GATT DFU SMP Service Client

This library implements a Simple Management Protocol (SMP) Service Client that you can use in the context of Device Firmware Updates (DFU). SMP is a basic transfer encoding for use with the mcumgr management protocol. See SMP over Bluetooth for the service specification.

You can use the SMP Client library to interact with Zephyr’s SMP server.

The SMP Client implements only the service. It does not provide any functionality to process or interpret SMP commands and responses.

The SMP Service Client is used in the Bluetooth: Central SMP Client sample.

Service UUID

The 128-bit service UUID is 8D53DC1D-1DB7-4CD3-868B-8A527460AA84 (16-bit offset: 0x0001).


This service has one characteristic that is used for both requests and responses.

SMP Characteristic (DA2E7828-FBCE-4E01-AE9E-261174997C48)

Write Without Response
  • Write an SMP command with data.

  • Response to the SMP command is sent using notification.

  • Multiple notifications may be generated if the response does not fit in a single MTU.



Do not access any of the values in the bt_dfu_smp object structure directly. All values that should be accessed have accessor functions. The reason that the structure is fully defined is to allow the application to allocate the memory for it.

MTU negotiation

The current DFU SMP Server implementation in the SMP server requires the whole command to be sent in one transfer. For most operations, this requires a bigger MTU size than the default one. This requires MTU negotiation in the MTU exchange process (see bt_gatt_exchange_mtu()). Writing long characteristic values is not supported.

This is a limitation of the SMP server, not of the SMP Client.

Sending a command

To send a command, use the bt_dfu_smp_command() function. The command is provided as a raw binary buffer consisting of a bt_dfu_smp_header and the payload.

Processing the response

The response to a command is sent as a notification. It is passed to the callback function that was provided when issuing the command with the bt_dfu_smp_command() function.

Use the bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state() function to access the data of the current part of the response. As the response might be received in multiple notifications, use the bt_dfu_smp_rsp_total_check() function to verify if this is the last part of the response. The offset size of the current part and the total size are available in fields of the bt_dfu_smp_rsp_state structure.

API documentation

Header file: include/bluetooth/services/dfu_smp.h
Source file: subsys/bluetooth/services/dfu_smp.c
Bluetooth LE GATT DFU SMP Client API