RAM power-down

The RAM power-down library is a basic module for disabling unused sections of RAM, which allows to save power in low-power applications.

To disable unused RAM sections, call power_down_unused_ram(). This function will automatically disable all memory regions that are not used by the application. To enable back unused RAM sections, call power_up_unused_ram().


power_down_unused_ram() powers down memory regions that are outside of the _image_ram_end boundary. Accessing RAM that is powered down results in a bus fault exception. Working with an indirectly accessed memory that is not associated with any variable or a memory segment does not cause the _image_ram_end symbol to increase its value. For this reason, do not access powered down RAM sections when using this power optimization method.


power_down_unused_ram() does not power down segments of RAM reserved by the Partition Manager. If you need to reserve a segment of RAM, create your own RAM partition using the Partition Manager.

API documentation

Header file: include/ram_pwrdn.h
Source files: lib/ram_pwrdn/
RAM Power Down