Video TCP server sink


This sample application gets frames from a video capture device and sends them over the network to the connected TCP client.


This samples requires a video capture device and network support.


On NXP MIMXRT1064-EVK, The MT9M114 camera module should be plugged in the J35 camera connector. A USB cable should be connected from a host to the micro USB debug connector (J41) in order to get console output via the freelink interface. Ethernet cable must be connected to RJ45 connector.

Building and Running

For NXP MIMXRT1064-EVK, the sample can be built with the following command. If a mt9m114 camera shield is missing, video software generator will be used instead.

west build -b mimxrt1064_evk --shield dvp_fpc24_mt9m114 samples/drivers/video/tcpserversink

Sample Output

Video device detected, format: RGBP 480x272
TCP: Waiting for client...

Then from a peer on the same network you can connect and grab frames.

Example with gstreamer:

gst-launch-1.0 tcpclientsrc host= port=5000 \
    ! videoparse format=rgb16 width=480 height=272 \
    ! queue \
    ! videoconvert \
    ! fpsdisplaysink sync=false

For video software generator, the default resolution should be width=320 and height=160.


See also

Video Interface
BSD Sockets compatible API