Breathing-blinking LED (BBLED)
This sample allows to test the Microchip led-xec driver which uses the breathing-blinking LED (BBLED) controllers. The SoC design is fixed allowing each BBLED control over one specific GPIO.
MEC15xx and MEC172x:
BBLED controller 0 uses GPIO 0156.
BBLED controller 1 uses GPIO 0157.
BBLED controller 2 uses GPIO 0153.
MEC172x has a fourth instance of BBLED:
BBLED controller 3 uses GPIO 0035
Test pattern
For each LEDs (one after the other):
Turning on
Turning off
Blinking on: 0.1 sec, off: 0.1 sec
Blinking on: 1 sec, off: 1 sec
Board Jumpers
mec172xevb_assy6906 evaluation board
- BBLED0: GPIO 0156.
Connect GPIO 0156 to board LED4 by placing a wire from JP71-11 to J47-3.
Make sure there are no jumpers on JP54 1-2 and JP21 4-5
- BBLED1: GPIO 0157.
Connect GPIO 0156 to board LED5 by placing a wire from JP71-12 to J48-3.
Make sure there are no jumpers on JP54 3-4 and JP21 16-17
- BBLED2: GPIO 0153.
Connect GPIO 0153 to board LED7 by placing a wire from JP71-5 to JP146-5.
JP146-5 is connected to MEC172x VCI_OUT1 without a jumper. Force VCI_OUT1 high by forcing VCI_IN1 high: install jumper on J55 3-4 which pulls VCI_IN1 to the VBAT rail via a 100K pull-up. Requires VBAT power rail is connected to VTR or some other power source.
- BBLED3: GPIO 0035.
Connect GPIO 0035 to board LED7 by placing a wire from JP67-19 to JP146-1.
Make sure there is no jumper on JP79 17-18.
JP146-1 is connected to MEC172x VCI_OUT2 without a jumper. Force VCI_OUT2 high by forcing VCI_IN2 high: install a jumper on J55 5-6 which pulls VCI_IN2 to the VBAT rail via a 100K pull-up. Requires VBAT power rail is connected to VTR or some other power source.
mec15xxevb_assy6853 evaluation board
- BBLED0: GPIO 0156.
Add jumper on JP41 1-2 to connect GPIO 0156 to board LED2
Remove jumper on JP31 13-14
- BBLED1: GPIO 0157.
Add jumper on JP41 3-4 to connect GPIO 0157 to board LED3
Remove jumper on JP31 15-16
- BBLED2: GPIO 0153.
Add jumper on JP41 3-4 to connect GPIO 0153 to board LED4
Remove jumper on JP31 17-18
Building and Running
This sample can be built and executed on all the boards with the LEDs connected. The LEDs must be correctly described in the DTS. Each breathing-blinking LED controller is fixed by chip design to connect to one GPIO. The bbled node must have its PINCTRL properties set to the correct GPIO.