
GitHub #15555 - Counter Docs Missing Callback Context Note
GitHub #14308 - Better integration between system and device power modes.
GitHub #12405 - add test to catch issues fixed in PR #12384
GitHub #11773 - Add Bluetooth support for Silicon Labs EFR32MG12
GitHub #11702 - Add support for nrfx i2s driver
GitHub #11519 - Add at least build test for cc1200
GitHub #11193 - ARM V8M Trusted Execution Environments and Zephyr
GitHub #11028 - CONFIG_LOAPIC_SPURIOUS_VECTOR not being tested
GitHub #11000 - USB 2.0 high-speed support in Zephyr
GitHub #10930 - Extending string formatting function
GitHub #10676 - Feature Required: DFU over Thread network
GitHub #10378 - watchdog: Limitation with the current watchdog API for Nordic devices
GitHub #10324 - Publish PDF with the release doc build
GitHub #10198 - Add support for FRDM-STBC-AGM01 sensor shield
GitHub #8876 - Adapt net/l2/ieee802154 subsystem to new shell subsystem
GitHub #8275 - when zephyr can support popular IDE develop?
GitHub #7001 - ST Sensors: Driver factorization
GitHub #6777 - Add copyright handling to contributing doc
GitHub #6657 - Question: Is Bluetooth avrcp supported in Zephyr? Or any plan?
GitHub #6493 - need APIs for ranged random number generation
GitHub #6450 - Several devices of same type on same bus - how to address?
GitHub #6117 - Make sanitycheck aware of DTS and HW support
GitHub #4911 - Filesystem support for qemu
GitHub #1392 - No module named ‘elftools’
GitHub #3886 - Add mutual authentication to net/crypto examples
GitHub #3885 - Add real entropy to crypto-based net samples
GitHub #3884 - Improve the TLS and DTLS examples to use best practices on security
GitHub #3879 - k_thread_abort vs k_thread->fn_abort()
GitHub #3677 - Implement HCI Zephyr extensions
GitHub #3199 - xtensa: simplify linker scripts
GitHub #2811 - Investigate having timeout code track tick deadlines instead of deltas
GitHub #2619 - Define APIs for hashing/ Message Authentication
GitHub #2248 - Split LE Controller: style fixes