GATT Discovery Manager

The GATT Discovery Manager handles service discovery on GATT servers.

When a client connects to a peer device that has a desired server, service discovery is necessary to ensure that the client interacts with the server’s characteristics using the correct attributes handles. Service discovery is also important because Bluetooth® LE advertising does not mandate that all services are advertised. To actually know if a service is present on a peer device, you must perform a service discovery.

The GATT Discovery Manager simplifies the usage of Zephyr’s bt_gatt_discover() function by processing the data using predefined filters.

The GATT Discovery Manager is used, for example, in the Bluetooth: Central HIDS sample.


Only one discovery procedure at a time can be running.

API documentation

Header file: include/bluetooth/gatt_dm.h
Source file: subsys/bluetooth/gatt_dm.c
GATT Discovery Manager API