Generic OnOff Server

The Generic OnOff Server contains a single controllable On/Off state.


The Generic OnOff Server model contains the following state:

Generic OnOff: boolean

Generic boolean state representing an On/Off state. Your application is expected to hold the state memory and provide access to the state through the bt_mesh_onoff_srv_handlers handler structure.

Changes to the Generic OnOff state may include transition parameters. When transitioning to a new OnOff state:

  • The state should be on during the entire transition, regardless of the target state. This ensures that any bound non-binary states can have non-zero values during the transition. Any request to read out the current OnOff state while in a transition should report the current OnOff value being on.

  • The remaining_time parameter should be reported in milliseconds (including an optional delay).

If the transition parameters include a delay, the state must remain unchanged until the delay expires.

Extended models


Persistent storage


API documentation

Header file: include/bluetooth/mesh/gen_onoff_srv.h
Source file: subsys/bluetooth/mesh/gen_onoff_srv.c
Generic OnOff Server model