Snippets for nRF54L05 and nRF54L10

You can emulate the nRF54L05 and nRF54L10 targets on an nRF54L15 device using the following snippets:


Snippet name

Compatible board targets

nRF54L05 snippet



nRF54L10 snippet




You cannot use these snippets with the FLPR core because all memory, including RAM and RRAM, is allocated to the application core.

Currently, using the snippets is supported only on the nRF54L15 DK board.


Trusted Firmware-M (TF-M) is not yet supported for nRF54L05 and nRF54L10 emulated targets.

nRF54L05 snippet

The emulated-nrf54l05 snippet emulates the nRF54L05 target on an nRF54L15 device.

You have the following options to add the emulated-nrf54l05 snippet to the build configuration:

When building with west, use the following command pattern, where board_target corresponds to your board target and <image_name> to your application image name:

west build --board board_target -- -D<image_name>_SNIPPET="emulated-nrf54l05"

nRF54L10 snippet

The emulated-nrf54l10 snippet emulates the nRF54L10 target on an nRF54L15 device.

You have the following options to add the emulated-nrf54l10 snippet to the build configuration:

When building with west, use the following command pattern, where board_target corresponds to your board target and <image_name> to your application image name:

west build --board board_target -- -D<image_name>_SNIPPET="emulated-nrf54l10"