How to customize the SUIT DFU process

Nordic Semiconductor provides a Software Update Internet of Things (SUIT) sample (Introduction to SUIT) which uses predefined configurations in the build system. The specified Kconfig options in the sample can be used to customize the DFU process and integrate the DFU solution with external build systems. This guide provides a comprehensive set of instructions for modifying values in the SUIT manifest.

Overview of the SUIT DFU procedure

The SUIT DFU protocol is essential for secure, reliable firmware updates in IoT devices, particularly for the nRF54H20 SoC. It consists of two main concepts: the SUIT envelope and the SUIT manifest.

  • The SUIT envelope acts as a secure container for transporting firmware updates, encapsulating the firmware binary and its manifest.

  • The SUIT manifest is a structured file with metadata essential for the update process, including firmware version, size, and hash for integrity verification.

Default manifest templates are provided by Nordic Semiconductor and used by default during application build. These templates are suitable for simple cases and form the basis for generating SUIT envelopes and manifests tailored to specific application requirements. Customization of these templates is crucial for specific use cases and security requirements.

For detailed guidance on customizing these templates and creating your own templates, refer to the How to use your own manifest section.

Overview of the SUIT DFU procedure

Overview of the SUIT DFU procedure


For this user guide, the following development kit is required:

Hardware platforms


Board name

Board target

nRF54H20 DK




Software requirements

This guide requires the following software:

  • Toolchain Manager - For installing the full nRF Connect SDK toolchain.

  • Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code - The recommended IDE for nRF Connect SDK.

  • nRF Connect for VS Code extension - An add-on for Visual Studio Code for developing nRF Connect SDK applications.

  • nRF Command Line Tools - Mandatory tools for working with nRF Connect SDK.

  • suit-generator - A Python package by Nordic Semiconductor for generating SUIT envelopes and manifests.

Download instructions are in the README file in the suit-generator repository.

Build system configuration

By default the build system generates SUIT envelopes using predefined manifest templates provided by Nordic Semiconductor. These templates can be found in modules/lib/suit-generator/ncs, and are suitable for standard development needs.

Three manifests are used in the most common case:

  • Root manifest - root_with_binary_nordic_top.yaml.jinja2

  • Application domain manifest - app_envelope.yaml.jinja2

  • Radio domain manifest - rad_envelope.yaml.jinja2


The radio domain manifest template is available only for the Bluetooth® Low Energy version of the SUIT: Device firmware update on the nRF54H20 SoC, not the UART version.

The process of building a SUIT envelope (which contains the manifests) can be summarized with the following diagram:

Modifying manifest templates workflow

Modifying manifest templates workflow

Manifest templates (.jinja2) files are rendered to YAML files. These YAML files are used as a representation of the output binary SUIT envelopes. The provided manifest templates (.jinja2) files contain variables (represented as components), such as memory ranges, names, and paths to binaries. The component values are filled out automatically by the build system during the manifest rendering.

Variables in the provided templates, like memory ranges and paths to binaries, are filled out by the build system.

How to use your own manifest

Changing the source of manifest templates allows you to create manifest files on your own, without relying on the templates provided by Nordic Semiconductor.

The source of the manifest templates can be configured by setting the following Kconfig options:

One example is demonstrated with the following case:

The provided user-defined manifest templates are stored in C:\my_default_templates.

The following files are used to create the SUIT envelope:

  • Root envelope - root.yaml.jinja2

  • Application domain - app.yaml.jinja2

  • Radio domain - radio.yaml.jinja2

To build the described example with the provided user-defined manifest templates:

Run the following command:

west build -d C:/ncs-lcs/work_dir/build/ -b nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp -p -- -DSB_CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_ROOT_TEMPLATE=\"c:/my_default_templates/root.yaml.jinja2\" -DCONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_TEMPLATE=\"c:/my_default_templates/app.yaml.jinja2\" -Dhci_ipc_CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_TEMPLATE=\"c:/my_default_templates/radio.yaml.jinja2\"

For more information about the Kconfig options used in this example, see the SUIT Kconfig options.

Customize Vendor and Class UUIDs

Customizing UUIDs used for class and vendor IDs enhances security and is recommended for specific use cases. Values for class-identifier and vendor-identifier in the manifest are created based on the CONFIG_SUIT_MPI_<MANIFEST_ROLE>_VENDOR_NAME and CONFIG_SUIT_MPI_<MANIFEST_ROLE>_CLASS_NAME Kconfig options. Specifically, in the basic case:

These Kconfigs are used during Manifest Provisioning Information (MPI) generation. After the MPI has been flashed, it is read by the Secure Domain Firmware, which can then use it to verify if the UUIDs in a manifest are correct,

As as an example, after adding the following lines to the prj.conf file:


You will find the following lines in the generated manifest .yaml file build/DFU/application.yaml

- suit-directive-override-parameters:
       RFC4122_UUID: ACME Corp              # Changed vendor-identifier value
       RFC4122_UUID:                        # Changed class-identifier values
         namespace: ACME Corp
         name: Light bulb

Variables and methods available in the manifest templates

The manifest templates have access to the following:

  • Devicetree values (edtlib object)

  • Target names

  • Paths to binary artifacts

  • Application version

Some of these values are stored in the Python dictionaries that are named after the target name. (Therefore, Python is used within the .jinja2 files to fill in the necessary values in the manifest(s).) For example, for the SUIT: Device firmware update on the nRF54H20 SoC there will be two variables available: application and radio. The target names (the names of these variables) can be changed using the CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_TARGET Kconfig option for a given image. Each variable is a Python dictionary type (dict) containing the following keys:

  • name - Name of the target

  • dt - Devicetree representation (edtlib object)

  • binary - Path to the binary, which holds the firmware for the target

Additionally, the Python dictionary holds a variable called version that holds the application version. With the Python dictionary you are able to, for example:

  • Extract the CPU ID by using application['dt'].label2node['cpu'].unit_addr

  • Obtain the partition address with application['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition']

  • Obtain the size of partition with application['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition'].regs[0].size

  • Get the pair of URI name and the binary path by using '#{{ application['name'] }}': {{ application['binary'] }}

  • Get the application version with suit-manifest-sequence-number: {{ sysbuild['config']['SB_CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_SEQUENCE_NUM'] }}

Additionally, the get_absolute_address method is available to recalculate the absolute address of the partition. With these variables and methods, you can define templates which will next be filled out by the build system and use them to prepare the output binary SUIT envelope. The examples below demonstrate the use of these variables and methods.

Set component definition and memory ranges

In modules/lib/suit-generator/ncs/app_envelope.yaml.jinja2 , the component definition and memory ranges are filled out by using the edtlib (devicetree values) object like so:

- - MEM
- ``{{ application['dt'].label2node['cpu'].unit_addr }}``
- ``{{ get_absolute_address(application['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition']) }}``
- ``{{ application['dt'].chosen_nodes['zephyr,code-partition'].regs[0].size }}``


See the Component page for a full list and table of the available customizable components.

Set integrated payload

In modules/lib/suit-generator/ncs/app_envelope.yaml.jinja2 , the integrated payload definition is done using the target name and binary location:

``'#{{ application['name'] }}': {{ application['binary'] }}``

Root manifest template

The file modules/lib/suit-generator/ncs/root_with_binary_nordic_top.yaml.jinja2 contains content that is dynamically created, depending on how many targets are built. The following example only shows a selected portion of the root manifest file. For more information, see the file available in the sample and Jinja documentation:

{%- set component_index = 0 %}                                                  # Initialize the `component_index variable`.
                                                                                # This variable will be used to assign component indexes dynamically depending on
                                                                                # How many cores have been built.

{%- set component_list = [] %}                                                  # Initialize the `component_list variable`.
                                                                                # This variable will be used to execute `suit-directive-set-component-index` over
                                                                                # all components, except the first one with index 0.

        suit-digest-algorithm-id: cose-alg-sha-256
      suit-manifest-version: 1
      suit-manifest-sequence-number: {{ sysbuild['config']['SB_CONFIG_SUIT_ENVELOPE_SEQUENCE_NUM'] }}                              # Assign value defined in the `CONFIG_APP_VERSION` Kconfig option.
         - - CAND_MFST
         - 0
{%- if radio is defined %}                                         # Add section below only, in case the radio core has been already been built.
   {%- set component_index = component_index + 1 %}                             # Increment `component_index`.
   {%- set radio_component_index = component_index %}              # Store the current component index for further use.
   {{- component_list.append( radio_component_index ) or ""}}      # Append the current component index to the common list.
     - - INSTLD_MFST
       - RFC4122_UUID:
           name: nRF54H20_sample_rad
{%- endif %}
{%- if application is defined %}
{%- set component_index = component_index + 1 %}
{%- set app_component_index = component_index %}
{{- component_list.append( app_component_index ) or ""}}
      - RFC4122_UUID:
          name: nRF54H20_sample_app
{%- endif %}

Reference for editing manifest values

Some entries in the YAML file will filled in automatically, (upon first build of the sample) by the build system in the final binary DFU envelope.


YAML entry

Value in the output binary envelope

UUID calculation





Digest calculation for provided file


file: application.bin

<digest value created for application.bin content>

Image size calculation for provided file


file: application.bin

<size calculated for application.bin content>

Attaching data to the envelope as an integrated payload



<application.bin binary content>

For more information, see the example YAML files available in modules/lib/suit-generator/examples/input_files .

How to use the manifest generator

The suit-generator tool is used by the build system to create and parse SUIT envelopes. This Python-powered tool can be used as a command-line application, a Python module, or a script.

To use suit_generator from the command line:

pip install <workspace>/modules/lib/suit-generator
suit-generator --help
suit-generator create --input-file input.yaml --output-file envelope.suit
suit-generator parse --input-file envelope.suit

As a Python module:

from suit_generator import envelope
envelope = SuitEnvelope()

Executing the Python script from the command line:

python <workspace>/modules/lib/suit-generator/ create --input-file input.yaml --output-file envelope.suit

Edit build artifacts

The SUIT: Device firmware update on the nRF54H20 SoC /build/DFU directory contains several artifacts related to the SUIT process:

  • ./build/DFU/radio.yaml

  • ./build/DFU/application.yaml

  • ./build/DFU/root.yaml

  • ./build/DFU/radio.suit

  • ./build/DFU/application.suit

  • ./build/DFU/root.suit

These files can be used with the suit-generator for various purposes, such as recreating SUIT files, restoring YAML files from a binary SUIT envelope, debugging a SUIT envelope, and converting between different SUIT-related file types.


You must build the sample at least once to make these artifacts available.

Recreate SUIT files

To recreate SUIT files:

suit-generator create --input-file ./build/DFU/root.yaml --output-file my_new_root.suit

Restore YAML files from a binary SUIT envelope

To restore a YAML file from a binary SUIT envelope:

suit-generator parse --input-file ./build/DFU/root.suit --output-file my_new_root.yaml

Debug a SUIT envelope

To debug a SUIT envelope, by printing their parsed content to the stdout, run the following:

suit-generator parse --input-file ./build/DFU/root.suit


The previous command can be extended by parsing the dependent manifests by calling:

suit-generator parse --input-file ./build/DFU/root.suit --parse-hierarchy

Convert between file types

All mentioned artifacts can be converted back-and-forth, remembering that calculated and resolved YAML entries like UUIDs or files will be presented as a RAW value in the form of HEX strings.

For example, if you have an input entry like the following:

      name: nRF54H20_sample_app

This entry will be presented, after parsing, as the following:

   raw: 08c1b59955e85fbc9e767bc29ce1b04d

Reference for suit-generator

Find more information about the suit-generator in modules/lib/suit-generator/ and its documentation.

To build the suit-generator documentation:

cd <workspace>/modules/lib/suit-generator
pip install ./
pip install -r doc/requirements-doc.txt
sphinx-build -b html doc/source/ doc/build/html